Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 134 [What a bad luck]

In a private room in Zuifeng Building, the largest restaurant in Zhufeng City.

Chenxi, Obak, Orina Irene, Fengruyue, Slock, Charles, several people sat around a stool beside a large table, which was full of all kinds of dishes, and there were several bottles of wine in white jade wine bottles.

"Oh! Chenxi, you are really boring. You left so soon and didn't give me time to cook, which made me lose weight for the past two months. You see, I have lost several times!" Slock picked up a wine bottle, filled the transparent crystal glass in front of him, handed it to Chenxi, and said, "Chenxi, for my lifelong happiness, this time we have agreed that you must teach me to make a few specialty dishes. This glass of wine is my teacher's wine. Drink it, and you will teach me how to cook these days. !"

Slock is relatively bold and occasionally pretentious, especially when he sees beautiful women. Chenxi also knew Sloc's personality. He smiled, took the crystal glass full of clear wine handed over by Sloc's hand, joked with Sloc and said, "There is no problem with this. Anyway, after teaching you to cook, you can save you from coming to our house for free meals!" With that, he drank all the cups.

"Brother Chenxi said this well. Our family will have less food in the future, and we will save a lot of expenses in a month!" He added a piece of meat and put it in his mouth. While chewing, he said vaguely.

"Yes, our family has saved a lot of expenses this time, but Clos, you always have to pay a money to worship a teacher. Our Chenxi brother's craftsmanship is the best in the world!" Olina drank half a glass of wine, her face was slightly red, and she also smiled at Slock.

"Yes, Slock, if you don't give me a teacher's gift, I won't teach you how to cook, and you can't come to our house for dinner in the future." Chenxi picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth and smiled.

"You are so cruel that I know that there is nothing in my family that you like except money or money. But what you don't need most is money. You obviously don't give me a chance to learn cooking and eat for free!" Slock looked pitifully. Suddenly, his eyes flashed and he cast an ambiguous look at Chenxi and said, "Why don't I give myself to you, and you can teach me how to cook?"

Chenxi vomited when he heard the words and said, "Get out of here. I don't need you to back mountains like this!"

"Cut, I knew you would think too much. I, Slock, am the son of the owner of Zhufeng City. Is that kind of person? I mean... you know that!" Sloc was fascinated and glanced at the latter, Olina, Irene and Serena.

"Slock, go to hell! I had known for a long time that you were not a good person, and you dared to pay attention to me and Sister Lena!" Irene found that Sloc was fascinated and looked at herself, and immediately knew Sloc's idea.

"Yes, if you want to pay attention to me and my sister Irene, we will not only let you learn Chenxi's brother's cooking skills, but also have no food!" Olina threatened, but in an instant, she looked at Serena with an ambiguous look and said, "But you can still pay attention to this beautiful woman. If you can catch up with this beautiful woman, maybe I will consider marrying you with her!"

"Yes, if you catch up with her, I will marry you too!" Irene also smiled harmlessly.

"Really? Don't go back on your word!" Slock looked at Serena and turned his head and said to Erin and Orina with an ambiguous face.

"I promise I won't go back!" Erin and Olina said in one voice.

Serena giggled when she heard the words, and instantly exuded infinite charm all over her body. She smiled and said to Slock, "Welcome to chase me. As long as you catch me, you will catch up with three beautiful women at a time!"

Serena's use of infinite charming combat skills instantly made Chenxi feel that Serena was so mysterious and attractive. He quickly recited the Prajna Heart Sutra in the bottom of his heart to calm his heart.

On the other side, the old man behind the second prince Charles waved his hand when Serena exuded charm, and instantly formed a pale blue mask around Charles's body, which enveloped him in it. Charles was not affected and looked at Chenxi Keslock's reaction with an evil smile.

As for Cross, he turned into a pig brother at this moment, opened his mouth, drooling, and looked at Serena with lust.

Obak was fine and was not greatly affected. He just lowered his head and dared not look at Serena.

It didn't take long for Serena to use infinite charm, and after a while, her charm disappeared.

Slock also recovered at this moment. He found that his mouth was drooling, and quickly wiped the saliva from his mouth. He said awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I just made you laugh."

"Ge, it's so beautiful. Sloc's expression just now is so beautiful!" Irene clapped her little hands and laughed.

"Yes, Slock's expression was so classic just now!" Orina also said.

Feng Ruyue glanced at them and said, "You two are like this. You know how to make people laugh."

"Ha ha, I really admire the Clos brothers. You actually want to pursue a holy strongman. I really admire you!" The second prince said with a crystal cup full of clear wine in his hand and said with an evil smile.

Clos opened his mouth wide at this moment, and his handsome face was full of surprise. He stammered, "Miss Serena, you... You are... He is a holy strong man!"

Selin nodded slightly, smiled charmingly and said, "I'm a holy strongman, but I didn't say that you are not allowed to just beg me. As long as you pursue me, it's equivalent to chasing three beautiful women."

"Forget it, I still have this self-knowledge. The holy-level strongman is not what I dare to expect!" Slock turned his head bitterly and said to Olina and Irene, "You lied me so hard and let me pursue the holy strongman. Isn't this letting me cheat me and deliberately humiliate me?"

"Who told you to dare to think about us? It's just a small lesson!"

"Yes, this is still light. Next time you dare to pay our attention like this, I promise it will be more ruthless than this time!"

"Okay, can't I surrender!"


In the aisle of Zuifeng Tower, four men, four women and eight people drove together, followed by a white-haired old man. They were Chenxi and others who finished the banquet.

"Oh, isn't this my second brother Charles and Slock of Zhufeng City? I didn't expect to meet you here. Did you get along well? I also made a few friends, squeaky, and a few beautiful women, especially the hot figure, which I like the most!" A handsome man who looked a little feminine and met Chenxi and others in the walkway. His feminine face looked at Olina with a smile and said, followed by a middle-aged man behind him.

"This is Charles' brother, Charles, the eldest prince of the Dark Empire. His identity is the prince!" Sloc whispered in Chenxi's ear.

"Jard, they are my anxiety. I hope you can respect them!" Charles looked slightly angry.

"What respect? Do I disrespect them? No, I've always respected people!" Chard said innocently.

"Well, your mouth stinks. Be careful of being struck by lightning that day and kill you son of a bitch!" Olina shouted angrily.

"That's right, this kind of person should be punished by God and should be broken into ten thousand pieces!" Irene also cursed.

Zard didn't care and said with a smile, "Hehe, it's good, it's interesting. Both are strong enough. I like it!"

"Do you have enough? Get out of here if you have enough!" Charles was also angry.

"Don't always get out of here. Do you know whether you are elder or young? I'm your eldest brother, and you actually told me to get out of here. It seems that I can't teach you a lesson today!" Chard said as soon as he wanted to do it.

At this moment, bursts of terror enveloped Chard in an instant, making him unable to move forward.

At the same time, Serena said, "Get out of here, don't make me angry. I haven't seen blood for a long time!"

Ah! Chard fell fiercely behind Serena at the moment she finished speaking.

The big man behind waved his hand at this moment, and Chad instantly went to the big man's side. The big man said, "I didn't expect to meet a master today. It's really disrespectful!"

"Let's go with this unknown son!" Serena said.

"Okay, the green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow for a long time. I believe there will be a chance to learn in the future!"
