Don't go to the flower

Chapter 28 Please enter the urn

The man in black took action very quickly. Before Lin Daimo could react, he only felt a sudden pain in his neck and fell to the ground.

The man in the yarn tent finally breathed a sigh of relief and slowly came out with his right hand. However, in two months, Mrs. Lin was ten years old, and a few wisps of silver appeared in vain. Zhang stepped forward quickly and reached out to hold the trembling woman.

"Mom, you should be satisfied this time," Lin Daiyue strode into the room with a smile and couldn't help but look proud when he saw Lin Dai falling to the ground.

"Alas, how many times have I told you to be steady, you just can't remember. But this time my son really made a great contribution," Mrs. Lin looked at Lin Daiyue dotingly, and her eyebrows were full of love.

"No, I didn't expect this guy to be so easy to deceive. I told him that you were sick, and he came back with me without saying a word, and he didn't want to think about his identity. However, didn't you see the old fox just now? He was so angry that his face turned white. Fortunately, he planned to take his eldest brother to their house. In the future, he dared not say this." Lin Daiyue remembered the appearance of the third uncle who walked out of the door angrily and grinned again.

"Well, he is determined to share our family's property and use this wild seed as an excuse. What else does he have to say this time, but you really are? They came to rob you and let them do something wrong? You are also a big man. You have to take care of what you do all day long. Mrs. Lin remembered the rumors of the daily population and inevitably hates this incompetent son, but after all, she is flesh and blood, and the scolding also has a little doting taste.

Master Zhang saw that the second young master had grown up since he was a child. Naturally, he also understood what Mrs. Lin meant, so he said to himself, "The second young master is 16 years old this year. The wife should also pay more attention to the young ladies in each mansion and give the young master a lot of marriage."

Unexpectedly, Lin Daiyue gave him a white look, "Don't bother Zhang. I think you'd better take care of your own business first!"

It is rumored in the house that Zhang had an affair with Mrs. Lin for a day or two. Although Lin Daiyue did not believe it, he inevitably had some pimples in his heart. Today, when he saw stewer Zhang holding Mrs. Lin's arm, he was even more disgusted. He simply looked down at the man on the ground and was blind.

The stewer Zhang was thankless and couldn't help but look embarrassed. Mrs. Lin also smiled bitterly and patted the stewer's hand.

"Yue'er, stewer Zhang is also for your own good. How can he be so capricious!" Seeing that Lin Daiyue ignored him, he turned to several people in black standing around him and said, "You can carry him to the dungeon. Lying here is really diaphragmat."

"Mother, since it's useless for him to stay at home, why do you have to find him back?" Although Lin Daiyue found Lin Daimo according to his mother's instructions, he still didn't understand her true intention and couldn't help saying more, "Be done, what if he wakes up to divide the family property with us?"

"How can there be so many? It's my reason for me to find him back. What's more, he is now in the dungeon. How capable can he come out and rob your family property? You can be your young master Lin at ease. I will definitely explain it to you one by one in the future."

After Mrs. Lin finished speaking, there was a tired look on her face, "I'm tired. Help me go back and lie down. Yueer, you can also retreat. Remember to be Wenshu. Have you learned all the courses taught by Mr. Xixi?"

"Mom, you forgot that your husband has been sick these days." Lin Daiyue got up and hurriedly walked out of the door for fear that his mother would hold him again. "Mom, have a good rest, and the child will leave first."

disappeared at the door in a blink of an eye. Mrs. Lin looked at his roaring, which was funny and angry. She looked up and saw Guan Zhang looking at her with a smile, holding the slightly rough hands more tightly.

"I'm wronged you. Yue'er is really getting more and more ignorant. Don't take it to heart."

"Yue'er, this child was grown up by me, and I also know his temper, but it's you. I'm worried about Yue'er every day, and I feel distressed." Zhang's hand stroked the new white hair on Mrs. Lin's temples, and looked at the woman in front of her lovingly. After years of baptism, she has already changed from a fair lady that day to Today's graceful posture, but the charm of the body has not diminished at all, even better than before.

"After the death of the old man, the Lin family stared at this little property, and Yue'er was too simple and scheming. If I don't worry more about Yue'er, I'm afraid that this property will be plundered in the future. At that time, won't Yueer drink the northwest wind?" Mrs. Lin shook her head worriedly. "Anyway, one day, they can't touch our Lin family at all!"

"Waner, don't worry, your child is my child. But in any case, you have to take care of yourself. Looking at you like this, I'm really heart cut like a knife." Zhang gently held Mrs. Lin in his arms.

Listening to the powerful heartbeat of stewer Zhang, Mrs. Lin finally stretched her eyebrows and wrapped around the man's strong waist.

