Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 45 Settling down

In summary: When you first arrived, everyone was very careful

Along the way, the village head and others simply learned about the situation in the Independence Zone from the people who led the way, and then they lived in the room arranged by the government for them. The group finally had a place to stay. Everyone was very happy. When they saw the room given to themselves and a big bed where they could sleep well, some people even left tears of excitement! They haven't slept in ** for a long time, and sleeping in the wild is also a luxury.

When he first arrived, the village head wanted to say something, but when he saw everyone's current appearance, he knew that everyone was very tired. He couldn't bear to say more, so he silently walked to the house assigned to him.

After a rare good sleep all night, the village head gathered several responsible persons together to discuss everyone's future life and study the future constitution.

"Now, although everyone has entered the independent zone, the previous soldier also said that we only care about our safety and accommodation. If we want to get food, we have to go to the task. What do you think of this matter? Everyone knows each other very well and is also smart, so the village head did not turn around the bush and said directly.

"I think it's good to take on the task and get the corresponding living materials, which shows that as long as you have the ability, you can survive here. As long as we can complete the tasks released here, life can be guaranteed. One of them said.

"We must quickly find out the specific situation of this matter and see what regulations there are. You know, many people have eaten their food. When they arrive here, Mr. Gong should no longer provide food to these people." The leader of the poor department also spoke. His relationship with the people below has never been very close. Previously, those foodless people also told him about this matter, so when he heard the village head talk about this matter, he immediately said.

"Yes, this matter is also a matter, but we should first consider the common way out for the villagers in the future. You know, now, we only have these dozens of people. The power is relatively weak, and we can't do big tasks. There is not much leftover food today. For the common vitality in the future, we must You have to have a reasonable plan. After feeling that the leader of the poor did not understand the meaning of his previous words, the village head immediately explained.

"Yes, this is the most critical issue now. In the past, the reason why everyone was so united was that they could not live without unity. At that time, there was no more choice. However, it was different here. With so many people here, their lives have become more stable and their choices become bigger. You should know Tao, people's hearts are the easiest to change. I'm afraid that some of us may break away, so that our strength will decline again. The village head's son said with a sigh.

"This is a normal idea. Here, those who have the ability may think differently from before. Let's talk about Mr. Gong. At first glance, he is a person who has seen the world, and you have seen it. When he came in, he was not surprised at all. He must be familiar with this place. Before, he was trapped in our small place, so he was with us. However, when he came here, he was different. The most important thing is that he has the most leftover food now, and he doesn't have to worry about it in the short term. The village head's son is very good at analyzing the situation. Now he can take charge of himself, and the village head is also a successor.

"No way! Will Mr. Gong really leave us? After listening to the above words, the leader of the poor department said in disbelief. In his heart, he has always felt that Gong is a very good person, approachable and generous. He is willing to help everyone when they are in trouble.

For the sadness of the leader of the poor department, everyone didn't say much about what kind of personality he is. Everyone knows that it is reasonable for him not to invite Gong's true face.

"In addition to him, I'm also a little uncertain about their thoughts about the three evolutionists who followed this time. After all, their strength is very extraordinary. No matter where they go, they will be welcomed. I don't know if they are willing to be with us. After all, we have no foundation here. It's difficult to get started. At this time, another person in charge who didn't call Huoluo said.

"Yes, if the three of them leave us, our strength will become weaker. The most important thing is people's hearts. People's hearts are very strange. If no one leaves, then no one may leave. However, once someone starts this, it will be difficult to control." Speaking of this, the village head's son also sighed that the people of Z have a characteristic, that is, they follow the crowd and hope to follow the trend.

"So, I said let everyone come up with a constitution so that everyone's interests can be maximized in the future. At least, it should also ensure everyone's normal life. Otherwise, there will certainly be more and more people who choose to leave in the future. Now, we don't know much about this place, and we don't dare to get out easily. However, we should know that after a long time, when they get acquainted with each other here, it will be difficult to say. The village said with some serious words.

The village head is old. His energy is relatively limited now. If it weren't for his family, not for his son, he is now an old bone. He really doesn't want to leave his hometown like this and come to a strange place to work hard. He really wants to be able to take his own old bones after his death. He buried his head in his hometown and his ancestral grave, but now, he can't choose anything by himself.

After listening to the village head's words, everyone was very silent. At this time, the leaders of the poor department finally realized the seriousness of the matter. He found that he really thought too simple and a little blindly optimistic. For a period of time, he found that he was really not an official. His knowledge was too shallow and he was very thorough. He just had the strength to do it. If the old village head had not presided over the overall situation and called him from time to time to time, he would not have been able to do this position.

"I also want everyone to pay attention to this matter. Don't think that if we enter the independent zone now, everything will be fine. We have only achieved the first step of success now, and the future will still be long. Now, we can't grow our own food, so we have to do the task, but how to do this task and how to do it is a problem for us now. Seeing that everyone was so silent, the village head didn't want to hit them too much.

"I know that it is definitely impossible for everyone to come up with a constitution immediately, and it's a little difficult for everyone. So now, I just put forward it first and let everyone go back and think about it carefully first. However, we don't have much time. Tomorrow, we will have a meeting. I hope everyone can have their own ideas. That's all for today. After saying that, he let everyone leave.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~