Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 103 [The Beginning of Understanding]

Chenxi couldn't move because of the recurrence of his injury, so he rested at home for a few days under the persuasion and care of Feng Ruyue and others, and stabilized the injury. However, Chenxi's heart is still always concerned about creating a way to release the reaction force produced by imitating the black hole and turn it into his own. A killer.

During the break, Chenxi first thought of asking Babaka if there was a way to remove the antiphagy force, but Babaka said that there was no such way. Therefore, Chenxi has nothing to do and keeps thinking about ways to unload the force in his mind, and at the same time, he has also exchanged a lot of experience with Babaka about the unloading force.

Force, a virtual thing, can't be seen or touched, but can be felt and cause great damage. It is difficult to remove the power. People who know it can easily remove the power, and it is difficult for those who don't know it to master the essence. And it is even more difficult to remove the power of anti-phagocy.

After thinking about it for many days and communicating with Babaka for many days, Chenxi still did not think of a way to remove the anti-eating power. On this day, after breakfast, Chenxi thought hard in the yard.

Chenxi, who was illuminated by the sun, still had a tender face and frowned. He imagined the reverse phagocation of force in his brain: the counterphagocation of power should be somewhat similar to the anti-shock force, but how should this anti-shock be eliminated? Bicycles use rubber tires full of gas; cars use shock absorbers, and the principle of shock absorbers seems to be the compression buffer of the piston to achieve shock absorption; in ancient times, what should a sedan chair lift a sedan chair? It seems to be the toughness of the sedan chair...

Thinking about it, Chenxi felt that the experiment was more accurate. He walked near the wall and punched it on the wall.

"It hurts, it hurts! This is the anti-shock force, but how to reduce the anti-shock force? Inflatable rubber tire, compressed air of shock absorber, sedan's car pole..." Chenxi muttered to himself, and suddenly Chenxi patted his forehead and said, "Yes, it's cushioning, the rubber tires full of the bicycle, the compressed air of the shock absorber, the coupe pole... All of these are buffering to reduce the vibration, and the anti-shock force should also be reduced by cushioning."

Chenxi said and punched the wall again, but this time it was as powerful as the second, but the speed was much slower.

"Sure enough, the anti-shock force is much smaller!" Chenxi looked at his fist and said to himself. With that, Chenxi put his fist on the wall again, and his strength was used again, and this time it was much greater than before.

Boom!!! Chenxi's fist was so strong that he suddenly made a big hole in the wall.

"Sure enough, there is basically no power in this anti-shock, and the power I use is much greater than that." Chenxi withdrew his fist and said to himself. It didn't matter if he destroyed the wall at all.

On the other side, Serena and Feng Ruyue heard the sound of Chenxi damaging the wall and walked out of the hall. They drove out and saw Chenxi withdraw his fist from the wall.

Serena smiled and pointed to the hole * hole made by Chenxi and said, "Oh, Chenxi, you want to tear down my yard!" It's very expensive here. I'm afraid I can't afford to sell you!"

"Well, Mr. Serena, I'm really sorry. Just now, I was thinking about the problem of unloading force, and I wanted to try it, but I didn't expect to break the wall of this yard!" Chenxi scratched his head and found the damaged wall in front of him. He felt a little embarrassed.

"Ge, I'm joking with you. Do you have any feelings about the method of unloading force?" Serena and Feng Ruyue walked towards Chenxi and said as they walked.

Chenxi scratched his head with his left hand, pointed to the hole in the wall with his right finger, and said, "There is a little feeling, otherwise I would not have been immersed in it, and I didn't even know that the wall was broken!"

"Oh, if you have any feelings, tell me!" Serena laughed and said that she seemed to have seen Chenxi's perception for a long time, so she was not surprised.

"I think the anti-vibration force and the anti-shock force should be somewhat similar, or there should be some connection between the two. I just thought of a way to reduce the anti-shock force. This method is buffering, that is to say, the slower the speed, the smaller the anti-shock force. Just like when I hit two punches in a row, one punch was very fast, but the anti-shock force was very strong, and my hand was even more painful, and the following punch was as big as my strength, and the speed was much slower, but the anti-shock force of my fist hitting the wall was much smaller. For the last time, I pressed my fist against the wall and used three times the force to break the wall, but my fist only felt a little reaction force. Chenxi said and pointed to the small hole in the wall.

"Ha ha, yes, these are all your own feelings, but these are still a little simple, and they have not been involved with the counterphagy. However, I believe that sooner or later you will think of a way to solve the anti-eating power, and I also believe that you can create a combat skill or skill to eliminate or weaken the anti-eating power!" Serena made a cheering gesture to Chenxi.

"Well, Brother Chenxi, I also believe that you can create such a warrior!" Feng Ruyue, like Serena, made a cheering gesture to Chenxi.

When Chenxi saw that Serena and Feng Ruyue believed and encouraged their combat skills in this way, Chenxi nodded and said, "Well, I won't give up. I will slowly find some information and try to create such combat skills or skills earlier!"

"Ha ha, I knew you would have such a determination. Do you want to find information? I suggest you go to your library of our Magic Martial Arts College to find information. Maybe you will find some useful information for you there. I don't think you have been to the library of our Magic Martial Arts College yet, have you? Serena laughed.

After a click, Chenxi said, "The library is indeed a good place to find information. I haven't been there before, but since Mr. Serena has recommended it, I'll go there today and maybe find the information I need."

"Ha ha, brother Chenxi, do you want me to go with you!" The wind asked like the moon.

"Well, Ruyue, you'd better not go. I'm going to teach you to practice during this period. Your time is quite tight. You see, Chenxi is now a five-level warrior. You are also my disciple. It's not easy to fall too far behind him!" Serena said.

"Well, well, I should really speed up my practice, otherwise I will become the burden of Brother Chenxi!" Feng Ruyue nodded when he heard the words.


The library of the Magic Martial Arts College is far away from Serena's hut, and Chenxi was also injured and could not use fighting spirit, so he just walked to the library like an ordinary person along the way.

"Hey, look, is that Chenxi who duels with the owner of Doumen West Hall?"

"Ah, it's true. This man is really awesome. The black vortex at the end of his day had to be smoothed out by two teachers in our college, and one of them was President Joseph of our college!"

"Yes, yes, Principal Joseph must be a holy-level strongman. I really didn't expect that the black vortex could not even equal the holy-level strongman!"

"Cut, how can the holy strong man be uneven? It's just that Principal Joseph didn't expect the whirlpool to be so strong."


"Wow, that's Chenxi!"

"Shh, don't scream. He is a master. I heard that masters have a bad temper!"


"That's Chenxi. I didn't expect him to be quite beautiful!"

"Yes, yes, the legendary Chenxi is as tall and as strong as a cow, but I didn't expect that the legend was unreleible!"


Because of Chenxi's previous relationship with Serena, coupled with a thrilling duel with Jincheng on the martial arts arena, especially the black fist vortex he created at the end, which made the two holy levels to deal with it, making Chenxi suddenly become a celebrity of the Magic Martial Arts Academy. Overnight, Chenxi's name became Among the students of the Magic Martial Arts College, it was like a typhoon blowing, and everyone became unaware of it. Therefore, many young men and women met in Chenxi along the way, who either pointed to him from afar or quietly talked about the battle between Chenxi and Jincheng in private.

Chenxi also knew the discussion of these people, and also knew that the battle himself became the focus of discussion of the magic martial arts colleges after that war, but he didn't care, but as if he didn't know it, he still slowly walked towards the library.
