Don't go to the flower

Chapter 19 Burning Kiln

"Mom, I want to pee," Zhong'er couldn't wait to lift the quilt and stand up. Aunt Li hurriedly urged Li Dazhuang to get the chamber pot and toss. Seeing Zhonger lying down again, Aunt Li thought of the conversation with Li Dazhuang just now. I don't know how much she heard. In case she ran out to learn from the tongue, she was afraid that she would fall down again, so she gently stroked Zhonger's forehead and said, "Zhong'er, don't talk nonsense about what I told your father tonight after you go out. You can't agree with what your sister said in our house. Outsiders say, do you know?"

Zhonger woke up from urine and was already sleepy at this moment, so he nodded randomly and agreed to fall asleep.

However, Li Dazhuang was no longer interested in talking. He stayed up until dawn and went to work on the ground. When the dew subsided, he walked to the other side of the mountain with the drawing.

Although the Su family's kiln is small, it has a history of nearly 100 years, mainly making pottery bowls and pots. The Su family has lived on burning kilns for generations, and now it has been passed down to Su Xunian for the third generation. Within a few miles, everyone knows that the pottery bowls made by the Su family's burning kiln are strong and durable, and often fall to the ground without a small mouth, but it does not hinder the use, so most farmers like to buy pottery fired by the Su family.

However, even so, the life of the Su family is still tight, even worse than those farmers who rely on the sky to live. Su Xunian also broke the idea of letting his descendants continue to burn kilns and rely on the meager savings of the family to support his son to go to school. He hopes that his son can be on the golden list one day and won't survive in front of the fire kiln. For a lifetime.

But the son was not proud. He followed his father every day after he came back from the school and pinched various shapes with sticky loess and burned them in the kiln. Su Xunian saw that his son's teeth were not upright and it was useless to beat and scold him, so he no longer forced him.

The mountain road was rugged. When Li Dazhuang walked to the Su family's burning kiln, when the time had passed, Su Xunian had just put a batch of dried bowls and plates in the kiln ready to light the fire. Seeing the arrival of strangers, he signaled Li Dazhuang to wait outside.

At the end of the school, the child of the Su family saw a man standing outside the kiln and knew that he had come to ask his father to cook pottery, so he took a bench and invited Li Dazhuang to sit down and asked curiously.

Li Dazhuang only thought he was curious, so he said that he had brought a drawing to ask Su Xunian to help burn it. Unexpectedly, he was in the child's interest. He couldn't help but take out the drawings and show them. Unexpectedly, the child's eyes were straight, and he saw the notes written by Xiaokai beside him, which was surprised.

"Kazi, why are you here if you don't go home to eat!" Su Xunian added good grass and walked out of the kiln and saw Kaizi standing outside the kiln. Thinking of his usual appearance of not doing business, he couldn't help but get a little angry.

"Dad, you see, these flower pots are really strangely painted. If they can be burned, they must be more beautiful than on paper." Kaizi excitedly showed the drawings to Su Xunian, but his father stared back and returned them to Li Dazhuang.

When Li Dazhuang saw Su Xunian finally appeared, he quickly stood up, rubbed his hands and said, "Master Su, I'm sorry to bother you. I have some drawings of flower pots here. I wonder if you can help me burn them?"

Looking at Kaizi's excited expression, Su Xunian's face was a little unhappy because he had been burning kilns all year round. He couldn't help frowning. "Our family never burns flower pots. I'm sorry."

"Why don't you burn the flower pot, Dad, look at the drawings first, or you will regret it." Kaizi has already stamped his feet anxiously without Li Dazhuang's reaction.

"It's nothing for you here. Why don't you go home and go to school after dinner? Are you really going to make me angry!" Su Xunian stared at the boss and pointed to Kaizi and scolded. Seeing that his father was like this, Kaizi didn't dare to talk much. He turned around and was ready to leave, but after a few steps, he couldn't help turning around, "Dad, really, you will regret it if you don't look at it!"

Li Dazhuang took the opportunity to hand over the drawings to Su Xunian.

Although some pots on the drawings are similar to the common flower pots, they have been slightly modified in many parts. Pots of the same shape are much more flexible in the drawings. Moreover, there are several flower pots with strange shapes, which are more like the decorations in large houses.

After reading Su Xunian, he was very appreciative of the person who made the drawing, but he still shook his head at Li Dazhuang and said, "These flower pots on the drawings are really good, but I'm afraid that with my ability, it will only disappoint you. It's not that I don't want to take it, but that I don't have this ability!"

"Let me try it," Kaizi came out again and stared at Su Xunian with shining eyes. "Dad, please, let me try it!"

"You bastard!" Su Xunian raised his hand and hit Kaizi in the face, but was pulled by Li Dazhuang. Kaizi slipped from Su Xunian to the front of the kiln like a loach, took out several zodiac ceramic sculptures and raised them to Li Dazhuang.

"Uncle, you see, this is my own pinch. Can you let me try to make them? I promise to make these pots. If it's not done well, I'll give them to you, okay?" Kaizi begged bitterly, and Su Xunian finally bowed his hand helplessly when he saw this.

