Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 151 [City under the ground]

"Qinhuang Hanwu, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties! So you are really an earthman. I have finally seen an earthman for many years!" Chu Yunnan was extremely happy. He didn't expect to be trapped in the main battlefield for so many years. As soon as he came out, he could see Chenxi, his hometown.

What is the happiest thing? For Chenxi now, it is that he has met Chu Yunnan, a cross-travelling earthman like him in a different world, especially this Chinese who is still like himself. When he meets an old acquaintance in another country, he is already happy. Another time and space like another world or It is the world. If you meet an old friend, it will be a great joy. Therefore, Chenxi was also very happy. He said, "Yes, I am a native of the earth. I am a Chinese. We come from the same world, the same hometown and the same race."

"Okay, okay, okay! After looking for so many years, I finally found a hometown!" Chu Yunnan flew to Chenxi's side with a happy face. He patted Chenxi on the shoulder and shouted three times in a row.

However, in an instant, Chenxi thought of Serena's infatuation with Chu Yunnan. He asked, " By the way, why did you disappear ten years ago? Teacher Serena has been waiting for you for so many years."

Chu Yunnan sighed when he heard the words and said helplessly, "Well, I came to this place ten years ago and found that this place was actually a Taoist gossip Taiji array, so I think this must have been made by a Chinese who came through time like me, so after checking around, Entering the black vortex, but I didn't expect that the other side of the black vortex was the legendary battlefield of the gods, and when I wanted to go back, I found that the exit where I went in was closed, so I was trapped there until you reopened it now. Only with a formation can I have a chance to come out of the battlefield of the gods.

"Oh, that's how it is."

"Yes, for ten years, these ten years have indeed made Serena wait too long. I'm ashamed of her." Chu Yunnan said with a ashamed face.

"Ha, don't worry, I think Mr. Serena will forgive you after knowing this. Besides, Mr. Serena has been waiting for you for more than ten years." Chenxi laughed.

"I know that Serena will forgive me, but I feel ashamed of her."

"Ha ha, forget it. If you are ashamed, you can treat Teacher Serena well in the future and make up for it in the future." Chenxi advised.

"Ha ha, yes, it's useless to feel guilty. I won't treat Serena well in the future to make up for the debt I owe her over the years." Chu Yunnan also laughed.

"Ha ha, that's fine!" Chenxi said, "That's right, we don't care about who built this. The question is whether you can leave this double-headed demon cave now. I came in because I couldn't find a way."

"Ha ha, this is still a problem for me. When I came in again, I chased a warcraft and chased in, and the reason why you couldn't find a way out was that I arranged a trap there, so you felt like you were walking in a maze and couldn't find it at all. That's why I came here."

"Oh, that's good, otherwise, I really don't know how to go out."

"Ha ha, let's go."


After that, Chenxi, under the leadership of Chu Yunnan, left the cave and the dark cave.

After that, Chenxi stayed in the undead continent because he still needed to absorb the soul fire. Chu Yunnan left the undead continent after asking Chenxi Serena's residence because he missed Serena.

When Chu Yunnan left, Chenxi came to the Great Leiyin Temple. He prepared to practice in the Great Leiyin Temple during the day, while at night he searched for the dead in the jungle of the undead continent, hunted the dead, and absorbed the fire of the dead.

In the night sky, the stars and curved crescent moon shine high in the night sky, which looks beautiful. The forest under the night sky is dark and mysterious. Occasionally, a wolf howling comes from the forest, which makes the night very terrible. It seems that the forest in the night is full of danger.

Although there is a crescent moon in the sky, the bright light can still pass through the tall and dense canopy, and the boundless moonlight sparsely penetrates the dense forest and falls to the ground.


Suddenly, a figure ran out on the ground with sparse moonlight. The speed was extremely fast, and there was already a journey of 100 meters in a blink of an eye. He was Chenxi who came out to hunt the dead at night. He was looking for his target.

Now he is already a six-level warrior. The ordinary soul fire of the undead can't meet Chenxi's needs at all. He must find a person who was a level 6 warrior or above before his death, and becomes a zombie or skeleton after death. Only such a undead soul fire can meet his needs.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed. He saw an ancient city from afar through the jungle, and each city still emerged from the ground.

In a flat land deep in the jungle in the distance, a huge city was slowly rising from the ground, and the city wall slowly emerged from the ground.

This is a huge city, which is huge and ancient. All the buildings are in the style of a long time ago, and many of these buildings are dilapidated. Some have fallen, some are missing a corner, some have many cracks in the walls, and some have broken a big hole. Some have only one wall left. The walls of the city wall are also full of tatters, and there are many big holes and moss on them, but there are also many green vines coming out of the ground and slowly growing on the wall, covering up the big holes on the wall of the broken city, but After a while, the whole wall was covered with green vines, which looked like a vine wall from afar, and no stones, stone walls, and artificial traces could be seen at all.

In just about half a ring, the dilapidated city soon emerged from the ground, and the face of the whole city also leaked out. If it looks from the sky, this city is like a dilapidated city that has experienced a large war and been destroyed.

Chenxi looked at the dilapidated city emerging from the ground in the distance. His heart was extremely shocked, and at the same time, his heart was also dark and cold. All this was so strange that anyone who saw such a scene would feel scared.

Chenxi felt cold in his heart. For the sake of safety, Chen Xi immediately said to Babaka, "Babaka, quickly change into a battle armor and hide my whole breath."

"Okay, no problem." Babaka immediately changed as he said, and in a blink of an eye, he changed into a big tree, covering Chenxi in it, and Chenxi came from the main trunk of the big tree, but this still could not affect Chenxi's sight. He can still see the strange city in the distance.

Soon, in Chenxi's sight, a large number of figures appeared on the wall of the city. They were all like some soldiers, guarding the wall that appeared here and went to each other, just like the city of human beings.

At this moment, Babaka suddenly said, "Chenxi, those are all zombies, and all the guards on the wall are zombies."

"Zombies, are they really zombies, are you right?" It's not that he doesn't believe in Babaka, but Babaka's words are really terrible. Zombies actually came out to guard the Acropolis. Chenxi has never heard of such a thing. Moreover, zombies can even line up and guard the Acropolis with a plan, which means that these zombies have their own high wisdom and are not like The dead.

"Yes, I'm absolutely right." Babaka said, and suddenly said loudly, "Look, there are skeletons coming out of that city."

Chenxi immediately looked over there. Sure enough, Chenxi saw a team of golden skeletons running out of that city in the city.