Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 47 Chen Feng's Decision

Summary: Under Liu Wei's clever persuasion, Chen Feng decided to live in this safe area with him.

When Sister Chen saw Fan Keyin's appearance, she understood the reason for Chen Feng's exception, because Chen Feng had asked her to investigate the woman's whereabouts before. Unfortunately, Chen Feng had not been very lucky before. Every time he was just one step late and was run away by this woman.

Chen Feng has asked her to investigate more times, and she is already familiar with the woman's appearance. Therefore, I recognized Fan Keyin at the first sight.

He knew that Fan Keyin was Chen Feng's father's enemy. He didn't want her to be better. She could understand. However, what this woman said before was also his girlfriend. Is it a little psychopathic for him to do this now? In the past, he was quite a normal person, although he was a little colder.

"I'll leave her to you. I hope you can take more care of her in the future. She is a woman who can confuse men, so you'd better be more careful in the future." Chen Feng ignored the strange eyes cast by Sister Chen and said blankly.

"Don't worry, I'm much better than you in dealing with your daughter. I'll give her to my men and make sure to be obedient. She will do whatever you let her do." Hearing Chen Feng's words, Sister Chen replied disapprovingly. She specializes in this. What kind of woman she has never seen before.

"Find someone to get some water and wake her up. I want to tell her this surprise in person." Hearing Sister Chen's words, Chen Feng was relieved.

"Water, the faucet is over there. You can do it yourself. I didn't know before. You still have this hobby." Sister Chen curled her lips and said with a little contempt. She was not very interested in this kind of thing. After talking to Chen Feng, she turned her attention to Liu Wei, who accompanied Chen Feng.

Who is Liu Wei? After seeing Sister Chen looking at her, she immediately introduced herself. Unexpectedly, the two quickly chatted together and seemed to be very close to each other. Both of them felt a little too late to meet.

Here, Chen Feng picked up the water, slowly walked to Fan Keyin and poured all the water on her face. After being drugged, Fan Keying, who was dreaming, woke up.

However, when she opened her eyes and saw Chen Feng standing beside her and looking at her condescendingly, her eyes wide, if she saw a ghost. She looked at the unfamiliar environment around her and saw Liu Wei, who was talking happily with a woman she didn't know, but she didn't see his brother Fan Hui. She just woke up and couldn't understand why she just slept and came here? In addition, she actually saw Chen Feng.

"Why did you see me and feel surprised? Do you feel uneasy not to see your brother? Do you think it's strange that you suddenly came here? Chen Feng slowly broke the doubts in Fan Keying's heart now.

"I kindly told you that I brought you here. As for your brother, don't worry, I sent him to a very safe place where he can make better contribute to the country - the Institute of Evolution. How about this? Are you satisfied with the case?" Chen Feng said condescendingly.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Fan Keyin felt numb and couldn't say a word, leaving only deep fear and uneasiness. Now Chen Feng is no longer the Chen Feng she knows. Now he gives people a very evil feeling, which makes people dare not face it and makes people afraid. He actually sent his brother to the experimental base for research for those crazy people, so what would he do with himself? What should I do?

"It turns out that you care more about your own situation than your brother. You are too ruthless. Your brother will definitely be very sad when he knows it. Speaking of this, Chen Feng suddenly paused.

"However, I am a very friendly person. If you want to know your situation, I will kindly tell you." Chen Feng looked at Fan Keyin with a smile, as if he could see through her heart, which made her feel panic and without any privacy.

"At dinner today, I watched a good play and saw that you worked so hard to please a man. You also flattered me like this before. In the middle, I don't know if you have still flattered others, so I came to a conclusion: you like to seduce men." Speaking of this, Chen Feng looked at Fan Keyin with a smile, as if he were looking at a very cheap object.

"So, I kindly brought you here. After arriving here, you don't have to work so hard, because in the future, you don't have to please, and those men will take the initiative to come to you. How about it? I'll treat you well!" Chen Feng pretended to be very kind and said hypocritically.

When he saw Fan Keyin's slowly changing bloodless pretty face, he laughed happily.

Liu Wei and Sister Chen, who were talking happily, couldn't help but turn their heads and look at them after hearing Chen Feng's laughter. Fan Keyin lowered his head and looked very pitiful, while Chen Feng stood next to him and laughed in a good mood. The expressions of the two were completely opposite.

"Well, I've finished my business today, so I won't stay." When he felt the eyes of Liu Wei and the two, he said.

"Afeng, there are thousands of mistakes. It was all my fault before. Don't do this to me. I beg you." At this time, Fan Keyin, who reacted, hurriedly pleaded with Chen Feng, hoping that he could bypass himself. At the same time, she immediately changed into a tearful look. In the past, Chen Feng liked her very much. Whenever she begged him like this, he always softly agreed to all his requests.

Unfortunately, she ignored that Chen Feng was no longer Chen Feng in those years and had no pity for her. Therefore, Chen Feng did not look at her, but turned directly and walked to the door.

Although Liu Wei was a little reluctant to leave when he saw that Chen Feng was leaving, he could only leave with him.

"Brother Liu, I beg you, take me away. As long as you take me away, I will promise you any conditions." Seeing Chen Feng's ruthless appearance, Fan Keyin knew that it was useless to beg him. At this time, when he saw Liu Wei coming over, he immediately turned his head and pleaded with him.

"Actually, Sister Chen is a very good person. You'd better stay at ease." Liu Wei had no feeling for a woman like Fan Keyin, but he still comforted Fan Keyin hypocritically, and then quickly chased Chen Feng's figure and left here.

Fan Keyin, who lost all hope, lost all his strength in an instant and fell to the ground.

"Where are you going? Everyone is so familiar with it. Why don't you move to my place first? Now two rooms are just empty. Liu Wei didn't want to lose contact with Chen Feng. You know, half of the reward Chen Feng promised him hasn't arrived yet.

Although this young man's personality is a little strange, his character is still guaranteed. The most important thing is that he has only been with him for such a short time and has seen so much. If he can get this man well, it must be of great help to build his power in the future.

"You see, you have also avenged now, and Fan Yaoyin is also here. You can often see their tragic end in the future to solve the direct hatred. Also, you have so many acquaintances here, why don't you stay here? Liu Wei continued his skillful persuasion.

Chen Feng's greatest wish is to avenge his father. Now, his father's revenge has finally been revenged, and he is the only one left in the family. The world has become what it is now. In fact, it doesn't matter to Chen Feng where to go.

Before, the goal that Chen Feng had been fighting for was gone. He suddenly felt that his heart was suddenly empty and became empty. There is some truth in what Liu Wei said. It is a good choice to stay here to see the tragic end of the enemy, give yourself a little sustenance of life, and let yourself know that you are still alive.

After making a decision, Chen Feng walked to Liu Wei's residence without hesitation.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~