On that night, the sky suddenly flashed with lightning and thunder, and there was rain. Lu Mengji thought about the locust flower in the courtyard and dragged it in. Although he was careful, he still sprinkled a lot on the ground. After the rain, it was immediately covered with dirt.

Lu Mengji picked up the basket sadly and returned to the room. His clothes had already been drenched through, and the spring was cold, and he immediately sneezed several times. Unfortunately, nearly a basket of locust flowers, and the yellow petals are stained with some wet soil. If it is washed with water again, it will have no original effect. Lu Mengji is so distressed that he holds the basket and is full of regret.

The locust flowers on the table have already been half dry. Although they are wet by the rain, it doesn't matter. Lu Mengzhen changed his wet clothes, washed the locust flowers in the basket, spread them on the table to dry, and prepared to make some locust cakes the next morning. Everything was cleaned up and stopped before lying **.

Listening to the sound of rain outside the window, Lu Mengji suddenly felt a sense of melancholy in his heart.

"Sit alone in front of the window and listen to the wind and rain, and the rain beat bananas and sobs. Please ask Jinghong about the old friend." Lu Mengji whispered, every word seemed to be a thorn in his heart.

The years are similar, and the years are different. Listening to the rain late at night is like a separate world for Lu Mengji. The old man who used to listen to the rain together is now thousands of years apart. Even if Hongyan spreads the voice, he has no chance to meet each other. How can he not hurt...

The ticking sound lasted all night. When I got up early, although the rain stood down, it was still foggy when I opened the door. Until noon, Lin Daimo did not appear, and the children in the village were also happy to play at home for a day because of their husband's leave.

After noon, the sky was still gloomy. Aunt Li had nothing to do at home, so she came to visit. Seeing Lu Mengjian in a mess in the room, she couldn't help reaching out to help sorting it out.

"I heard Zhong'er's father say that Mr. Lin went home?" After chatting for a long time, Aunt Li asked tentatively. Seeing that Lu Mengjian's face was no different, she continued to say at ease, "I don't know which big family's son in the city. Zhong'er's father said that the carriages that came to pick up Mr. Lin were all dressed in gold and silver, which was very elegant!"

"I don't care if he is a prince or not. Whether he will go home or not will have to wait for him to come back. I just listened to Zhong'er's message and come back. By the way, Aunt Li, is there any mason in our village? The roof seems to be leaking. You see, this part is soaked," Lu Mengjian wrote down lightly, inadvertently turned around, pointing to a water stain on the ground and asked.

"Oh, no, the roof can be seen. Fortunately, there are not many leaks. Zhao loach mud tiles in the west of the village are good. When the weather is good, I will ask Zhonger's father to come to make up for it. Now it's better to rain less. In two months, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get more rain. When the house is old, it will inevitably leak rain and wind. As soon as Aunt Li heard this, she looked up at the roof and left the matter of asking Lin Daimo behind.

"One summer, the roof of my house also leaked. Zhong'er's father actually put mud on the roof. As a result, when it rained, the mud splashed off the roof, and even the bamboo basket on the roof almost rotted. For this, I laughed at Zhong'er's father a lot. Fortunately, Zhao Loach helped later, otherwise there would be a layer of mud in the house..." Aunt Li remembered what happened that year and said it tidly.

Lu Mengjian was thinking about how to put several broken pots together without leaking his breath. Listening to Aunt Li's joke, he was inevitably a little careless. After listening to this sentence, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Aunuch Li, do we all use bamboo sticks when building houses?"

"Yes, if you tie the beam well, you have to lay a layer of bamboo strips to put on the tiles," Aunt Li explained while drawing, completely seeing Lu Mengjian as a deep house girl who has never seen the world before.

"Where can I find this kind of bamboo basket?" Lu Mengzhu asked happily, and there was roughly a model of splicing the distiller in his mind.

"Silly child, it's just leaking rain. It's enough to hang the tiles again, and there is no need to replace the bamboo basket again."

"Well, but I still want to know where I can buy bamboo strips," Lu Mengjie's spirit was instantly mobilized, and he asked like chicken blood, which was not in the realm of immortality of the Yellow River.

Aunt Li couldn't resist, so she had to forgive him repeatedly, "There is a bamboo forest in our neighboring village. At the beginning, my family's bamboo strips were cut by Mr. Li's people and put them together. If you want, I'll ask Zhong'er's father to cut a bamboo for you to make them one day, but the bamboo strips cut in this season are too soft. It is not suitable to bear the weight."

For Lu Mengji, the softer these bamboos are, the better. I can't help but get excited. I can't wait to get them in my hand and assemble all the utensils at this moment.

"Mengjian, what did you do when you picked up these broken pots? Anyway, they can't be used anymore. It's better to throw them away directly." Aunt Li picked up a broken pot in her hand and wanted to throw them out, but was snatched back by Lu Mengjian.

"These are all treasures that can't be thrown away!"