Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 24 Funding

Summary: Zhang Yu revealed his space power to his father and brought a lot of materials to the Long family.

Just as Zhang Yu and Long's father were chatting happily, Long Xiang came over and looked at his gorous appearance. It could be seen that he had almost rested.

"Have you had a good rest?" Seeing Long Xiang coming over, Long's father asked.

"Ye, there is no problem anymore." Long Xiang replied.

"Well, the food I asked you to prepare before is almost ready. You two can eat first. I have something to do, so I'll go first." Seeing Long Xiang coming, Long's father almost chatted with Zhang Yu, so he left the space for the two juniors and left with a smile.

"Just now, what are you talking about with your father? You are so happy. I haven't seen my father smile so much for a long time." After seeing Long's father leave, Long Xiang asked curiously.

"I didn't talk about anything, just talking about ordinary life!" Zhang Yu replied innocently. Of course, there were still some things about Long Xiang when he was a child, but she would not tell Long Xiang.

"Real?" Long Xiang was very confused about this.

"Ye" Zhang Yu nodded.

"Bright, didn't you say before that you would leave some food for your family this time? Then, do you want to tell Dad about my space? After seeing Long Xiang coming and knowing what happened to the Long family before, Zhang Yu asked.

"Let's talk about this matter then. Now we have to support this matter at home. We must keep it confidential. No one can tell it, okay?" Long Xiang looked at Zhang Yu very seriously.

"Ye, don't worry! I know what to do." Zhang Yu also replied seriously.

"Don't worry about these things. I will talk to my father. Don't worry. I have everything." Long Xiang doesn't want Zhang Yu to have too much pressure. He wants to protect her and doesn't want her to be affected by family affairs.

"Okay, I know. In the future, I will only act as your behind-the-scenes, your logistics, okay?" Seeing Long Xiang's serious appearance made Zhang Yu a little uncomfortable. She found that Long Xiang had been very oppressive since he returned to the Long family, and his temperament had also changed a lot, which made her a little uneasy.

"You don't have to worry so much. I promise you that we will go back after dealing with the matter here." Aware of Zhang Yu's uneasiness, Long Xiang quickly comforted him.

"Ye, I know." Zhang Yu replied in a low voice.

After that, the two began to eat silently and stopped talking.

Long's father was a very decisive person. After discussing with Long Xiang, he began a series of actions. Soon, several other people in the family were also persuaded by the father and son, agreed to the demands of the radicals in the family, and the whole family began to split into two parts.

Because the separation is made by radicals, and their request is stipulated in the ancestral teachings that their behavior is equivalent to leaving the family and betraying a family. Therefore, they must move out of the Long family, and in the future, the Long family will no longer recognize that they are part of the family, and him We will no longer have any relationship.

A family needs to pay a lot of cost to cultivate talents. If these people want to leave the family once they have the ability, then the family is definitely unwilling to. Therefore, many families have set the punishment of this kind of behavior very heavily. Once such a thing happens, they will be investigated to the end. If a person If you want to leave your own family, the conditions are also very harsh, and no one wants to make wedding clothes for others.

The regulations in the ancestral training are very harsh. Of course, those radicals disagree, because if they agree, they will lose everything. However, after all, this matter is put forward by themselves. They can ignore other things, but they It must be obtained.

Most of these radicals are bewitched. They blindly believe that they can leave the Long family, but they believe that without the constraints of these conservatives, they can live much better than they are now. Heroes in troubled times are now a great opportunity. They even hope that through their efforts, they will definitely create a more prosperous family than the current Long family.

Long Xiang and his son discussed with the leaders of the radicals several times and promised them that the Long father would distribute the grain they requested before, but since then, these people have nothing to do with the Long family. In the future, no matter what happens to them, they have nothing to do with the Long family. In the future, they can't act outside under the banner of the Long family.

After hearing the dragon father's previous conditions and knowing that the dragon father would give them food, these people actually agreed without thinking about it. Seeing that these people did not even hesitate for a moment, he agreed. Long's father's mood and complexity, and the goal were achieved. However, he was relieved to see that these people had no no nostalgia of the Long family, which made him feel and disappointed.

After the conditions were agreed, the Long family separated. One person left the Long family with their own food, and most of the people left behind were conservatives. In their hearts, this was the family business of their ancestors and could not be deviated. Of course, there were still some radicals left behind, who looked down on conservatives. However, they were ironically afraid that they did not have the courage to go out, so they finally chose to stay.

After this incident, although Long's father was still very strong and knew in his heart that it was right to do so, he still suddenly looked much older, because he felt that the Long family was divided in his hands.

Seeing that Long's father was so sad, Long Xiang wanted to persuade him and himself to leave here, but the old man was still stubborn and resolutely refused to leave. In the end, Long Xiang had to give up.

Many people left, and the Long family was empty a lot and became much cleaner all of a sudden. Everyone also knows that the patriarch is in a bad mood at this time, so at this time, everyone acts cautiously and seems very peaceful.

Although others dare not disturb the patriarch at this time, several elders in the family did not have any scruples in this regard. Previously, they agreed to Long's father's proposal because Long Xiang promised to give his family a batch of supplies. Of course, the quantity must exceed the part divided. However, now those people have left, and this batch of things has not been traced yet, so these people are beginning to worry.

Although Long's father was still immersed in his sadness at this time, he was a person who priorited things, so after these people mentioned food with him, he immediately went to Long Xiang.

Long Xiang originally didn't want to expose Zhang Yu's space, but now it has been flooded and there is water everywhere. It is very difficult to find a place to hide this batch of supplies. Later, after discussing with Zhang Yu, he decided to confess to Long's father and tell him the truth of the matter.

Both of them know that even if the dragon father is old and hot, even if this matter is told to him, he can be completely assured.

Sure enough, when the two told the dragon father Zhang Yu's space ability, the dragon father was very surprised, but he immediately calmed down and became calm. In order to give the old man a deeper understanding, Zhang Yu directly took the two into his own space.

What he saw with his own eyes was indeed more shocking than what he heard. When Zhang Yu came to his medicine field with his father, his expression was the same as Long Xiang's original appearance. His eyes were shining and he couldn't move.

Zhang Yu smiled and said nothing, thinking that these two people were really father and son! At this time, Long's father did not have the previous decadence. Seeing this, Zhang Yu felt very relieved and felt that it was really right to tell Long's father about this matter.

After walking around the space with the dragon father, a group of people came to rest in the house in the space. After seeing the magic of Zhang Yu's space with his own eyes, the Dragon Father was very relieved, because he knew that as long as this space existed, everyone could survive better in this troubled world.

Seeing such convenience here, he felt a little guilty when he received the supplies before, but now he has completely disappeared. This place is simply a convenient mobile production base. With it, you won't be afraid of lack of food in the future.

After discussing, the three finally decided to enter the warehouse at home and put these materials directly. Although this will cause some doubts, as long as the three of them don't say anything, although others will doubt, they can only guess that one of the three has space powers. You will guess that it is actually a planting base.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~