Li Dazhuang looked at the boy in front of him who was only ten years old and couldn't help beating the drum. Mrs. Lin asked him to help find a burning kiln to make a flower pot out of trust, but the scene in front of him made him a little embarrassed.

The burning kiln in front of me is old and seems a little dilapidated. The thick smoke is coming out of the chimney not far away, slowly drifting into the sky, and there is still a turntable for making bowls at the entrance of the kiln.

Kaizi still stubbornly held the zodiac pottery sculpture in front of Li Dazhuang, and his stubborn little face was full of expectations, but his father behind him did not like to touch the pottery and refused to inherit the mantle left by his parents.

"Master Su, you see..." Li Dazhuang was in a dilemma. On the one hand, he was worried that the pot would disappoint Lu Mengji. On the other hand, the child's persistence made him a little shaken, and those zodiac clay sculptures were indeed beautiful.

"Oh, you put the drawings. Let's see what it looks like two days later. If possible, I will officially open the kiln," Su Xunian sighed and took the drawings from Li Dazhuang. Kaizi beside him almost jumped up happily, but was slapped on the shoulder by his father. "You bastard, why don't go to school quickly!"

It will take at least three hours to burn a kiln. Kaizi calculated it in his heart before rushing home happily.

"Master Su, I don't know how much this order will cost?" Li Dazhuang stretched out his hand and took it out into his arms.

Unexpectedly, Su Xunian waved his hand and said, "Let's pay after seeing the appearance. I think the flower pot on this drawing is very fresh. I don't know if I can make these stupid hands!"

Li Dazhuang laughed and said, "How can it be? Master Su's craftsmanship is famous in our ten miles and eight townships. Besides, I think your son's craftsmanship is also amazing. A rabbit is made like a real one. Maybe it can really be caught as a real one outside. "

Su Xunian looked like he hated iron and steel. He shook his head helplessly. Suddenly, he remembered that it was time to add firewood to the kiln, so he asked Li Dazhuang's address and surname, sent Li Dazhuang out, and hurried back to the kiln to add firewood. I went outside and picked up the drawing and looked at it. I found that I didn't know any of the notes written next to it. I couldn't help sighing and still couldn't ask the bastard to help.

When Li Dazhuang returned to the village, it was still early. Zhong'er was alone in the courtyard holding a wooden stick to write and draw, and said a word in his mouth, "Write a person, and learn to be a man all his life..."

When I heard Li Dazhuang's footsteps, I greeted him happily, "Dad, look, my sister taught me to write today. This is a person, and that is wood..."

"Do you think your sister taught you how to write?" Li Dazhuang looked at his son suspiciously.

"Well, the beautiful sister is awesome. She can not only read, but also tell a lot of stories. "Zhong'er can't help admiring Lu Mengjie." Moreover, the elder sister also knows the names of many flowers and planted a lot of flowers in the yard. My sister said that she couldn't control it in the future and would ask her mother to help!" As he spoke, he heard the voice on the other side of the wall.

Aunt Li stood beside Lu Mengjian at this moment and watched her carefully graft a dragon cypress on the pine tree dug from the foot of the mountain to make a log, and carefully wrapped it with a rope. The whole process was extremely familiar. Lu Mengjian grafted and told Aunt Li one by one.

"Dream Jian, where is that layer aimed at?" Aunt Li was unheard of the ductile part of the ductile part mentioned in Lu Mengjian's mouth, and she felt extremely strange. Lu Mengjian simply pointed to the white and green part of the tree fault and told it again in extremely simple words until Aunt Li fully understood that her mouth was dry.

Li Dazhuang heard the sound next door, so he took a detour to Lin's house to see what was going on, and by the way, he told Lu Mengzhen about his arrival at Suyao today. But before he finished speaking, he saw Lin Daimo standing at the door tremblingly.

"Ms. Lin, why did you come out before you were well?" Li Dazhuang quickly stepped forward to hold Lin Daimo on the bench.

"Uncle Li has been worried these days, and the mushroom breeding is thanks to you," Lin Daimo apologized. Although Li Dazhuang said that he had nothing to do, he still felt sorry.

Later, when he heard Li Dazhuang say that some of the fungus was collected too late, and some of it had been rotten on wooden stakes, and he became more and more anxious. The Li family not only had to be busy with Tanaka's affairs, but also had to withdraw to manage these things. What's more, his illness made the two families unable to live in peace.

That night, Lin Daimo decided not to rest. Lu Mengjian said a lot of good things. As a result, he was only angry and aggrieved himself, but the other party refused to look back like a cow, so he had to give up.

The next morning, Lin Daimo forced himself to change his clothes and wash, and was out of breath in just a few steps. There was dry food prepared last night on the table, and I ate a few bites of pickles. It was already dawn. However, when he stood up, he still felt that his legs and feet were weak. Lin Dai Moqiang walked to the door and found that there was a cane made of branches at the door.