Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 42 [Danger]

At this time, Irene and Orina have entered the mine they dug because their attack could not cause damage to the ghosts and did not want to drag everyone down.

What Fengruyue said is very reasonable. If you don't enter the mine, I'm afraid you will be submerged in the sea of the dead. Therefore, Chenxi and Obak will immediately move into the mine.

After a while, Chenxi, Feng Ruyue and Obak had already arrived in the mine, but the ghosts outside still chased Chenxi and others. Therefore, Chenxi and Obak guard the mine in a relatively narrow position.

The ghost seemed to kill Chenxi and others. One after another, the ghost rushed to the mine where Chenxi and others were located, and were not afraid of death at all.

"There is no way to go on like this. I don't know how many ghosts there are outside. If we continue to kill like this and run out of fighting gas, there will be only one way to die." Chenxi black sword cut on a ghost, and the ghost disappeared on the black sword in an instant.

"Yes, I don't know how many ghosts there are outside. I see that the whole valley is full of bones. I'm afraid that there are as many ghosts in the whole valley as those bones." Erin said with a pale face.

"Just now, I saw in the ghost group that there were white bones everywhere in the valley, with a dark wand in the middle of the white bone. I don't know if these ghosts have anything to do with the wand." Obak cut off a ghost with a knife and said.

The wind waved like a moon wand and emitted a light ball. Hearing Obak's words, he immediately said, "There are so many ghosts here, some of which are unusual, and there seem to be many high-level ghosts. I think these things are probably related to the wand that Obak said."

"We are trapped here now. There are so many ghosts outside that will run out of our power sooner or later. Whether these ghosts have anything to do with the wand or not, we will always try it. If the key is there with the wand, we will be saved." Olina said.

"Try it!" Irene said pitifully.

It seems that this is the only way. It is impossible to sit here and wait for death. After thinking about it, Chenxi felt that he also had the most suitable one, so he said, "In this case, I will go and see if these ghosts are really related to that wand."

"No, don't go. In case something happens, you still have the wind and the moon. I'm alone. Let me go." Obak said immediately.

"You are different from your sister. I'll go. My black sword can kill ghosts, my nine-turn thunder fist can also kill ghosts, and I have also practiced thunder magic. If I go, it will be more secure than you." Chenxi said that in fact, there is another guarantee that he has not yet said, that is, Babaka in his mind can help him.

When Obak heard Chenxi's words, he was no longer arguing. He nodded and said, "Then be careful."

Olina and Irene in the mine also said to him, "Be careful."

Feng Ruyue cast a gentle look on him and gave him a holy light blessing to remove negative magic.

Chenxi saw the concern from Feng Ruyue's eyes, but everything was silent.

"Obak, then you guard the hole." Chenxi said, picked up the black sword in his hand, split a ghost, and marched to the middle of the valley.

"Don't worry, I will definitely protect the hole and won't let a ghost in." Obak's words behind him came.

Chenxi no longer cares about him and concentrates on dealing with the ghosts around him.

The black sword seems to be particularly lethal to the ghost. Chenxi cut into the surrounding ghosts one sword at a time. After the ghost is cut by the black sword, it seems to disappear in an instant, not like Obak's blood-killing knife. After cutting the ghost, the ghost will turn into green smoke.

In this way, Chenxi marched in the ghost army with difficulty. At the prompt of Babaka, he moved carefully to avoid the attack of the ghost.

Time passed slowly, and Chenxi finally saw the magic wand erected in the middle of a large number of people's skulls during his difficult march.

About ten meters around the magic wand is full of humanoid ghosts, and basically the body has begun to condense.

At this time, Chenxi and the magic wand meet for more than 20 meters. The level of the ghosts here seems to be getting higher and higher. Some ghosts Chenxi has to cut several swords to destroy the ghosts.

However, at this time, Chenxi, who was in the ghost group, did not notice that the black sword in his hand was constantly killing ghosts on the way. With more and more ghosts, the black sword has changed a lot.

At the beginning, the black sword was dark, without any texture or anything special, but with the increase of the ghost of killing, the texture began to appear on the sword of the black sword, from the beginning to blurred. Now, the texture of the black sword is clearly visible.

The texture of the black sword is a person with wings, with two wings behind it, one black and one white. This is the legendary fallen angel.

However, the appearance in the fight did not notice the change of the black sword in his hand.

"Be careful on the right!" Babaka "calls" Chenxi in his mind.

Chenxi held the sword in his right hand. When he heard Babaka's words, he was distracted and used a nine-turn thunder fist in his left hand.

Nine-turn thunder fist. Now Chenxi has cultivated a four-level warrior. Nine-turn thunder fist is fourfold. Once used, it is 20 times the power of Chenxi itself in an instant. In addition, thunder and lightning have great lethality to ghosts. Therefore, the left hand's nine-turn thunder fist is not inferior to use black sword.

"Be careful behind you."

"Be careful on the right."


About ten meters away, because the level of the ghost is getting higher and higher, it took Chenxi about half an hour to finish.

In front is the area covered by human skulls. The ghosts here are all human-shaped, and many of them have obviously condensed their bodies like normal people. What's more speechless is that these ghosts who could only hurt people by entering people's minds still hold weapons in their hands after condensing the entity. Some have swords, some have knives, some have guns...

Stepping into the area of the human skull, Chenxi immediately felt dizzy, but the black sword in his hand instantly came a coolness, which made him immediately wake up from the dizziness.


Chenxi's black sword, which immediately woke up, waved to block a ghost's sword.

Chenxi never thought that these ghosts were so powerful that they could launch spiritual attacks. In addition, those ghosts had weapons. If it weren't for the black sword, they would fall here.

The footsteps moved, and Chenxi cut off the arm of a ghost with a sword and instantly cut off the arm.

However, the ghost did not die. Although the arm fell, after the ghost roared, the arm recovered here, but the whole body was a little transparent after the arm recovered.

On the other side, Feng Ruyue held the staff in his right hand and launched magic. His left hand clenched into a fist, and his eyes were full of worry. From time to time, he looked at Chenxi.

Obak waved one knife at a time to resist the ghost who wanted to enter the mine, and he was also very worried about Chenxi.

In the mine, Irene and Olina also clenched their fists tightly, standing worriedly on their faces, staring at the direction of Chenxi from afar.


Compared with the previous ghosts, the ghosts in the area full of human skulls are much more advanced. Chenxi's march in these ghosts is even more difficult. Here, the nine-turn thunder fist also has little effect on these ghosts. It can only repel these ghosts slightly. If it hadn't been for the powerful black sword in his hand, Chenxi would have been invaded in these ghosts and become a puppet of ghosts.

10 meters, 9 meters, 8 meters...

Chenxi marched hard and approached the erect dark wand little by little.

suddenly! Wow! The black light flashed on the standing dark staff and let out a shrill.

After the scream disappeared, all the ghosts were crazy, including the ghosts who attacked the mine, all of which seemed to be crazy and rushed to Chenxi near the magic wand.

"What's going on?" Obak looked at the ghost who had attacked him like crazy and rushed to Chenxi. He was a little confused.


(ps: ask for tickets and collect...)