Don't go to the flower

Chapter 1 Substitute Bride

The sky is slightly bright, and the warm dawn shrouded in the hazy mist, like a thin white veil, terrified and charming.

The faint sound of suona came through the mist, waking up the still sleeping Pulan City. The quiet city gradually became lively, and the Lin family on the outskirts of the city was particularly lively at this moment.

There was a white-bearded old man standing at the door, holding his right hand on his eyes and looking into the distance. After looking at him for a long time, no one appeared.

"His third uncle, it's almost time. Why hasn't the person come back yet?" A well-dressed middle-aged woman came out of the door and looked into the distance with an anxious face. When the old man guarded the door saw her anxious appearance, he couldn't help joking, "Sister-in-law Zhang, our young master is not in a hurry to be the groom. Why are you in a hurry here? The emperor is not anxious and the eunuch is anxious. Sooner or later he can't miss the auspicious time."

"You old man, you can't spit ivory out of your mouth." Sister-in-law Zhang took a bite of the old man and suddenly heard the sound of suona coming from afar, and her face suddenly became happy. "Here we are coming!"

The courtyard of the Lin family suddenly became lively. Two little men picked up long firecrackers with bamboo poles and waited at the door. When the sound of suona approached, they lit the lead and crackled. However, without waiting for the pick-up team to approach, a servant ran towards him and whispered a few words in the old man's ear. The old man's face changed and he ran to the courtyard in a panic.

In the living room, Mrs. Lin was ordering her servants to carefully help the seriously ill Master Lin to sit down, but she saw Uncle Yun of the porter running in and suddenly bumping a girl to the ground. Her face was slightly annoyed. "His third uncle, how are you so panicked on this good day!"

Uncle Yun didn't care about refuting. He quickly stepped forward, looked at the busy maids around him, and deliberately lowered his voice: "Madam, the bride has run away."

"What!" Mrs. Lin frowned and asked in a low voice, "Do others know about this?" Seeing Uncle Yun shaking his head, he was relieved. He pressed his temples with both hands and whispered, "And Uncle Lao went to the door to welcome the pick-up team home. Be sure to say anything. I'll arrange other things."

After a while, the cheerful sound of suona sounded in the courtyard, and the neighbors who came to help gathered in the courtyard waiting to see the bride appear. However, the men carrying the sedan chair waited for the good performance, and the corners of their eyebrows and eyes smiled.

Mrs Lin and the stew manager of the family are anxiously in the room. The bride's escape from marriage is disgraceful. If this news spreads, I'm afraid that the whole Lin family will lose all the face. What's more, this marriage was originally for the old man of the Lin family. Such a disturbance was known by the face-loving Master Lin, and he was afraid that the old man would be more seriously ill. .

"What can I do? The receiving team has been waiting in the yard. If everyone knows that the bride is missing, how can our Lin family live in Pulan City? I'm afraid that Stone's business will also be affected..." Mrs. Lin sighed and wanted to find a girl to replace the bride directly, but she was afraid of being recognized by her neighbors in the future. It's more embarrassing.

Mr. Zhang's heart was disturbed by the noisy sound. He lowered his head and thought for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up. "Madam, didn't the little tiger pick up a girl yesterday? If it really doesn't work, just use that girl!"

Mrs. Lin heard this and raised her eyebrows, "That unconscious little girl? Well, she will be just a maid in the future, and it's cheaper for her today." After saying that, I took a few maids and didn't have time to make wedding clothes, so I took a few bright red skirts and walked down to the room.

Before everyone in the courtyard reacted, they heard the lively sound in the hall and found that the bride had been helped into the room by two strong women, with a bright red turban on her head and hanging slightly as if she were shy.

Lin Daimo, the eldest son of the Lin family as the groom, was expressionless and bent down mechanically in the shouts of the master of ceremonies.

Unconsciously, the sun jumped up the treetops, lay on the branches and looked at the farce in the world, covering his mouth and laughing secretly.


The sky was getting darker. Lu Mengjian slowly opened his eyes and felt sore all over. With a slight movement, his waist and legs began to hurt violently like acupuncture. In this way, Lu Mengjian woke up instead.

Lifting the red cloth covered at the beginning, the bright red brocade quilt reflected in her eyes, as red as fire, which made her eyes hurt. ** With extremely classical veil hanging, layers of veil hanging by the bed, very dignified, but at this time Lu Mengji has long been unable to appreciate it. She lowered her head and saw the big red clothes she was wearing. She became more and more trance. Then she saw a soft red candle swaying on the candlestick not far away, and her heart turned upside down.

She remembered that after putting several centrifuges into the high-speed centrifuge in front of the experimental platform, she began to think about the reason for her failure of her last experiment. Because of her doctoral thesis, the boss had been angry several times, but there was still no progress in the experiment. In order to get the experimental data as soon as possible, Lu Mengji has been sleepless in the laboratory for two days. His mind is chaotic, and all kinds of sounds have become thick and rough as if they have been changed by sound. Suddenly, the centrifuge flew like a flying saucer and flew to Lu Mengji at a high speed with light...

