Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 17 Outbreak

Outline: The conflict in Zhang Yu's village finally broke out

Just as the family was discussing the situation in the village at home, after the accumulation of time, the contradictions in Zhang Yu's village have finally broken out. With the outbreak of this contradictions, the three factions can no longer repair the peace previously shown. The poor and The rich people finally turned against each other, and finally, Zhang Yu's village was split like this.

In fact, Zhang Yu's village is no longer the original village. The current village is a mixed village on the basis of Zhang Yu's original village plus several villages added later. In this way, there are inevitably some gaps inside, which itself is an unharmonious existence.

The reason why the village head of Zhang Yu and his village is unwilling to come out to preside over the overall situation is also partly related to the current situation of the village. Previously, most of the decisions in the village were to convene the villagers to hold meetings, then vote collectively, and finally summarize and make decisions. If it is the original village, most people in the village are still willing to listen to the village head, but now it is not. There are too many foreign people in this village, which makes Zhang Yu's original people in the village suddenly become a relatively weak group.

If the population is small, the proportion will naturally be less when voting, so the advantage of the village head does not exist. The real situation today is that the leader of the organization has an advantage and does not mention other factors. Even if the village head is willing to lead, he has no choice but to let him lead, right? Besides, of course, the shrewd village head will not do such a thankless thing. Therefore, Zhang's mother's hope is There will be no result.

Since the government released the news of the reopening of the independent zone, the people of the three organizations in the village have not stopped fighting. However, when facing the common enemy of mutant plants, everyone is relatively restrained, because at this time, there is a great need for collective strength, but with the passage of time For some reason, the three leaders did not come forward to stop the fight below, so the fight became more and more fierce.

Although when fighting with plants, everyone organizes and fights separately, even so, because of the escalation of contradictions between them, there are still problems.

On this day, when fighting with plants, the poor people fell into the circle of plants because of their carelessness. At this time, not far from them, there happened to be a group of rich people. However, because of the discord between the two groups, these people just stood there and watched, but did not He went up to help and did not take any other measures, so the unfortunate people were swallowed up by the mutant plants.

If things pass like this and no one knows, it's nothing, because in the battle, this is inevitable, but it happens to be a book. At this time, a team of poor people who are not weak appeared, so after some efforts, among those who were swallowed before The survivors were still rescued.

After surviving the difficulties and having no time to rest, these people immediately began to accuse these rich people, saying that they did not feel the same village at all, and their tone seemed very angry. After hearing these people's words, the poor people who came to support immediately became unhappy. You should know that this is a very good time. Everyone in the village is a valuable combat effectiveness, which is not allowed to lose. Many of the poor people are simple-minded and more practical. What is said, so, not only do they fight When fighting, you will work hard and stand up when you see other people in trouble.

With the eyesight of these poor people, it is appropriate for everyone to help each other, but they did not expect that these rich people actually watched the people of their organization get into trouble without taking any measures. This behavior is unforgivable and incredible to them. Therefore, they felt extremely angry.

Although Zhang Yu's village is not big, with the improvement of people's living standards, it gradually begins to have the level of the poor and the rich. As time goes by, the rich feel that they are superior and a little arrogant, so they look down on those poor people in the bottom of their hearts and slowly They don't take them seriously.

In the end of the world, with the development of time, the village gradually became three organizations, and at this time, the differentiation between the poor and the rich became more obvious. Although these rich people were afraid of the poor coming to grab their food for a while, this fear disappeared with the formation of their own organization, and then the previous sense of superiority came back again.

Nowadays, although it is the end of the world, these poor are still the same and have not been able to change anything. Their food is still not as rich people. Although these people have some strength when fighting against mutant plants, the rich people in the village still look down on them and think that they can only do it. Some hard work, so most of the time, these rich people can't help belittling the work of the poor in their hearts and don't care about them.

In troubled times, life is like grass mustard. Who can survive now have never seen death? Although Zhang Yu's village has not suffered a great baptism, death has also been seen a lot. Therefore, when the group of poor people before was surrounded, there was no absolute fear in their hearts, not even What guilt? Nowadays, they just feel a little ashamed and angry when they are accused by these people. You know, it is the poor people they usually look down on to blame now.

At the beginning, this group of people really felt very embarrassed because they were caught, so they chose temporary forbearance. However, the rich felt nothing in their hearts and did not feel that they had done anything wrong. However, after all, this matter was related to human life. After the poor who survived the disaster, they were very afraid. Of course, they did not want to settle it so easily. Therefore, the more they scolded, the more angry they became, and what they said became more and more unpleasant. , the contradictions have also begun to escalate.

Originally, these rich people looked down on the poor, so they couldn't hold back after being scolded by these unpleasant words. Therefore, the matter eventually developed from unilateral accusations to mutual abuse and wanton attacks by both sides.

Although both sides are very angry, this is a special time. Everyone has their own tasks. Plants from the outside world will not attack them because of their contradictions. Therefore, people on both sides must always be careful of the mutant plants outside and not too much. Therefore, the two sides only gave up after a temporary vent, so the matter did not break out immediately.

However, when these people completed their tasks and replaced their shifts, the matter began to officially break out, and the subsequent impact began to emerge.

The conflict between the two sides has not existed in a day or two, and this matter has become the fuse of formal opposition between each other. The matter has finally become a big deal. Although there is still a third-party organization in the village, this organization is a neutral organization, and most people in it do not want to cause trouble. Once it happens It's too late for them to hide, let alone dissuade them.

So, under the influence of various external conditions, the two organizations in the village officially announced their opposition, and Zhang Yu's mixed village was split. At this time, the future security was finally informally mentioned. Suddenly, the leaders of the poor department suddenly announced that they would leave for the independent zone.

After hearing the news, the villagers were very shocked, and the previous contradictions were also dispersed by the news.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~