Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 242 [Exchange]

Zhongpin gene evolution liquid has always been a good thing that Chenxi coveted. He has been looking for medicinal materials to configure Zhongpin gene evolution liquid, but each of these medicinal materials is very rare. Although Chenxi's current foreign firms have been receiving this information and medicinal materials of Zhongpin gene evolution liquid, , but it has not been fully equipped. So far, the foreign commercial bank has collected only 77 kinds of medicinal materials collected from Isha Commercial Bank, as well as the mercenary union and the adventurer union, but the medium-quality genetic evolution liquid needs 99 kinds of medicinal materials, and the remaining 22 kinds. Each is very rare, even very precious, so Chenxi has not been able to collect these medicinal herbs.

Now, Chenxi heard one of the medicinal herbs, and Chenxi suddenly became nervous.

"Haha! You are also nervous. Haha! I was also very nervous and surprised to see this kind of medicinal material at that time! But I saw a lot of monsters there, so I didn't dare to look for those medicinal materials! And I inform you that I just want you to go to get those medicinal herbs together. Scala's voice came again.

Chenxi calmed down and said, "There is even a problem with you. What kind of monsters are there over there!"

Scala is a level 9 warrior. If he secretly goes to get the medicinal materials, he will at least grasp a dragon's side to steal the medicinal materials and immediately escape. Now, Scala does not dare to pick it, and Chenxi immediately hears the danger.

"Hey. It's also unlucky. I don't know what happened nearby. It turned out to be a spider valley full of spiders, and from their energy, several of these spiders are nine-level spiders, so I couldn't get into it.

"Spider Valley!" Chenxi was surprised.

Spider Valley, that is to say, there are many spiders in this valley. These spiders are webs all over the valley, which naturally makes Scala unable to enter it. No wonder Scala can't get the exquisite fruit, but wants to find Chenxi.

"Yes, it's the spider valley. You don't know. There are spider webs, trees and the ground everywhere. I also suffered a loss." Scala sighed.

So that's it!

Chenxi finally understood! It turns out that Scala has suffoed once! Only then did I find myself.

He immediately asked, "Skara, did you inform Lovene of them:?"

"No, no, I didn't inform them, because there are only three exquisite fruits I saw, which is not enough, so I only call you alone. After all, your ability to travel through the two-dimensional space is very useful! And your field is also strong enough. As long as you are alone, it is equivalent to finding more than a dozen hitters!"

Chenxi smiled helplessly. It turned out that this boy fell in love with the law of space and more than a dozen nine-level warriors. He could imagine that Scala was still smiling secretly now.

There is nothing wrong with Chenxi. He said, "Naskara, stay where you are. I'll come right away."

"Ye-huh, okay, you have to hurry up."

At present, Chenxi stopped saying anything. After putting the summoning scroll into his pocket, he immediately took out the positioning scroll and quickly flew in the direction where Scala was.

The wild forest is very large, but the good thing is that the distance between Scala and Chenxi is not very far, so Chenxi is worth taking about an hour to get to the place where Scala is.

This is a cave. Scala brought Chenxi here after seeing Chenxi. Because it's getting late, they plan to go again tomorrow, and the two can also calculate here.

According to Scala, the valley is full of spider webs, covered with every towering tree, and there are many small spiders on each tree. The little spider is not scary. What's terrible is that there are nine nine-level ghost spiders in the valley.

That is to say, as long as you are entangled by these spiders and monsters, you will have to face the bite of thousands of spiders. Chenxi feels disgusting when thinking about those pictures.

Therefore, in order to avoid these situations, Chenxi had a good way to get along with him, that is, to dig a hole, just like a tunnel war, attack from the ground, plus Babaka's detection ability, so that he can see the situation on the ground from the ground, and also ask Babaka to help determine the coordinates, so as to avoid Digged.

It was calculated in this way, and the next day, Chenxi got up with Scala in the early morning.

Scala took Chenxi through the forest quickly. Soon, he took Chenxi to the entrance of a valley. He said, "Chenxi, this is the valley I mentioned. I have observed it! Those spiders only appear about 100 meters into the valley. And the exquisite fruit is about 200 meters in the valley.

"Okay, let's go in now." Chenxi nodded and carefully flew into the valley.

