Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 59 Bitterness

Susp: Finally, the water came out, and the villagers came with all the hardships.

Zhang Jian was young and enthusiastic. He was felt by the righteousness of these people and promised to continue to drill wells. In the end, several other people were persuaded one by one. After that, the village head immediately notified the news and solemnly announced to the villagers that the well had the blessing and blessing of gods, as long as they persisted Unremitting excavation, at that time, it will definitely come out of the water, so that everyone should not be desolate and keep calm. Finally, with the help of the gods, the village head finally calmed down the situation for the time being.

People are not making trouble for the time being, but the water reserves in the village can't support it for a long time. Oral persuasion is not a long-term solution, so it is necessary to speed up the progress of well drilling. Now, the dissolution of the water-drawing team and the water-seeking team also has an advantage, that is, there is a large amount of labor left. Now these people have nothing to do, so most of these people automatically come to the temple to help drill wells.

Of course, these people who come to help can't play much role, but it is also an encouragement.

Now, the people in the whole village are united, waiting for water to come out of the well. However, although many people came to help, the physical fitness of these people does not allow them to go down to the deep well at all, because the air there is very thin, and ordinary people will soon suffocate after going down. Therefore, the main work is still done by the previous nine people. Later, these people only It's just a fight.

However, many people are powerful. After these people came here, it did make Zhang Jian's previous work much easier to a certain extent. Now, they don't have to do any chores, they just need to take turns to dig wells at the bottom of the well.

Are you tired? How is the well-drilling going today? Do you think you can get water? On this day, after Zhang Jian returned home, Zhang's mother asked. In the past two days, Zhang Jian and the previous people worked day and night. They took turns to rest with each other. The well drilling work was carried out almost 24 hours a day. The current water storage in the village could not be delayed at all. Therefore, after some discussion, they could only be Xin They are suffering.

"I'm not very tired, but I can't stand looking at the "expectation" eyes of those who come to help!" Zhang Jian said in a low voice that his spirit was not very good.

"Hey! At this special time, everyone has no choice. Our family is because of your second sister. Otherwise, there is no water to drink at home. Seeing that the family can only be thirsty, you will know what it tastes like. Zhang's mother was aside to untie the way.

"Of course, I know that the lack of water is a very uncomfortable thing, but they look at us like this and expectantly every day. Every time the water doesn't come out, they are disappointed and sigh over there, giving us a lot of pressure! It makes me feel sad." Speaking of these things, Zhang Jian seemed to be in a bad mood, and his tone couldn't help but increase by a few decibels.

"Everyone just sighs, and there is nothing else. Just put up with it." Zhang's mother continued to enlighten.

"Of course I understand what you said! However, you don't know that on my way back, some people look at me very wrong, as if they can't make water, it's all the fault of us who drill wells! Is it possible that we now have to bear the responsibility of drilling a well 24 hours a day and paying so much labor as a whole? Speaking of this, Zhang Jian was very angry and found that the people in the village had begun to change recently.

At the beginning, his eyes were still very ordinary and full of expectation. Later, when there was no water, they began to sigh beside him. Up to now, these people's eyes have begun to change, which is very strange. Some people even began to complain, resent and other emotions. These people put him Their negative emotions were all vented on Zhang Jian and others, which made Zhang Jian very annoyed. The ** and blood when digging the well, the glorious feeling, now I don't know where to fly.

"Has anyone said anything dissatisfied with you?" Hearing Zhang Jian's words, Zhang's mother also frowned. She saw her son's hard work these days. The weather was so hot that he made him dark and thin. It was very distressed for her as a mother. If someone was still dissatisfied with her son, she would not be willing to.

Now Zhang's mother is no longer the former mother of Zhang. Compassion and so on have been almost worn away by reality. Especially after losing her brother's whereabouts not long ago, Zhang's mother looks more and more heavily to her current relatives. In addition, her family itself is not short of water, so if her son really suffers If there is any harm, she will not be afraid of others and will decisively let her son end his current job.

"Why, if you can't dig out the water, did the villagers start to blame you?" At this time, Zhang Yu, who happened to come downstairs, heard Zhang Jian's words and asked.

"Although everyone didn't say it, the way they look at me now is always strange. Although they don't say it verbally, I know that's what they mean in their hearts!" Zhang Jian replied with some interest.

"I also feel that recently, the mood of the villagers has become very unstable, and the whole village is filled with an anxiety, so you'd better be careful not to stay outside after work and come back immediately. Although everyone's mood is calm now, this calmness is based on the fact that water will definitely come out of this well. If there is no water in the well, then everything such as peace and peace will be a floating cloud. Zhang Yu explained.

"There is no water, and I also know that everyone is very anxious, but isn't it all for them that I work so hard to dig wells? I'm doing good things, but..." At this point, Zhang Jian's tone was very angry and with some doubts.

"Who asked you to do things is always so impulsive? There was no one among the people who drilled the well before, so you have to join in this fun. Now I'm complaining here. Now that I have done it, I will continue to stick to it. It's just that the groundwater level is a little deeper. As long as you try to dig down, there will always be water. It's just that time can't be guaranteed. Zhang Yu didn't say this sentence, because she knew that the village really couldn't wait now.

"As long as the well is drilled deep, I also believe that water will come out. However, as the depth of the well continues to extend downward, now after going down the well, we can't breathe at all. Although we are stronger than ordinary people, we are not strong enough not to breathe. It has been a long time. I can't stand it at all, so the progress of the work can't be accelerated at all. Speaking of this, Zhang Jian is also helpless.

"It doesn't matter. If the progress is not fast, it will be fast. Let's take our time." Hearing Zhang Jian's words, Zhang's mother hurried aside and said that she didn't want her son to have any accident when digging the well.

"Don't care about those people. Just do what our mother said and take your time. There's nothing you can do. If those people complain, let them go down and dig to see their ability. What a good or evil guy." Zhang Yu has been in a bad mood recently because of Long Xiang's affairs. Now after hearing about Zhang Jian, he can't help but become very grumpy.

"I know." After seeing his mother and sister now, Zhang Jian sighed in his heart and stopped talking.

Although Zhang Jian did not agree with his sister and mother's words, after venting his dissatisfaction, his mentality slowly began to calm down. No matter how strange his eyes were, after seeing more, he also became resistant. Slowly, his face became thicker and thicker. Finally, what kind of eyes and gossip were opened. He began to ignore it, so he started to work again, and he was not as busy as before. It was really not slow at the beginning.

On this day, the villagers' floating mood reached its peak, because the water left in the village has been used up now. If the well can't get out of the water, they may die of thirst. Under the horror of death, the restlessness in people's hearts finally reached its peak.

However, fortunately, maybe it is really the blessing of the gods, and finally it is extremely prosperous. On this day, the well that people have been waiting for for a long time finally came out of water. After hearing the news, the whole village couldn't help but rejoice.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~