Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 275 [Battle Holy Level]

In the past, when Chenxi fought with Jincheng in Doumen, because of the big gap with Jincheng, he suddenly thought that he turned the third model of nine-turn thunder fist into a black hole-like fighting gas black hole in his body due to the cultivation of "Black Hole Evolution" and made it a black hole-like attack! And in the first battle of Mowu Academy, he not only defeated Jincheng, but even when he was devoured him, he could not control this combat skill, but also let two teachers (President Joseph and Teacher Tianyucheng) who are holy strong men work together to eliminate the black fist whirlpool, although it was because Joseph's surprise, Without all his strength, however, this also directly shows that the attack power of Chenxi's combat skill is very strong!!

Once, Chenxi was attacked because of this matter, but now he has a metal law, and he has slightly improved the black fist whirlpool, so now he can control this super combat skill! Moreover, with the improvement of Chenxi's cultivation, the horror and power of this combat skill are also increasing exponentially!

The black fist whirlpool of the model black hole has unparalleled momentum and unparalleled attraction, and the Xuantian fluctuation fist made by Alexander is also unparalleled fact and boundless attraction. The two have a lot of similarities. The strong on the narrow road wins!


Two different whirlpools are intertwined in an instant. The two hit, attract and devour each other!

"Borp it for me!" Chenxi shouted, and suddenly, the rotation speed of Chenxi's black fist whirlpool suddenly increased tenfold, and the attraction increased in an instant, as if swallowing a whale. With a brush, Alexander's Xuantian fluctuation fist was absorbed in an instant.


The autumn wind can sweep away the fallen leaves, the black hole can absorb light and energy, and the black fist whirlpool of Chenxi also has a strong and boundless attraction. In an instant, it pulls into the large trees in the forest and disappears in a blink of an eye!


The strong attraction attracts some low-level pangolin people in the sky. They can't get rid of the attraction of the black fist whirlpool, but can only wailing and be absorbed by this powerful attraction.

"Oh, patriarch, patriarch, save me--!"

"Gan, save me--!

"Pstor, don't you want your people?"


All kinds of shouts and calls for help continue to appear. They all hope that Alexander can save them from the fate of being absorbed and killed by the black hole.

However, no matter how much these pangolin shout, Alexander will not come out.

Maybe it's because Chenxi's combat skill is too powerful, or because Alexander is waiting for a good opportunity to kill Chenxi with one blow. In short, Alexander has not come out and paid attention to the shouts of his people.

"Good! Alexander, since you don't come out, then I'll force you out to see how long you can hide.

The third-style use of nine-turn thunder boxing made Chenxi's fighting spirit a little unbearable. He quickly took out the elixir of the bus from the space ring and threw it into the mouth, like chewing beans, quickly took the elixir to restore his fighting spirit!

In an instant, the Douqi black hole in Dantian fully exerts the powerful attraction and fusion characteristics of Qi, absorbs the energy from the ammunition taken to replenish the Douqi.

Chenxi was supplemented by fighting spirit, and he immediately controlled the black fist whirlpool and rushed to the ground.


At this moment, the black fist whirlpool is like a real black hole, roaring, rotating, absorbing everything around it, and growing rapidly. In a blink of an eye, it becomes a huge black fist whirlpool with a diameter of seven or eight meters, rapidly roaring to the ground that just sent a mysterious fluctuating fist to Alexander.


Absorption, this is unparalleled absorption. When the black fist whirlpool touches the ground, the soil of the whole ground is instantly sucked into the black fist whirlpool. In a blink of an eye, there is a large pit up to five or six meters deep on the ground.

"Give me a suck!" Chenxi was overjoyed when he saw the situation. He immediately controlled the continuous absorption of the black fist whirlpool. Suddenly, there was a continuous sound, and a big pit appeared on the ground in the forest.

However, I still haven't seen Alexander's figure, and I don't know whether this guy is hiding in the corner where birds can't be seen.

Chenxi controlled the black fist whirlpool and ravaged for a while, causing great damage to the ground and forest, and also killing many pangolin clans. They all shouted for their patriarchs before they died, but in the end, they still couldn't see Alexander.

"Hmm! In that case! You don't value your people, so I'll deal with your people first. Chenxi snorted angrily, and his body suddenly flew up. With a wave of his hand, he immediately controlled the whistling black fist whistling on the ground and roared to the people of the pangolin family. He was ready to kill!

"The patriarch——!"

"Alexander, you don't deserve to be our patriarch!"

"You are greedy and afraid of death. May your soul go to hell forever."


The Pangolin kept cursing Alexander in an attempt to get Alexander out, at least so that they can survive.

"Maybe Alexander is really a person who is afraid of death! Unexpectedly, he ignored his own people. Chenxi thought so, but there was no pity. Chaoyang controlled the black fist whirlpool and roared fiercely towards the pangolin family.

"Brothers, let's not stay here. It's all Alexander's fault that our people have suffered such a great loss. Let's leave quickly, or we will die here."

"Yes, we have to leave quickly. Alexander is a fear of death. We will go back to convene a senant meeting and definitely pull him down to the position of patriarch."

"Ah, let's go. If you don't go, you will be finished."

"The wind is tight, whining, and running away."


never got a response from Alexander. All the members of the pangolin family were angry and saw the invincible black fist whirlpool of Chenxi. In order to save their lives, they all cried and shouted one by one, as if they had seen a ghost, quickly fled without any nostalgia.

"Forget it! Let them run." Lovenie stopped attacking and shook her head.

"Afraid of death spirits, garbage." Scala said with great contempt.

"Ge--these are not afraid of death. The one who is really afraid of death is that Alexander!" Arya giggled. As a holy strongman, he did not dare to face a small nine-level warrior when he saw his clan being killed. I've never seen such a death-feared guy."

"Ha ha. The best, this Alexander is the best among the fear of death spirits. Lei Ya judged.

Black Fist Vortex is a combat skill that consumes a lot of fighting spirit. After using it all the way, it did not take over what they wanted, but let the pangolin family run away. Chenxi didn't want to be disjoined and thought, "Maybe Alexander has escaped now."

So, Chenxi shook his head helplessly and dispersed the black hole whirlpool.

"Drink! Boy, go to hell!" Just as the black hole vortex dissipated, Alexander's body suddenly shot out of the ground, like lightning, appeared under Chenxi in a blink of an eye, and immediately bombarded Chenxi fiercely. Tianshi Fist. Die!"

Alexander had been plotting for a long time, and Chenxi was just in a situation where the fighting spirit was just disconnected.

However, Fortunately, Chenxi has long had a certain prevention for Alexander. At this moment, he applied the law of metal to the extreme, and his body instantly changed into a silver person.


Alexander suddenly attacked and immediately punched Chenxi in the chest! Chenxi suddenly sounded. He suffered this strong punch, his right arm suddenly clenched his fist, and the nine-turn thunder fist suddenly burst out!


Chenxi punched him and hit Alexander's chest fiercely.




(PS: There are frequent power outages... I can't afford it... for three consecutive days. Intermittent power outages...)