Soon, Chenxi saw huge spider webs of white flowers from afar. These spider webs were wrapped in a real forest, which was really horrible, which made Chenxi have a kind of silk hole in Journey to the West. "Oh, no, this should be Pansi Valley." Chenxi secretly decided to give this valley a name - Pansi Valley.

Now it is still about 20 meters away from the spider beast weaving web, but because it is full of ancient trees, the spiders did not find Chenxi and Scala. Chenxi turned around and nodded to Scala, made a 0K gesture, and whispered, "We are digging now. It's too close. It is easy to be found by these monsters.

"Okay, let's dig now!" Scala also said.

After saying that, Chenxi and Scala each took out their sharp swords and walked to the edge of the valley together, hiding behind a big tree. Fortunately, they began to dig holes in the ground of the valley.

This is a demon world. Warcraft is horizontal, fighting spirit and magic are flying, and energy and laws fly together. It seems that in order to adapt to this evil world, the ground of this world is far harder than that of the earth. Chenxi estimates that the stones on the ground are 80% comparable to basalt on the earth, and this is also It's the stone on the ground. It is estimated that 80% of the interior is full of diamonds.

However, in order to get the coveted exquisite fruit, Chenxi and Scala also risked themselves. They used their most powerful weapons and began to dig holes in the ground.

Scala's is obviously not as good as Chenxi's, but the hardest and sharpest kind of ordinary weapons. Therefore, it is very difficult to dig. Chenxi smiled and said, "Skara, in this way, if we get those three exquisite fruits, you let me get two, and you only take one, then, How about I give you an artifact?"

As a person who once devoured the soul of a god-level strong man, although he was not sober, he devoured or devoured it. Chenxi naturally got the legacy of the unlucky little Japanese Sasaki.

The legacy of the god-level strong can be said to be extremely rich. Perhaps because the island country * has become a tradition, Sasaki has plundered everywhere in the world and has also got a lot of good things. Among them, the most are weapons. Naturally, there are many artifacts, reaching an amazing 15 artifacts!

Five artifacts. After distribution, Chenxi still has six artifacts: the bow of the elf (the sacred weapon surpasses the artifact), the dark sword, the sword of thunder, the sword of wind and spirit, the sword of fire, and the blue water sword.

Therefore, Chenxi naturally has the capital to speak, while Linglong fruit is an essential medicinal material. Even if he only needs one, at least Chenxi is ready to prepare some medicinal materials for Feng Ruyue and others. Maybe when he is strong in the future, he can collect some medium-grade genetic evolution liquid for Feng Ruyue and others. This is what the stream thinks.

"What! You have an artifact!!" Scala was surprised that he had been with Chenxi for some time, but he never knew that Chenxi had an artifact (Skara had never seen the artifact, so Skara didn't know the artifact even if he had seen it),

"Hehe, of course, if I don't have an artifact, I won't say this sentence! Look, the sword I usually eat is an artifact, the Sword of Thunder!" Chenxi smiled and injected fighting spirit into the thunder sword in his hand, and saw a large number of flashing thunder and lightning power immediately appeared on the thunder sword.

"Damn, what can you do with me? Now I know that the sword in your hand is an artifact! This is really fearless for the ignorant." Scala felt deeply helpless about his ignorance. He said, "Since you have an artifact, of course, I am naturally willing to exchange it with you at the cost of exquisite fruit."

A person can only take one of the best medicinal materials such as Linglongguo in his life. Taking more is not only ineffective, but may also cause unpredictable consequences, and may even explode to death. Therefore, Chenxi put forward such an exchange condition.

"Have you really decided?" Chenxi asked that the value of Linglong fruit is very high.

"Of course, after all, I can only eat a exquisite fruit!" Scala nodded. He looked at the thunder sword in Chenxi's hand and his eyes were shining, and he almost drooled. "But Chenxi, what do you want to do with so many exquisite fruits? It can't be worth exchanging artifacts."

"I prepared it for my girlfriend." Chenxi smiled and said, "In this case, I will give you an artifact now, but this artifact is not the thunder sword in my hand, but its fire sword!"

Chen Xi smiled and took out a fiery red sword from the space ring and gently inserted it into the ground with a jingle.