As if she had experienced a very long dream, Lu Mengjian vaguely saw in her dream that she had become a rich lady. When the maid-like woman around her saw her open her eyes, she ran out of the door excitedly and shouted as she ran, "Miss woke up, Miss woke up!" A large group of people gathered around the bed when they heard the sound, but Lu Mengji was extremely tired and fell asleep.

It seemed that in the dream, it became extremely noisy. There were maids running in and running out. There seemed to be someone screaming and crying in the courtyard. Sometimes the words of "copying the house" and "official government" came to my ears. Then several officials broke into the room and pulled Lu Mengjian out of the bed. A maid came forward to hug Lu Mengjian tightly and cried to Several officers and soldiers pleaded for mercy and dragged Lu Mengzhu out of the house with their backs. But later, the girl couldn't walk anymore. She put Lu Mengjian flat on the street, knelt on her face with tears on her face, and kowtowed and said, "Miss, I really can't help it. I'm sorry for you..."

Lu Mengji seems to have been sleeping for a long time. Everything in the dream is extremely messy, but the picture is extremely real. Lu Mengji can't tell whether it is a dream or reality at all. Looking at the red candles on the table, Lu Mengji became confused again. She stretched out her hand and pinched herself fiercely. The feeling of pain finally made her wake up.

Lu Mengjian looked around, and the simple Eight Immortals table was full of fruit hearts. Not far away was a carved brown sandalwood window, with a big red double happiness pasted on the window. Everything in the room reminded her of what happened today - in a dream, she became someone else's new bride!

When it got dark outside the window, there was a faint sound of wine and joy. Wax tears kept dripping on the two red candles, solidifying on the long candle, like a string of red tears. Lu Mengji thought about it. Such a classical scene had been seen in ancient costume dramas. Maybe it was filming, but there were no camera equipment everywhere. As soon as she twisted her body, the stiff pain on her legs became more and more obvious.

"Who still uses such old furniture in modern times... Was I sold to a closed primitive mountain village by traffickers when I was in a coma..." Lu Mengzhen thought of the scene of women being sold to a poor mountain village and being humiliated on TV. He became more and more afraid and could no longer care about the pain of her body. She struggled to climb out of bed, but her weak legs Unable to support the strength of her whole body, she fell to the ground with a bang. She climbed out of the door with all her strength.

Lu Mengjie is determined to escape from this place, and she can get her doctorate in biology in half a year. How can she be someone else's new bride so unclear, not to mention that she doesn't even know who she is married. It is not Lu Mengjie's style to treat marriage like a child's play.

At this time, the door was suddenly kicked open, and the cold wind took the opportunity to pour into the room. The cold breath made Lu Mengji, who was lying on the ground, suddenly excited, and the firelight of the red candle was almost swallowed up by the wind and extinguished the fire.

The door is black, like the mouth of a beast. The tall man stood at the door, and a strong smell of alcohol came from his mouth and nose, filling the whole room in an instant. This is Lin Daimo, the eldest son of the Lin family, today's groom. But there was no excitement on his face caused by the happy event.

Lin Daimo coldly looked at Lu Mengji, who was lying on the ground in a big red wedding dress at this moment, and condescendingly looked at the seemingly impolite woman. His dark eyes even revealed disgusting contempt, and coldly watched Lu Mengji lying on the ground struggling.

Lu Mengji lay on the ground and couldn't see the man's expression at all. She tried to stand up, but her legs were not at the command. The man in front of him seemed to take root under his feet. Seeing Lu Mengji like this, he did not move. This indifferent attitude made Lu Mengji a little angry.

"Hey, this big brother, can you help me get up?" Lu Mengjie endured the pain and squeezed out a smile and asked the man in front of him in a low voice for help, but in exchange for a sneer.

"Don't think that if you marry into the Lin family, you will really become the young lady of the Lin family. If you don't rejoice because of your father's serious illness, do you really think you have the opportunity to marry into the Lin family?" Lin Daimo said coldly, "Wait until your father is well, you can pack up and get out of the Lin family!"

On that day, the father and daughter took the initiative to propose marriage, and almost everyone in the house knew it. The woman even threatened to marry Lin Daimo. If Mr. Lin's condition had not become more and more serious, Mrs. Lin would not have believed the happy rumor and promised to propose marriage at a low price of 22 taels of silver, which fulfilled the woman's wish. Lin Daimo said that he was not afraid of people's words, but he was so hastily married and married a woman he didn't love at all. He was unwilling to marry!

What's more, this woman is disabled. Although she is beautiful, she is extremely vulgar and even raises her head privately. She is not ashamed. In this way, Lin Daimo's disgust became more and more obvious. He directly stepped over Lu Mengjian with a smiling face and sat on the Eight Immortals chair opposite the carved bed.

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