Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 179 [Animal Pet Contract]

"Elf from afar, I'm calling you here..."

Three beautiful girls sang the same spiritual song in the forest. The beautiful song echoed in the forest shrouded in black fog. They were all attracting the attention of unicorns and wanted to get the recognition of unicorns.

Legend, unicorns symbolize beauty, purity and peace. Only beautiful, kind and pure girls can be favored by unicorns and sign animal pet contracts with unicorns. The singing of three beautiful girls and three beautiful girls fighting for a unicorn. This is an invisible struggle. They fight for their beauty, kindness and purity.

It is undeniable that the three girls are so beautiful. In terms of appearance, Chenxi feels that the three are comparable. However, in terms of soul, Chenxi feels that only Santa Ana is much worse between these three women, and Santa Ana has no hope. The real competition is Lilia and Chevnia.

Soon, Chenxi flew to Lilia and Chephne. He did not run any more, but stood not far from Chephne and Lilia, standing with Fred.

Busy with the approval of the unicorn, Chevrolet and Lilia did not say hello to Chenxi. Chenxi also knew the reason. He didn't say anything and didn't want to disturb Chevrolet and Lilia. He just nodded to Fred, and Fred also knew the reason and just nodded to Chenxi. Looking at the unicorn stepping on the white clouds and Santa Ana, who is also singing the song of the soul behind the unicorn.

In a short time, the unicorn came to Shephne and Lilia. Her big beautiful eyes looked at Chenxi not far away, listened to the spiritual song of Shephne and Lilia, and then looked at Shephne and Lilia.

The song of the soul is a song that calls for Warcraft, which can resound between the hearts of Warcraft to achieve the purpose of calling. The singing of the three girls also attracted the attention of other monsters near this forest, and all kinds of monsters slowly appeared around Alechenxi.

Level 6 Warcraft Snow Fox, Level 7 Warcraft Flame Wolf, Level 7 Warcraft Earth Tiger, Level 8 Warcraft Sky Feather Crane...

Although the time is very short, there are also many monsters gathered. Their eyes look at the three beautiful girls singing the song of the soul, and their eyes are soft.

There is no doubt that among so many warcrafts, the unicorn is one of the most outstanding. Although she looks small and only the size of a horse, her whole body emits a soft white light at this time. Her beautiful big eyes look at Chevnia and Lilia, and sometimes look at Chen, like an elf in the forest.

Soon, Santa Ana also reached the ground. She emitted a faint white light all over her body and floated opposite Shephne and Lilia. Shephne and Lilia became a triangle, singing wonderful songs and fighting for the recognition of the unicorn with Shephne and Lilia.

Although the forest is shrouded in black fog, it still looks very quiet, peaceful, and even a trace of sacred in the beautiful singing of the three goddess-like beautiful girls. In addition, a beautiful unicorn is between the three women, which adds a soft and sacred artistic conception.

When Shephne saw such a situation, there was a trace of joy on her pretty face, and there was also a trace of joy in the sound of singing.

However, the unicorn looked at Chevrolet a few times, but did not sign a contract with her, but looked at Chenxi and walked to Chenxi with elegant steps.

Chenxi was shocked by the unicorn. He was really uncertain about the idea of the unicorn, but he didn't run any more, because he saw that the unicorn was not malicious.

In a short time, the unicorn walked to Chenxi, looked at Chenxi, and walked around him. As he walked, he returned to Chenxi and smelled Chenxi's body. He stepped back three steps, and his beautiful big eyes looked at Chenxi again.

The unicorn did not nod, nor shake its head, nor did it make any attack. Instead, it looked at Chevrolet and walked to Chevrolet. When it walked around Chevrolet again, sniffed, and then walked to Chenxi. It still walked around a few times and sniffed again.

The legendary unicorn, which only favors beautiful, kind and pure girls, would be interested in a big boy, which made everyone a little puzzled and afraid of being attacked by the unicorn, so they didn't say anything. The scene was extremely strange.

The unicorn went back and forth between Chenxi and Xuephne four or five times. Finally, the unicorn stopped in front of Chenxi, staring at Chenxi with beautiful big eyes, shaking its head a few times in the air, and the sharp corners on its head outlined a magic array of equal contract in the air and slowly flew towards Chenxi.

Chenxi knew that this was a pet contract. Although he had some doubts about the reason why the unicorn signed the contract with him, he still let go of his mind, let the pet contract be printed on his forehead, and accepted the equal contract of the unicorn.