Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 63 Under Safe Food

Outline: The government began to sell safe food outside the safe area.

Before, farmers planted grain for high yield. Because of the use of hybrid seeds, the grain planted mutated and made it impossible to eat, resulting in a shortage of food. As a result, the state began to strictly manage grain and divided the existing grain into three levels. First-class grain is high-quality grain and second-class grain. For safe food, third-class food is edible food.

First-class grain is the grain grown from traditional grain, that is, the grain that has not mutated, and is the most popular grain at present; the third-class grain, also known as edible grain, is the grain produced by the mutation of those hybrid seeds, including the crops produced after the variation of this summer harvest are third-class grain. Although the appearance is the same as ordinary food, it tastes bitter, and even there may be a certain degree of genetic harm. It is only edible (as long as you can tolerate that taste, you are not afraid of physical problems). You can also fill your stomach when you eat it, but what will happen after eating it? It's my own business.

As for the standard of second-class grain, the government did not publish the standard of "safe food" together at that time, so even now, there is no way to know its standard. This time, the government suddenly publicized that it had developed safe food and began to sell it outside the safe area. As soon as the news was released, it caused a lot. Strong reaction.

The introduction of safe food is very simple. It is just a kind of food developed by botanists. Although it is not as good as high-quality food, it can be eaten safely without any side effects. This news is undoubtedly a timely life-saving straw for people who are seriously short of food. Whether the news is true or not, people choose to believe it.

The people of Z now have very simple requirements for life, only to fill their stomachs and survive. Really, that's all the people are asking for now.

The emergence of safe food originated from the initial crop mutation. That incident, because of the initial lack of attention and the deliberate concealment of some intentional people, many botanists have been planted on it. Since then, the government has begun to organize and study these mutant grains. After that, because the food is getting tighter and tighter Therefore, the research has paid more and more attention to it, and the hard work has lived up to. Now, it has finally successfully developed safe food.

Now, this kind of safe food has finally become a strong needle in Z country. Once announced, it will certainly cause a great sensation.

Sister, did I hear you correctly just now? The government said it would sell grain to everyone!" Zhang Jian, who heard the news, felt incredible and unbelievable.

"I heard the same as you. It seems that there is nothing wrong with this matter. I just don't know whether this so-called sale of safe food is true or not. Why haven't I heard of it at all before? Zhang Yu was temporarily skeptical about this matter, because it really came so suddenly that it was difficult to feel real.

"This kind of food can only be sold in the safe area. We are so remote and so far away from the safe area. Nowadays, it is so chaotic outside that we can't get there safely. In addition, it is said that it is to be sold to the outside world, but how to sell it, how to buy it, and the previous money can still be used. ? It's all a problem!" The more he analyzed, the more Zhang Yu felt confused and began to be uncertain about the news.

At this time, Zhang's father, Zhang's mother, Long Xiang and Zhang Yi's family all came to the living room with a radio. It seems that everyone has just heard the news, so they consciously concentrated in the living room.

"I just heard the news that the government announced that it would sell grain, so won't we be so chaotic here?" Zhang's mother asked first. Now, she lives every day carefully and is very frightened.

"It's hard to say at present. After all, we are so far away from the safety zone. Previously, due to the influence of the summer harvest, many safety zones have been announced to be disbanded. At present, there are not many surviving safe areas, so it is even more difficult to pass! Besides, our village doesn't have the strength to get there either. After hearing Zhang's mother's words, Zhang Yu replied regretfully.

"So, this news is useless at all." After hearing Zhang Yu's reply, Zhang's mother suddenly became a little depressed.

"It can't be said that it's completely useless." At this time, Long Xiang suddenly said.

Hearing his words, everyone couldn't help focusing their eyes on Long Xiang and waiting for his next follow-up. However, at this time, another message was played on the radio. As soon as the news was broadcast, it attracted everyone's minds.

This news is that due to the success of the development of safe food, the government can produce enough food for existing people in the future. Therefore, the government will expand the safety zone this time. Not only that, but also popularize the safety zone. Now the first batch of expanded safety zones have been built and started to be put into use. These security zones are established in military regions across the country, and food has been transported in place, but they will be operational immediately.

It happens that there is a military region near Zhang Yu's village. Previously, people in this military region came to Zhang Yu's village to collect grain once. The people who collect grain and Zhang Yu are also acquaintances. If the news is true, then it means that this military region has become a safe area now. In this way, it can Solve the current situation of Zhang Yu's village.

"I didn't expect the government to be so bold this time! Unconsciously, so many safety zones have been established, and food has been transported to various safety zones. Before that, there was no information at all. After listening to the news, Zhang Yu's heart was also full of emotion.

"Hey! If only I had known the news earlier, the people who went out before in the village would..." Speaking of this, Zhang's mother, the villagers before, were very sorry.

"The current situation is so chaotic. If the previous news leaks, many people will definitely have the idea of these foods, then these foods may not be safely transported to various new security zones." Long Xiang still knows more about these things and analyzes them very rationally.

"Now that there is such a shortage of food, people outside are looking for food like crazy. No wonder the government has hidden it before." Zhang Yu also agreed with it.

"In this way, the people in our village don't have to live like this. These days, I feel that I will be moldy all over my body." Zhang Jian said excitedly that he was really suffocated.

"If we can buy enough food, we can overcome the difficulties in our village and the situation in the village will be improved. However, the conditions for buying and selling have not been announced on the radio, and we don't know how to buy it. Now, our village can It's still unknown that these things can't be taken out. After thinking for a while, Long Xiang said thoughtfully that the information he has at present is relatively limited, and his grasp of the overall situation is not clear. Generally speaking, it has to be discussed from a long-term perspective.

"Anyway, this is a good thing. There is always hope, isn't it?" Zhang Yi is quite optimistic about this matter. Zhang Yu and others hide a lot of things from Zhang Yi and others, so when she thinks about things, it has always been quite simple.

"Ye, it's really a good thing. This must be blessed by God. Thank God!" Zhang Yi's parents-in-law also conformed to the Tao. Since they came to this village and saw the miracles shown by the gods in the temple, the two old men have become loyal believers of the gods.

"Sister, what kind of food do you think this safe food is? Why did so much appear all of a sudden! Where on earth did the government grow it? At this time, Zhang Jian said doubtfully.

"I don't understand this, but the process is not important, as long as you know that the result is good." Although Zhang Yu is also very confused about this, she is not a person who likes to get into the horns. Now, there is no need to pursue the bottom.

After some discussion, the conversation between the family became easier and easier. The depression of some time ago has slowly faded away, and the atmosphere at home has become much calmer.

Through strong spiritual perception, Zhang Yu found that after the release of these news, the powerful negative emotions in the air began to weaken. Although it has only weakened a little, in general, it is a happy thing. Safe food appeared in a timely manner.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~