Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 38 Chen Feng Reappearance

Summary: Chen Feng kept chasing the whereabouts of Fan Yaoyin's sister and brother all the way, and also came to this safe area.

Early that morning, I saw a young man coming to S City. S City happens to be the city where Fan Yaoyin and sister and brother are now. If they see this young man, they will definitely recognize this person immediately, because this person and their sister and brother have a great relationship. People are Chen Feng.

At this time, Chen Feng has been completely reborn, and the previous childish Chen Feng has gone away with the wind. Now, what remains is Chen Feng, who is mature, steady and powerful. Before that, Chen Feng experienced the death of his father, the coldness and warmth of human feelings, and deep self-reproach, finally enabled him to break through the limits of human beings and become a powerful mutant.

After Chen Feng became a mutant, his psychology also changed some subtle changes, from the previous childishness to the later extreme. The information Long Xiang gave him at the farewell ceremony made him feel like a knife. His father's body was going to become an experiment, thinking about his father who was meticulous about himself. He will be dissected by those scientists and used to do various experiments. His heart is dripping blood, which he can't stand in any way.

Chen Feng can't stand others blaspheming his beloved father's body in any case. His father died because he died. How could he make him restless and die without a whole body? Therefore, he was extreme.

He did not admit the various accusations that Long Xiang had made against Chen Feng before. He had always thought that he was excellent. Teachers and classmates liked him so much, but because Long Xiang was silent and not as popular as him, he was actually jealous of him, so he made a lot of difficulties for himself. Although his father often praised Long Xiang, saying that he was not ordinary and let Chen Feng have a good relationship with him, Chen Feng sneered at this, thinking that his father gave Long Xiang face because of Professor Long.

However, when his father had an accident, Long Xiang's performance was indeed much better than him. At that time, he only knew that he was sad and at a loss, but Long Xiang was working hard to run around for his father's affairs. Compared with himself, Long Xiang was more like his father's son. If Long Xiang hadn't been there, he wouldn't have seen his father's body at all. Those who had returned him amiable before had completely changed their attitude towards themselves after his father's death.

All this made Chen Feng unable to explain. He felt that his world completely collapsed in an instant. It turned out that what he thought was just what he thought, but others didn't think so at all. His previous life was just like a joke.

And Long Xiang, who he had always thought was very ordinary, was indeed not ordinary at all, as his father said. Seeing the heartfelt respect for him by those teachers and classmates, he understood that Long Xiang was not unpopular, but that he had completely surpassed the ordinary existence. His classmates only Deep admiration is not that I don't get close to him, but that I don't dare to stand with him at all.

Chen Feng's whole world was completely subverted, and he suddenly matured a lot, as if he suddenly broke his past intellectual disability and finally could see the essence of things.

In fact, although Chen Feng is very naive, under the guidance of Professor Chen, his own essence is not bad, but he is too simple and well protected. He has never been exposed to the dark side of society. Therefore, Professor Chen, who has been shielded him from the wind and rain, is not After that, he showed so helplessness and numbness, because he didn't know how to deal with these things at all. No one had handed him over before, and he never worried about such things.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, Chen Feng is very grateful to Long Xiang. He thanked him for his help and for taking out his father's body so that his father can say goodbye to everyone decently. Although he cruelly let him know his father's ending, although Long Xiang's attitude towards him It's very bad, but Chen Feng doesn't blame Long Xiang. He knows that Long Xiang is too disappointed in his incompetence.

Long Xiang was very disappointed with his performance. Why didn't Chen Feng himself be disappointed in himself? At that time, his father told him so solemnly that he should not talk about the wine. However, he still said that his father didn't like Fan Yaoyin's sister and brother, but he wanted Fan Yaoyin to be his girlfriend. His father hoped that he could In order to inherit his manor, however, he listened to other people's opinions and studied finance.

In his past life, other people's opinions always seemed to be better than his father's. He often ignored his father's opinions and thought that his decision was wise, but his father just wanted to plan his life according to his own will. He ignored his father's hard work of staying up late to consult information for him because of his decision.

Chen Feng recalled his life for more than 20 years. He felt that he was very "smart" in his life. Looking back now, it was really a mess. However, even so, his father still loved him, obeyed him, and wanted to give him the best of everything, so that he didn't have to worry about anything.

However, how did he repay his loving father? He indirectly killed him. Thinking of this, Chen Feng's heart was like a knife and painful. Unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in the world, and nothing can be repeated.

However, Chen Feng was not reconciled. Although he knew that he was powerless, he still could not watch those people use his father's body for experiments. He eagerly hoped that he could get inhuman power, but a powerful power to change his current situation.

God's pity may be his repentance and determination to become stronger, so this time he finally realized his wish. After some ideological struggle, Chen Feng became a mutant.

Chen Feng often ate the fruit that Professor Chen brought home before (the special fruit given by Zhang Yu gave to Professor Chen. Professor Chen thought it was delicious and took it home for his son to eat every time). Later, he drank cider. In addition, he has been practicing Taijiquan with his father since he was a child. Therefore, after Chen Feng became a mutant, he was very powerful. Big, he is the best among the mutants. In addition, he can also do martial arts, so his ability is very high.

Finally, I have extraordinary ability. Many things that I couldn't do before can be done now, and Chen Feng will do it immediately. The first thing he did was to sneak into the address in the information Longxiang gave him and steal his father's body.

Kneeling in front of his father's body, Chen Feng deeply repented and vowed to avenge him. After that, he cremated his father and buried it by his mother's grave, because he was afraid that his father would feel lonely without his company.

After dealing with his father's affairs, Chen Feng left H city and began his own road of revenge. He used everything he knew to inquire about the whereabouts of Fan Yaoyin and his brother. Unfortunately, the sister and brother were very cunning and never stayed in one place too much. Every time, Chen Feng felt that he had to When he found them, he was always empty, but Chen Feng was not discouraged by it.

With the passage of time, the nirvana of heaven and earth began, and various disasters continued to break out. Human beings were full of disappointment and fear enveloped all people. Many information systems were paralyzed. Chen Feng finally lost the trace of Fan Keyin's sister and brother. However, he did not give up and still worked hard to find it. There was no information source. He used the stupidest and most primitive way to take the photos of Fan Yaoyin's sister and brother and look for people everywhere.

Huangtian lived up to his expectations and finally asked him to find out some news. When he knew that Fan Keyin's sister and brother had arrived in S City, he began to rush here non-stop. Unfortunately, he still came a little late. At this time, Fan Yaoyin and his brother had entered the safe zone and no longer appeared outside. Therefore, Chen Feng has not found the traces of their sister and brother until now.

However, the busyness during this period is not completely useless, because he learned from a person who had been robbed by Fan Yaoyin that Fan Yaoyin had indeed appeared here recently.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~