Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 8 Clean up plants

Summary: In order to survive, people begin to take care of the plants around them.

Although it is very difficult for plants to evolve perfectly, it is very easy to just want to mutate. Therefore, in order to adapt to the current natural environment, they began a crazy mutation. The scale of this mutation is very large. It is precisely because of this that this mutation of plants can enter human beings. In the sight, when human beings noticed this phenomenon, it immediately caused a strong panic.

Nowadays, human beings can't even feed themselves, so animals have long disappeared among human beings. Therefore, now, human beings rely on various plants to maintain their own survival. However, now, this backer has finally begun to protest and begin to change. In this way, this is like What's good?

Plants can no longer rely on. How can they survive in the future? Thinking of this, human beings suddenly became desolate. At this time, the war and hatred between the groups had long been lost. Because at this time, all organizations are facing the same enemy, that is, the plants now.

Nowadays, the mutations of plants are diverse and in different directions. The so-called difference is thousands of miles away. Once the composition changes, their use will also change accordingly. Therefore, now, people can no longer distinguish plants by their appearance, because no one is sure that these plants are Under the same coat, is it the same inside?

Now, people only know in general that plants are dangerous, and they should be careful when facing plants. However, people can't distinguish and know which plant is dangerous, so people can only choose the stupidest way to deal with it, which is to get rid of all the plants around them.

So, people began to clean up plants. In the past, they planted all kinds of food with an extremely precious heart, but now they have to clean them up. When people see that the food they take care of is gone, they only feel incomparable pain in their hearts, but they have no choice. However, not everyone will do this, and some people have not cleaned up the hard-earned grain they have planted.

When a person can't be hungry, grass roots bark and even worse food can be eaten. As long as they can fill their stomachs, these people don't care whether the food they eat is a mutated food, and after eating these foods, they have various effects on their bodies. I don't care, because living in this troubled world, people live a good day every day. After experiencing more, they will muddle along. With the idea of getting drunk today, they will no longer care about what will happen tomorrow.

People who are not prepared will only feel extremely flustered and at a loss in the face of plant mutation. They don't know where to start. Therefore, watching what others do and what they do, cleaning up the plants around them can ensure their own safety. At the beginning, someone did this, so everyone The same will be followed.

It is not difficult to clean up plants that have just begun to mutate but cannot move at will, because most plants, even if they have some mutations, have not been able to escape from the category of race. Their disappearance is just plants, which are inseparable from the land that nourishes them. Therefore, these jobs, There is nothing difficult for people.

The work of cleaning up plants is not a challenge for human beings, but the key is that this behavior has caused psychological panic and despair, and the plants around them have been cleaned up, which indicates that their food sources will be gone in the future. So, etc. When the food in your hand runs out, where should you go?

"I really didn't expect the evolution of this plant to be like this. The range of changes this time is too wide. Even the most ordinary grass may find mutations, which is really unexpected!" During this period, after learning about the situation outside from the radio, Zhang Yu couldn't help sighing. She didn't expect that things were so far from what she expected.

"Yes! The probability of plant mutation has reached almost 100%. The evolution of humans and animals can't be compared with them at all!" Hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zhang Jian also sighed.

"This time, the plant thing is really unexpected. I don't know whether it is good or bad for the future development." Long Xiang considered more of these changes and had an impact on the future.

"This matter has completely messed up the village, and now everyone is in danger." Zhang Yi also said uneasily that the previous positive atmosphere of the whole village has completely disappeared.

"Do you really need to do this? These plants, even if they mutate, can't do us any harm at all, can they? Zhang Jian is a little puzzled by people's attitude towards this matter. Many plants, in fact, are very weak and cannot pose a great threat to human beings at all, but people avoid them like tigers.

"People do this because they are too afraid. Since they can't find the right solution, they have to do so. If you don't dispose of all of them, it will be too late to deal with them once the plants around you mutate into attributes that can hurt you. After hearing Zhang Jian's words, Long Xiang thought for a while and replied thoughtfully.

"So that's it! However, other plants are really pitiful!" After listening to Long Xiang's words, Zhang Jian said thoughtfully.

"Well, now the village has become like this. How should we live in the future!" At this time, Wang Lin suddenly said with emotion. During this period, he learned a lot from Zhang Yu and others, and he finally understood the narrowness he had seen before. However, knowing so much in such a short time made him feel very confused and powerless.

Wang Lin had been exercising very hard to improve his strength. He longed for his strength. However, during this period, he found that the world was not what he had always knew. Facing this world that was too different from his imagination, he suddenly felt that he was powerless. He felt No matter how hard he tried, he could not change his fate in the face of the great existence of nature. This sense of powerlessness made him very frustrated and depressed, making him unable to see his future direction.

Hearing Wang Lin's words, Wang's father and mother also felt that the future of the family was extremely dark. Suddenly, their faces became difficult to look.

"Actually, you don't have to worry so much. If you really can't live here, we will move to another place to live. We have prepared another place and stored a lot of food there." At this time, Zhang's father suddenly opened his mouth. Of course, if they can't live in that place, they still have Zhang Yu's space, which is their last way out, but he feels that it's not time to tell the Wang family.

"Really? Is that place safe? Is there a lot of food stored? After hearing his father-in-law's words, Wang Lin suddenly cheered up and immediately asked.

"That place is very safe, and there is a lot of food stored, which is enough for us. Don't worry." Zhang's father gave him a positive answer.

After learning the news, Wang Lin's family was relieved. After that, although the atmosphere in the village became very tense, the atmosphere in Zhang Yu's family became much easier.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~