Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 155 [Kill the Spider]

A large black flame cut out of the first type of the violent flame sword emitted a burning breath, burning the surrounding air. The spider silk spit out by Alice was brushed. The spider silk was immediately ignited when it met the black flame like gasoline. In the crackling burning sound, black The flame quickly spread like the whole spider silk spit out by Criss, and the black flame burned to the edge of Cris's mouth in an instant. She quickly practiced spitting out the spider silk in her mouth, and her body changed rapidly, and immediately changed into a phantom and disappeared in front of her eyes.

Cris's figure reappeared at this moment, and immediately a spider's foot flashed with cold light. Suddenly, Babaka on his body immediately changed into a majestic silver armor, protecting Chenxi and said to Chenxi, "Chenxi, this spider The spider is behind you. Her body is too ghostly. You can't see her figure. Use it quickly and make a nine turns. Then I will detect the whereabouts of Cris. Only when we can we work together to kill her.


Chenxi's nine-turn wind step was still slow to use. Alice's spider feet were suddenly inserted behind Chenxi, but this time there was no damage caused by Chenxi, because Babaka's ability has been improved again, and Babaka has changed fast enough. The moment before, it changed into armor, blocking Kris's attack.


Chenxi's body was immediately flew forward with the power of Cris's attack in several moments, and used the nine-turn tour in an instant. His body changed in an instant, and his shadow was seen in the surrounding space, and Criss also welcomed the change and killed Chenxi. Unfortunately, Chenxi's nine-turn tour Wind step is a heavenly combat skill. The speed changes very fast. In addition, Babaka has changed into armor, and its defense ability is very strong. Therefore, Chenxi is now like a fortress, and it is also a fortress that moves quickly. Even if it does not avoid the attack of chriss occasionally, there is absolutely no danger. He is here. Under such circumstances, they were occasionally hit by Alice, but it was not dangerous. The two were still changing their figures, one hiding and the other chasing.

The past of time is very beneficial to Chenxi and Babaka, because Babaka has been detecting the trajectory of the figure of the figure of Cris, and wants to find some laws in the trajectory of Kris. Soon, as long as this rule is found, Chenxi and Babaka can successfully counterattack.

Between the change of her figure, Babaka quickly became to see the trajectory of Cris. He said, "Chenxi, Criss must be able to have some specific movements and ways of phantom changes. Although her body can change so many figures, but those are not her real body. In fact, her true She is shuttling through the two-dimensional space. When she changes, I will immediately count his trajectory and kill her in the direction I said.

"Ye, good!" Chenxi answered. At this time, Kris behind him transformed again, and dozens of Kris appeared in the air in an instant. It was impossible to see which Kris's real body was. However, at this time, Babaka, the robot played a good role, and he was able to calculate the trajectory of Kris. He said, "Chenxi, two meters behind you is the position where Kris will appear. Kill her quickly."

Bakka spoke because he communicated with Chenxi, so the speed was very fast. The basic mountain could be said that there was no time. Chenxi immediately moved under his feet, and his right arm and fist flashed with a strong thunder and lightning force. He punched the position that Babaka said.


Chenxi's nine-turn thunder fist can exert 30 times his strength at this stage. His punch hit Alice's head and instantly seemed to break a big watermelon. Alice's head was suddenly blown up by him, and it was blown out by the power of lightning on Chenxi's right arm. In an instant, she burned Alice's head to ashes, leaving only a huge spider corpse, which was heavily transferred to the ground, but in a moment there was a roar, which obviously fell to the ground.

"Well, I finally solved this case. Let's go quickly. Maybe someone told her that she would know our whereabouts." Chenxi said that he was about to turn around and leave, but at this time, Babaka said, "Chenxi, wait, get the body of the spider = Warcraft quickly and we will take it away."

"It's just a hateful spider, and it's so ugly. It's disgusting and can't be eaten. Why did you get it up?" Chenxi looked at the spider below, and now it is still flowing out some disgusting black **, and it is still very sticky, which makes people feel like vomiting. He is a little unwilling to do such a thing.

"Chenxi, hurry up the ten days of the spider. This spider's corpse is a good thing. If it hadn't been for the people in your world, you wouldn't have created a monster like Alice. There is a trace of space law in it. You must understand the law after becoming a god-level strong man. Only then can you become stronger again. I can tell you in charge that this spider will be greedy even if a god-level strongman sees it. Of course. The premise is that they know that the spider contains a space law, and they must extract the space law from it.

"Ah, there is such a thing. Well, I'll get the spider back immediately, and we'll bring it home and get the space law out." After hearing what Babaka said, he immediately flew down and took back the treasure in his eyes to the space ring.

"Okay, let's go quickly. I think that Alice should have been made like this by some strong man." After seeing that Chenxi was ready, Babaka immediately urged Chenxi to leave.

"There is still such a thing. Maybe Kris is really the monster made by those god-level strong men. Well, let's go quickly and see the kamifeng continent soon."

Chenxi said and flew away quickly and did not dare to stay at all. However, after flying for a while, he immediately felt that his speed was too slow. Maybe the owner of a monster like Alice will come again. He may not be able to make a human-headed spider like Alice. What kind of cultivation? As a matter of safety, he said to Babaka while flying, "Babaka, can't you change into that aircraft now? We have to return to the theological continent quickly now. I'm afraid that someone will catch up with us."

"Well, now that my recovery time has arrived and I can change into that aircraft again. I will become an aircraft immediately. Let's leave this continent quickly. Are you ready?" Babaka asked.

"Ye�. I'm ready. Change quickly."

"Ye�. OK!" Babaka said a burst of changes, wrapping Chenxi, and then turning into a warhead aircraft, flying away quickly. This huge sound also shocked a piece of Warcraft thunderbird in the forest to fly into the sky, as if some monster appeared in the forest. Maybe, bullet The head aircraft itself is a monster in the eyes of birds.

Chenxi and Babaka flew rapidly in the direction of the city, but the old magician named Slav in the dark temple in the magic capital immediately found that the monster he made, Alice, had died. He also wanted to chase Chenxi, but now the two sides are facing each other, and also He couldn't find time to chase Chenxi. Moreover, in his heart, Chenxi is just a little soldier, and he can't run many pieces. As long as he solves the matter of Modu, it is easy to find Chenxi again.
