Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 19 The Battle of the Temple

In summary: The departure of the poor has brought great losses to the village

What everyone didn't expect was that the poor people really left the place where they grew up without any nostalgia. The development of this matter is really unexpected, which makes many people unprepared, so when looking at the crowds leaving with luggage and weapons, the people in the village have a sense of unrealism.

Although this village is the hometown of these people, the people in the hometown have changed, many things have changed, and there are fewer and fewer things worth remembering. What is a hometown? A place with relatives is their own home and their hometown. Now this place can no longer be regarded as the hometown of these people, so they Being able to leave like this without nostalgia.

However, at this time, an unexpected thing happened, that is, the village head of Zhang Yu and his village also planned to leave the village with these people. This matter was really too sudden. Before, there were no signs at all. Everyone didn't know when the village head would discuss with these people. It was not until they set out that people saw their family in the crowd that they knew about it.

Looking at the atmosphere of conversation between the village head and the poor leader, I know that these two people must be familiar with each other. Therefore, many people began to think about it. Do you think the decision to set out for the independent zone was made with the village head and the poor? Does the village head also think that it is the right decision to set out to the independent zone? Many people are lost in meditation.

Just as the villagers were thinking, Zhang Yu also saw several acquaintances in the crowd. One of them turned out to be a rich man surnamed Gong who had acted very low-key in the village before. This person was very mysterious. Shortly before the outbreak of the end of the world, he suddenly came to Zhang Yu, a remote village. He not only built a house and bought land here, but also bought a lot of food from the villagers at a high price. After that, he donated A lot of money was given to the village to repair the temple.

What this man surnamed Gong did was very targeted and purposeful. Previously, Zhang Yu felt that he was very mysterious and had many secrets. However, because this person was really too low-key, he closed the door all day and rarely appeared in front of people. His affairs did not harm to Zhang Yu's family, so Zhang Yu is no longer paying attention to him.

Now, this person appears in front of Zhang Yu again and is still in the group of departure. Judging from this person's previous performance, does it indicate that only by leaving for the independent zone can he get a glimmer of life?

In addition to this Gong, there are also three acquaintances. In fact, Zhang Yu is not familiar with these three people. The reason why Zhang Yu remembers them is that these people are evolutionists, and they are also evolutionists in Zhang Yu's previous village. Presumably, the reason why they will set out for the independent area this time is definitely be with the village. Chang has a lot to do with it. Of course, it also has something to do with the leader of the poor organization, because this person is also a person from Zhang Yu's former village.

The people who were going to leave this time were a little out of Zhang Yu's expectation, especially when they saw Gong. Therefore, Zhang Yu began to look at the people who were preparing to go to the independent area. At this, Zhang Yu really saw something. It turned out that among the people who set out this time, almost all the people in Zhang Yu's original village They are all in the crowd of departure.

This time, almost all the people plan to leave here except Zhang Yu's family and the relatively rich people in their village before. In this way, it means that the people in Zhang Yu's village ceded the village to several villagers who joined later. Looking at the familiar faces and watching them slowly sort out their things, Zhang Yu sighed and left. So, what else can his family leave any nostalgia for here?

"I didn't expect that the village head was ready to leave the village!" Zhang Jian suddenly said with emotion. Previously, it was said that the village head could not come out to lead the overall situation, and the family also guessed a lot of reasons. Now it seems that the village head is not that he can't get up to lead, but he has not done it on the surface. In private, he has done nothing less.

"The village head has also left. It seems that this is not a place to stay for a long time!" Zhang Yu muttered. Seeing this situation, Zhang Yu finally made a decision in his heart.

"Everyone who is familiar with us has left. Who am I going to team up with when we go out to fight against plants in the future!" Wang Lin is considering comparing the current things. Previously, he usually formed a team with the poor. These people are more practical and don't cheat. You can also rest assured to hand over your back and let him team up with rich and neutral people. He is unwilling.

"We have not joined any organization, and no one can control us, so our family will not participate in the battle against mutant plants in the future." After hearing Wang Lin's words, Zhang Yu suddenly said.

"What, we won't fight anymore?" Hearing her words, Wang Lin asked uncertainly. Zhang Jian is as uncertain as him.

"Look at the current situation in our village. Those who are willing to do things have left, leaving behind are some thoughtful people. I think our village is about to break up, and it's not far from chaos! Our family has to get out of here as soon as possible. Long Xiang explained. Seeing that things turned into the way they are step by step, Long Xiang was also very uncomfortable.

Before, this was a very simple and calm village. Although there were some contradictions among the villagers, in general, the people here were relatively kind. However, with the passage of time, with the deepening of the nirvana of heaven and earth, people's kindness was gradually wiped out, and all that was left was the desire to live, for With this, people can do anything.

"We're moving too!" Hearing Long Xiang's words, Zhang Jian said with emotion. He left, and his family is leaving here. When the family discussed moving before, Zhang Jian didn't feel anything, but when he really wanted to move, he suddenly felt a little reluctant. After all, this is the place where he grew up.

"If no one left, everyone's mind is still stable, but now that such a thing has happened, the village is divided, and people's hearts will definitely become scattered. Then, it is hard to say what will happen in the future. It is not surprising what will happen. In short, this place is no longer suitable for our family. People live here, so you'd better move out of here as soon as possible. Zhang Yu explained lightly.

Smart people are not easy to manage. You are smart, but I think I am smarter than you, so no one wants to obey anyone. Although soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers, nowadays, everyone wants to be generals, but no one wants to be soldiers. In this way, everything will become messy. Without cohesion and scattered sand, such an organization can't last long.

Although the food left behind is still rich, there is no supplement, only consumption. In such a situation, no matter how much food will be consumed sooner or later, and these people are more desperate and unwilling to take risks and dare not If you go to the independent zone, then the end of these people can be imagined.

The people left behind are all smart people with active minds. Of course, they are not willing to end up like this. Then, in order to survive for a longer period of time, these people are bound to think about others and find ways to plunder food belonging to others. Now, without the poor party, then, the rich party and Neutral party people are bound to go into antagonistic situation.

In this case, the chaos in this village can be imagined, so Zhang Yu and Long Xiang feel that this place is no longer suitable for their family to live. They must move away from here before the situation gets worse to avoid some unnecessary trouble.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~