Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 31 Migration

In summary: When the village was lost, Zhang Yu's family left their village reluctantly

The division of the village makes people feel helpless and surprised. Although the village is divided into three organizations, which leads to some discord between them, in the final analysis, everyone is still a village. After the end of the world, they share joys and sorrows with each other. At the beginning, we took risks together. After working hard outside to find water, everyone queued up to other villages to get water with their white eyes. After so much experience, everyone has a certain revolutionary friendship.

However, with the continuous organization of interests, the villagers slowly ignored one thing, that is, the fact that everyone is a village person and a large organization. Therefore, everyone finally reached the point of division. At this time, many people began to regret it. However, when things have developed to this point, contradictions have occurred, cracks have already existed, and the so-called past is unrecurable. At this time, it is too late to repent.

However, on the day of separation, everyone still consciously came to see them off. In today's troubled times, everyone knows very well that this parting may be a farewell forever. In their lifetime, they may never see each other again.

Just when everyone was sad and regretted, the people who left gave everyone another mistake, because before, people didn't know that there were so many people leaving this time. Even the old village head who had been closed and didn't ask about the world before was also in the ranks of several very Money, but usually low-key, does not belong to the poor at all, is also in this departing team, which has to make people think deeply.

Zhang Yu's family is also thinking deeply, and their result is that they are ready to leave here.

Zhang Yu had always cared about it before, and the more optimistic people planned to leave here, which shows a problem, that is, the current village is no longer a place to stay, otherwise, these people would not have chosen to leave here at this time. The wisdom of the village head, the hidden wealth of the rich man surnamed Gong, and the leader of the poor family, etc. These people are all people with real wisdom. Now, they have collectively made such a decision, and the moral is clear.

After saying goodbye to the village head and his party, they returned to their home. After some discussion, Zhang Yu's family made a decision to move, so the family began to prepare for the move.

It's easy to move, but when you really decide to move, you know how difficult it is.

Zhang Yu's family has lived here for generations and has deep feelings for this place. Although these feelings have changed with their disappointment with the people here, in any case, this is their own home and a place where they grow up again, which has nothing to do with the good or bad of others. .

Secondly, pack your luggage. When they were about to leave, Zhang Yu and others knew that there were so many things here that they were not willing to abandon. They found that they also wanted to take this, and they were reluctant to lose that. There are too many things here with their memories. There are really too many things they want to take away, so this cleaning is good. A few days.

Fortunately, Zhang Yu's mobile warehouse is large enough in her empty space. Even if she wants to take away the whole house, it can be installed. At this time, when Zhang Yu has space power, there is nothing to hide. Therefore, Zhang Yu He generously told his brother-in-law's family about this.

When they knew Zhang Yu's ability, the surprised and surprised expression was really unforgettable. Although they had known that the power has a lot of strange abilities, and they also know that Zhang Yu is a power person, they have always thought that Zhang Yu's ability is related to spiritual power. Now, they have only known that Zhang Yu's ability is such a magical space power. No wonder that there has never been anything at home. Without this ability, how much can you store?

After learning Zhang Yu's ability, Wang Lin's family became more confident in their future life. It was not until this time that they fully believed what Zhang's father said before, that is, in the new residence, there was food that the family could eat for a lifetime. Even if they didn't see so much when they got there, they thought the rest was placed in Zhang Yu's space.

In the past few days, when they saw the family put big and small things and let Zhang Yu into her space, so many things disappeared in a blink of an eye. Zhang Yu's space is like a bottomless hole. They have never found anything that can't be put in. How big should this space be! Although they don't know exactly how much, they know that it must be very big!

Zhang Yu did not tell them that they could still grow things in their personal space. If they knew, they didn't know how to be surprised!

General speaking, although there is a little chaos outside these days, the life of Zhang Yu's family is still calm. Although there is nostalgia for the former residence and hometown, it is also accompanied by excitement for moving and yearning for a new life. After all, generally speaking, people look forward.

A few days passed away, and no one expected that the village would fall so quickly. Before that, the village had been in a good state, and the battle with mutant plants was also in a relatively balanced state. Everyone believes that the village should still be safe in a short time, so, Zhang Yu and the others were not too anxious before, but slowly packed their bags.

It is said to clean up. In fact, they are more of a kind of recollection of the past. Many of the dusty things of the past have been turned out one by one. They want to recall slowly. Unfortunately, the reality does not allow it. Therefore, when Zhang Yu sensed that the village had fallen, the family immediately changed their mentality and began to be serious and accurate. In the end, Zhang Yu almost put all the things in the house, leaving only empty rooms and those things that were really dilapidated and worthless, which were left here.

After everything was ready, the family reluctantly looked at their home again, and then abandoned the last trace of nostalgia and resolutely turned around and left here.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~