Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 195 [Breaking the Wind and Waves]

"Well, I didn't expect that you still have a lot of research on the magic array. Since it's so easy to see the defense of this magic array."

Chu Yunnan was very confident, and his face was also full of this confidence. He just glanced at the defense of the magic array, which confirmed the defense power of the magic array. Will naturally knew the original self-confidence of Chu Yunnan. He smiled and took Chenxi and Chu Yunnan to the cabin. He went to the place and said, "Come with me, and I'll take you to see the specific structure of the Wind and Waves."

Chenxi and Chu Yunnan smiled and followed Will, and went together to verify the structure and defense of the ship.

"My Wind and Waves was built with the best fine iron, so it has the ability to defend against the attacks of level 4 and 5 Warcraft."

"However, I didn't find someone to arrange the magic array. The magic array was the fragment I picked up when I was at sea. After that, the staff asked someone to identify it and found that the defense ability was very strong, so I embedded this fast fragment into the wind and waves. I think if you can repair the defense array by yourself , the defense of the Wind and Waves must be able to rise another step.

"The wind and waves not only has a very strong defense ability, but also uses the power of the magic array. When I built it, I used the best power magic array. Under the impetus of this magic array, the fastest speed of the wind and waves can reach 250 nautical miles for one hour, and the speed is absolute. Yes, it's very fast and will definitely meet your requirements.

"The Wind Breaking Waves has also arranged a very practical magic array. When the Wind Breaking Waves sail on the sea, if you encounter a hurricane, you only need to turn on the magic array of this wind system, then the Wind Breaking Waves can move forward in the hurricane, and it is absolutely safe. It can be said that you choose Wind Breaking Waves One. It must be your wisest decision."


Will is like a shopping guide on TV on the earth. He introduced his windbreaker, which is endless, and his face is also a trace of pride. He explains everything on the windbreaker to Chenxi and Chu Yunnan.

Finally, after the introduction, Will took Chenxi and Chu Yunnan back to the deck and asked the middle-aged people who were playing chess to start the Wind and Waves. He took Chenxi and Chu Yunnan on the sea for more than an hour to test the performance of the Wind and Waves. In this process, Will also smiled proudly and occasionally introduced the performance and structure of the Wind and Waves to Chenxi and Chu Yunnan, and occasionally introduced some sea scenery near Haigang City to Chenxi and Chu Yunnan, including some famous islands near Haigang City, saying that if Chenxi and Chu Yunnan are free, You might as well go to those islands to see the beautiful scenery.

The sailing situation of the Wind Breaking Waves made Chenxi and Chu Yunnan very satisfied. When they returned to the dock in the Harbor City, they had decided to buy the Wind Breaking Waves. However, they did not pay again, but agreed to give the four women of Serena, Fengruyue, Irene and Orina. Money, Will readily agreed.

A ship must have a captain and sailors to sail at sea, so after leaving the Wind and Waves, Chenxi and Chu Yunnan immediately went to the Mercenary Union and the Adventurers Guild to recruit captains and sailors to get the task.

After completing the task, Chenxi and Chu Yunnan returned to the hotel and came to the Wind Breaking Waves with the four women of Serena, Feng Ruyue, Irene and Olina. They successfully made a deal with Will and bought the Wind Breaking Waves. From then on, the Wind Breaking Waves belonged to Chenxi and their group.

Everyone was very happy when they came to the Wind and Waves. Among them, Irene and Orina were the craziest and played happily. However, Chenxi and the others are too lazy to pay attention to it. Chu Yunnan and Serena want to repair the damaged magic array of the Wind Breaking Waves. Therefore, after buying the Wind Breaking Waves, they went to the room where the magic defense array was located in the cabin of Wind Breaking Waves to repair the magic array. Feng Ruyue also wanted to learn some knowledge of the magic array from it, so he went with Chu Yunnan and Olina.

Chenxi was idle and didn't want to go crazy with Irene and Olina. He walked to the edge of the wind and waves and blew the sea breeze.

The sea breeze has a smell of fishy, and Chenxi's hair and clothes fluttered in the wind under the sea breeze, but also has some demeanor.

Chenxi blew the sea breeze, and he slowly recalled the vortex of the black hole he had created before. His skill was not mature and not very practical, and he had not used this skill in battle.

He recalled a whirlpool of fighting spirit and put his mind in the black hole whirlpool formed by the practice of Black Hole Evolution in his Dantian. Slowly, his mind penetrated into the black hole whirlpool little by little. Slowly, his mind also rotated with the black hole whirlpool, rotated, slowly, little by little. A different bucket spirit vortex slowly reappeared in his mind, which was simulating a black hole and constructing a different bucket vortex from the previous practiced bucket vortex.

The trajectory of this bucket spirit whirlpool slowly rotates with the bucket spirit whirlpool in Dantian, and slowly becomes a little similar to the bucket spirit whirlpool in Dantian.

Unconsciously, Chenxi cut on the edge of the wind and waves, and unconsciously danced between his hands. Slowly, two finger-sized black hole whirlpools appeared in the palms of his left hand and right hand respectively.

Rotate, rotate slowly, the small gas black hole slowly becomes larger, and the speed of rotation is also slowly increasing.

The Douqi black hole in his hand is slowly rotating, while Chenxi's mind is slowly, little by little, as the Douqi black hole in Dantian, slowly captures the mystery of the Douqi Vortex in Dantian.

a thread, two threads, three threads...

"No, the black hole doesn't rotate like this!"

The more Chenxi knew about the bucket gas black hole in Dantian, the more he found that the bucket gas black hole in his hand did not rotate like that. At present, he immediately threw the bucket gas black hole in the palm of his hands to the sea.


The moment the two gas black holes touched the surface of the water, they formed two vortices on the sea and quickly became larger. In a blink of an eye, a 700-meter-sized sea vortex was formed, and the wind and waves also shook under the influence of these two vortices.


The wind and waves swayed, and Irene and Olina on the deck immediately reacted. Irene said, "Brother Chenxi, what are you doing? You don't want to overturn our boat, are you?"

"Well, I don't think so. I'm just practicing combat skills." Chenxi said anxically.

"Then you can't do this. Look, the shaking of the wind and waves is getting worse and worse." The shaking of the wind and waves became more and more serious, and Olina's body was a little unstable.

On the sea surface, the two whirlpools are getting bigger and bigger. Within just a moment of thinking about them talking, they have become large whirlpools with a diameter of more than 20 meters. And it is still getting bigger.

"Trouble, the whirlpool is getting bigger and bigger!"

Chenxi turned his head and looked at it and was immediately shocked.

"Brother Chenxi, think of a way to get rid of this whirlpool quickly, otherwise our ship will sink." Irene urged.

"I can't help it. Although I made it, but..."

"But you can make it and can't control it, right? Then I'll solve it!"

Chu Yunnan appeared on the deck and arrived at Chenxi's side in a blink of an eye. He smiled gently, waved his right hand and said, "The field is emerging, the whirlpool is flat!"

In an instant, the whirlpool slowly became smaller under the control of Chu Yunnan, and in a blink of an eye, it returned to a calm sea, as if nothing had happened before.

"Well, fortunately, Brother Yun, you are here, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable."