Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 27 The Disappearance of the Boundary

Summary: The gods lost too much energy in the battle with the cypress tree and lost their spirituality due to great damage.

The gods have been weakened too much because of their strength, which is not enough to cope with the current situation at all. At this time, it is entirely because of the pious prayers of these survivors that this last driftwood has been supported, and the ancient cypress tree can be replenished at any time. Up to now, it can't see it at all. A trace of fatigue is still strong. The so-called war is logistics and compensation. In this regard, the gods are very at a loss.

Now, the people who support the gods have died so much again because they were affected by the battle, so the immediate situation of the gods has become precarious. Before, the protective boundary that has been opened suddenly became illusory under the crazy attack of two ancient cypress trees. For a long time, it will be Broken, in this case, if there is no solution, the failure of the gods is doomed.

This ending is obviously very sad for the surviving villagers, but it is also helpless. After all, these people are ordinary mortals and can't get involved in the war of gods and cypress trees at all. Even if there are several evolutionists among the remaining people, at this time, they have been scared by the madness of the cypress and have no courage to stand up at all.

A powerful force can only exert its own power under the domination of a strong soul. If it has not appeared, it will be cowardly first. Then, even if there is a lot of power, it may only emit three points of power. What's more, these people do not have the courage to appear, but just send hope cowardly. Trust it on others.

The villagers did not know the source of the power of the gods, so they were anxious about the sudden weakening of the gods. Although they were anxious, they did not know how to help the gods. At this time, if it is Zhang Yu's people in their original village, they may know some of the reasons. However, those people have left here with the village head before, so the people at the scene can only sigh.

This temple is in Zhang Yu's village. Of course, all the relevant records are also in their hands. According to the traditions and rules of their predecessors, these things are generally managed by older elders. However, with the development of society and the progress of civilization, human beings know more and more knowledge. Yu gods and so on no longer have the respect of their predecessors.

In order to advocate science, Country Z emphasizes the destruction of the four old things. Many things are superstitions, nonsense and deceptive. With the development of society, people's lives are getting better and better, and their lives have become very comfortable. They don't need this kind of spiritual sustenance. At the same time, people's requirements for gods There are fewer and fewer, so gradually, many people don't pay much attention to these things.

Nowadays, people are more concerned about their own work, children's education, family income, good or bad house and other things in life. For those illusory gods, they are just a pastime. When they think of it, they occasionally go to have a look and make a wish or something.

The younger generation doesn't like to hear old people talk about this. When they are free, they still want to watch TV programs or play games on the Internet. They are more concerned about fashion, popular elements, comparison with their peers, etc., these old things, outdated things. , it's almost lost, so I don't know anything about how the gods came from and the source of their power.

This temple belongs to Zhang Yu in their village. Of course, it is under the management of their village. In the current environment, even most people in their village do not understand these things, let alone these surviving villagers.

Z country is an implicit nation and an ancient nation, which has many ancient traditions and rules. At the same time, she is also a relatively conservative nation. Many things are passed on from inside to outside, not from men to women. It is precisely because of these traditions that many things have quietly disappeared in the dust of history, which is very helpless and very regrettable.

In Z country, they are very filial and reincarnation. In the eyes of the ancients, the rules of their ancestors are too big, because they believe that after their death, they will be able to see their ancestors again under the nine springs. If he breaks the rules, he will be ashamed to see their ancestors, or they will be rejected by their ancestors. , becoming a lonely ghost, wandering alone outside, very miserable.

To sum up, many people would rather follow their own things buried in the loess and brought into the coffin, rather than spread them easily. Unfortunately, after death, no one knows whether there is a underworld or not.

Even now, many people's ideas have been liberalized, but if you want to learn something real, you must go through a long time. If you don't have patience and perseverance, you can't learn a lot of things.

Throughout history, no matter what kind of nation, after thousands of years of continuous development, there will be some drawbacks, which must appear in the process of the development of things. Although the descendants of future generations feel sorry, the descendants of future generations will also feel that their views at that time are also insufficient, which is the limitation of history. At the same time, it is also the role of development and accumulation, and the expression of progress.

Before, when Zhang Yu and his village repaired the temple, many things were done by the relevant person in charge. Others did not understand this at all, and they would not break the rules and intervene at will. Of course, when these responsible persons are doing things, they are not allowed to be visited by outsiders at all. Although the rich man surnamed Gong went in at that time, it is also because today's young people do not follow the rules of the elders.

With the reform and opening up, a large number of alien ideas were introduced into Country Z, which caused a serious impact on the local ideological system of Country Z. Many people lost their hearts and were confused. As a result, many people in Country Z slowly did not have their own thoughts, their own persistence and beliefs. They no longer see the rules of their ancestors. Nowadays, they often do the opposite, not proud of obeying the rules, but proud of breaking the rules.

Their reckless actions make the older generation feel sad. However, now no one listens to the words of the elders. Their nagging all day will only attract the disgust of young people. Slowly, the old man is sad, and they would rather have their own things to rot. In my stomach, I don't want to pass it on, because even if it goes on, it will only be ruined. Sadly, today's young people are unwilling to inherit these things and are lost.

The situation in Zhang Yu's village is relatively good. Because of geography, this place has not been developed, and many people are unwilling to come to this remote country. Therefore, relatively speaking, it is relatively backward, and young people are still obedient. However, even so, some records of this temple have been lost. For example, the yellow charm used to open the light, the red line, etc. Nowadays, people only know how to use it, and the method of making these things has been lost.

The temple of Zhang Yu's village has only a few hundred years of history, and many things have been lost, and Z country has a history of thousands of years. So, how many things should be lost in the inheritance?

Among them, the most painful thing is that many things are not valued at all in Country Z and are irrelevant. However, when they are spread outside, they are picked up by others and gradually become the existence of others. Isn't the symbol of others feel lamentable and sad?


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~

Many of the things written in this chapter are my own feelings about the current situation. It's just my personal opinion! Just have a look.