Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 39 Days in the Mountains

Summary: In the days in the mountains, the two sides have become more and more harmonious.

If you want to plant flowers, flowers will not bloom, and there is no intention to plant willows to shade. Sometimes, things are so strange. When you do something, you have made great efforts and countless painstaking efforts, but in the end, you still can't succeed. However, when you change your mind and turn around a little, you find that it is very easy to succeed. At this time, recalling your previous efforts, there will be a contradictory emotion that is difficult to express in words.

Of course, it will make people happy if things succeed, but their previous efforts seem to have become a joke! Therefore, there is a strange feeling about the current success, which is not particularly happy, and there is also a feeling that you don't want to succeed. This feeling is very contradictory. For those who are more open-minded, these emotions are nothing. They will be relieved quickly after they figure it out, but for those who are a little bit horny, it will become the source of his pain.

That's how Zhang Yu's family treated this pair of wolves. Previously, they carried out several military crusades, but in the end, they returned without success. Who would have thought? Later, they only paid the price of something that had been almost forgotten, and they achieved themselves well. My own purpose.

Fortunately, Zhang Yu is a relatively open-minded person. Under Long Xiang's persuasion, she was quickly relieved.

After the problem of the wolves was solved, Zhang Yu's family lived a very comfortable life. Up to now, there are no other idle people waiting around. It's so remote here. There are two powerful wolves patrolling outside, and outsiders can't get in at all. Therefore, Zhang Yu's secrets are no longer secreted. Therefore, the living standard of the family has improved a lot.

Before, when I was in the village, the food at home was very simple. It was already very good to eat some pickled steamed buns and so on. Fresh dishes are not easy to think about. Like now, there are not only vegetables, but also meat and vegetables, which are so well matched. In addition, you can eat them every day. Sweet fruit. This life is called a comfortable life, which is really better than before. Even before the end of the world, they ate nothing more than that, and they couldn't eat it every day.

The only drawback is that the life here is relatively monotonous and boring. There are no entertainment programs, and there are no other people. It is inevitable that they will feel a little lonely. In a word, people feel that they have nothing to do when they are full. Out of this house, it was dangerous outside and the scope of life became very narrow, so the family felt a little bored.

The older generation has experienced a lot and doesn't care much about these loneliness. Zhang Yu and Zhang Yi also have their own husbands and don't feel lonely. However, Zhang Jian is pitiful. He is alone. He usually has nothing else to do but practice knife skills, although he likes martial arts very much. However, after all, he is a young man. He let him practice all day long. It's okay for a short time. However, after a long time, he will not be able to stand it. Soon, he can't stand it.

However, with his parents watching, he can't go out for a walk, so he is bored, he is very bored!

"Second sister, don't you want Dahei to help you go to the mountains to catch some pheasants or something to raise? How about I go with them?" Zhang Jian looked at his sister with some expectation.

"I don't care. As long as you can say to our mother, she will agree!" Zhang Yu looked at his younger brother and said indifferently.

"Sister! I know you are the best! Go to our mother's place and talk about it for me! You are more talkative in front of her. Hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zhang Jian said flatteringly.

"It's about you! I really can't talk, and it's not that you don't know our mother's character!" Recently, she has often been flattered, and Zhang Jian's current performance is no longer seen by her.

"Brother! Brother-in-law! I know you're the best. Mom usually listens to you. Why don't you talk about it for me? Seeing that there was no hope on Zhang Yu's side, Zhang Jian turned around and began to beg Long Xiang sitting next to Zhang Yu.

"It's not easy for me to talk about you." Long Xiang refused Zhang Jian's request without raising his eyelids.

"Hey! You don't help me! I'm alone, so boring!" Seeing that this had no chance, Zhang Jian rubbed his hair, leaned on the sofa, and pretended to be dead there.

"You're just bored. Look at the big yellow, Xiao Huang, who patrols around every day, or you can also patrol with them!" Seeing his brother's boneless appearance, Zhang Yu turned his eyes and suddenly said.

Recently, Zhang Yu's family and the two wolves have become more and more harmonious. Recently, Zhang Yu has even given them names. Unfortunately, Zhang Yu has no talent for naming, so the two majestic wolves have two names that don't take advantage of them - rhubarb and Xiaohuang. The family has no problem with the name. They think it's as long as it's easy to remember. Those two wolves are more realistic. As long as they have something to eat, they don't care what they call.

"Would you patrol with them? That's a good idea!" After hearing his sister's words, Zhang Jian sat up and touched his chin with his hand, looking thoughtful.

"This idea is good and can let you vent your excess energy!" Long Xiang said with a smile. He felt that Zhang Jian's biggest problem now was that he was too idle and kept him busy. There was nothing wrong with him.

"Brother! You also think this is a good idea! OK! That's it! From tomorrow, I will start to patrol with rhubarb and Xiaohuang!" Zhang Jian solemnly announced, but unfortunately, Long Xiang and Zhang Yu didn't buy much of him and did not have a righteous support.

After no one paid attention to him, Zhang Jian felt bored again! Spread it back on the sofa. However, the next day, he really began to patrol with the rhubarb.

Da Huang and Xiao Huang have their own set of survival rules. They have a very tacit understanding with each other, so even if Zhang Jian acts with them, he can't get in at all. As a result, after a few times, he quit. After that, he began to shout bored again! In this way, it has added a lot of fun to the family.

The family's life in the mountains is getting more and more peaceful, and without the influence of the previous negative emotions, Wang Lin's parents are much better. The life of the family is very happy!


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~