Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 21 Mutation

Susp: Various human atrocities affected the cypress trees in the temple, which suddenly affected the villagers.

With the increasing violence, blood, etc., various negative emotions began to emerge, covering the sky of the whole temple. Affected by these emotions, some unknowing changes began to take place in the temple slowly. However, now, the villagers who have killed their eyes have long lost their usual They didn't notice this change at all.

The gods worshipped in the temple have not fully grown up yet, and they have not yet evolved their own unique spirits and thoughts. Now they can only instinctively respond to the various requests and wishes of human beings who worship them, because they have no thoughts, they can't think and can't distinguish. Therefore, this kind of request is indiscriminate, and there is no such thing as good or bad.

People seek benevolence and evil. No matter what kind of cause they have planted, they will get the corresponding results.

At this time, the gods are simple and direct. What people request will be executed without discount, and they cannot analyze the pros and cons, nor can they distinguish the differences and differences of requests. They will not yet resolve people's requests.

For example, in peace, people ask for peace, blessings, and will ask for all kinds of good wishes. However, nowadays, because their hearts are full of violence and blood, they involuntarily expect that they can win the final victory in the battle with others and survive. I hope I am the one who can laugh to the end.

At this time, although the villagers did not kneel down and make a pious wish according to the previous old rules, after all, they made a wish, and this wish is the most urgent desire from the depths of their hearts. This is also a temple and the territory of gods. Therefore, after receiving such a request, it According to the previous practice, this request was responded to.

The gods responded very directly to their request, that is, to add their divine power on their bodies. However, the divine power added at this time is very different from the divine power in normal times. The divine power is peaceful, harmless and beneficial. At this time, the divine power is beneficial. The divine power is violent, negative and damaging blessing.

This blessing will make the villagers enter a temporary strengthening state. In this strengthening state, the villagers' combat effectiveness will more than double. However, the current divine power is still weak and does not have the ability to make people directly become powerful. Therefore, this strengthening is only a temporary force to inspire people. The potential of the class itself is not to make the villagers stronger in a real sense, but to stimulate this state, those who are supported will have to pay a certain price.

This kind of blessing not only has to pay a price, but also has many disadvantages, for example. The person under blessing will become very irrational and become a madman who only knows how to use violence. When this blessing state passes, people will become very tired, and their bodies will be greatly damaged and enter a weak state due to excessive use of potential.

This blessing directly inspires the power that human beings do not have with violence. Therefore, human beings themselves cannot control the power of the surge well. Therefore, with this blessing, with the extension of time, people's reason becomes more and more blurred, and their minds become unable to think normally. Beasts that only know how to solve problems with brute force and violence will, in short, become limb-developed and simple-minded creatures. At this time, they will act without scruples. Therefore, the level of the whole battle begins to upgrade, and almost all the villagers have entered a bloody and violent state. For a while, the whole temple becomes The battlefield-like existence of Shura.

Such a big thing happened in the village, the smell of blood was so strong, and the place where Zhang Yu's family lived was so close to here, so they quickly realized what happened here, but now the people here have become irrational. In the face of such people, The language and so on have become so pale and powerless that they can't communicate with them at all. If they pass by at this time, they will only involve their own family, so Zhang Yu and others are not involved.

When Zhang Yu felt the situation here with his own spiritual power, he immediately frowned, his face became very pale, his face was sweaty, and his whole face was distorted into a very painful look. However, this situation did not last long, and Zhang Yu quickly stopped his perceptual behavior this time. Because what has just entered her consciousness are boundless blood, violence, cruelty and a large number of negative emotions, which are so strong that they can affect her perception.

The feeling emerging from the negative emotions in the temple made her feel so disgusting and horrible. Although it was only a momentary perception, the scene like Shura hell, the red blood, the cold murderous intention, the incomplete corpse, the twisted ugly souls of people, all this, It only made her feel cold all over. After all, Zhang Yu is just a woman. This scene is really too big for her. Her current endurance is really unable to withstand such a scene, so she decisively cut off her perception.

In just a few days, the situation in the village has become like this. The change of things is really unimaginable. Just a few days ago, everyone was still fighting side by side, but in a blink of an eye, it became a deadly enemy. This change is really too fast. Zhang Jian and Wang Lin Jue and others saw the battle in the temple from afar and only felt that everything in front of them was like a dream. There was no sense of reality. Are these people really people in their village? Aren't they demons in human skin?

After seeing the weapons waved by people to their companions, the bodies lying on the ground, and the panting of the villagers lying on the ground with their own eyes, and witnessing these violence and blood, Zhang Jian and Wang Lin were stunned for a moment. They could not describe their feelings at this moment in words, but when they arrived At this time, they couldn't help but be glad that they were about to leave here.

Seeing such a scene, they can no longer face the people here. At this moment, both of them regretted that they should not have followed Zhang Yu's advice and insisted on coming to see what was going on. Now, they have seen it, but they would rather not have seen these now. What a curiosity kills the cat!

Zhang Jian looked at the village he grew up in to become like this, and his heart was full of sadness. Now, this place is really different. Many places have been occupied by mutant plants, and he can't see the original appearance at all. And the survivors have also become so cold and selfish, inhumane, and how devilish they exist. There is no place for him to remember. This is no longer his home in his heart.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~