Don't go to the flower

Chapter 34 Impulse is the Devil

"Mrs. Lin is so targeted at the young master that she is nothing more than competing for the property left by the master for her own son. Except for Master Mo, naturally no one will compete for it. This time, his wife believed that the young master was dead, and the precautions must be relaxed. We might as well make a plan..." Fang Yuan turned his eyes and talked about his plan with Yu Wenyu Wu.

Yuwen listened and frowned, "This idea is indeed useful, but after today, for the outside world, you have long ceased to exist. It's really inappropriate for such a sudden appearance."

"Yes, brother, madam asked us to take Brother Fang's head earlier to check the death, and it's not easy to go back empty-handed!" Yuwu suddenly thought of what Mrs. Lin had told him before, and he was uneasy.

"Don't worry about this, I have my own idea. Brother Fang, if you change your name, it happens that I have learned a trick of transmutation from my master before. After changing my appearance, I look like another person, but I have to wrong Brother Fang like this!" Yuwen is well known for his carefulness, and it is rare for him to be highly valued by Mrs. Lin. In a few words, he can hide the problems that are easy to be exposed.

"Rong, let me finish some private matters first. Three days later, I will meet at Yifu Restaurant on the west of the gate of the city at noon, and we will act according to the plan. It's just that the two brothers must have a difficult road ahead, and I'm afraid there are many accidents... They are so affectionate and righteous, please be worshipped by my student!" Fang Yuan burst into tears, knelt down on his knees, and was quickly pulled up by the Yu brothers.

After agreeing on a time and place, the Yu brothers drove the carriage back to Pulan City to order, while Fang Yuan walked deep into the mountains. Halfway, Yuwen saw that the wild dog had been swaying in the wasteland. With a knife, he put the dog's head into a cloth bag, tightened his mouth, and rushed to the forest house with a whip. There was no table here.

Lu Mengjian made a small disturbance in the cloth shop and felt depressed. He stood aimlessly on the street with Aunt Li and suddenly saw two large round barrels on a flat carriage, and a big word "Lin" was written on the barrel.

"Well, people in the city are very elegant. The rest of the food is directly poured out as smolten water. It's good for ordinary people like us to have enough food. It's a sin to waste food like this!" There was a strange smell in the air, faintly smelling of corrupt meat, which was very unpleasant. Aunt Li couldn't help but be shocked when she smelled.

"Zhumen's wine and meat stink, and there are frozen bones on the road. Rich families have never known the hardships of the people and often spend a lot of money, and these are just a fraction for them, but they don't know that this is the savings of ordinary people's life!"

Society has never been fair. No matter today or thousands of years later, dignitaries will always be superior, and the people at the bottom are often squeezed out of blood and sweat, especially a golden ant. This is the reality!

Seeing that the carriage carrying sagging water was far away, Lu Mengji suddenly woke up. No wonder she felt that the carriage was familiar.

"Lin! Isn't it also surnamed Lin? If you follow the carriage, can you reach Lin's house?" Lu Mengjian muttered to herself, holding Aunt Li and walking to the street.

Aunt Li only felt puzzled, but Lu Mengjian was stunned and pulled her straight forward to the corner of the street. In a blink of an eye, it was another street, full of bustling people, and there was no shadow of a carriage!

"Dream pen, dream pen! Where are you going?" Aunt Li pulled her hard.

Lu Mengji suddenly woke up and cursed himself secretly in the bottom of his heart, "It's just a Lin character, which makes you feel like a demon!" Lu Mengji, Lu Mengji, the surnamed Lin is not close to you. What are you worried about? Didn't he give you ecstasy? He has only been away for three days, and you have lost your soul. Where did Lu Mengji, who vowed to be ordinary at the beginning, go?

In this way, Lu Mengjian made himself nagging, followed Aunt Li to buy some salt and so on, and then hurried back. At this time, it was almost noon.

The two women's feet were slow, and they walked all day. They were already tired and their legs and feet were sore. Not long after they left the city, the sky dimmed. A black cloud pressed over and covered the western sun, and everything around them began to become hazy.

Fortunately, it is only early spring, and there are no tall crops such as corn. The two help each other, but they are not afraid.

But as he walked forward, Lu Mengjian felt that there were many shadows in the field not far away, as if someone was walking, but he was too far away to see it. Thinking of the ghost stories told in the book, he was afraid and took a few steps in parallel with Aunt Li.

Aunt Li has always been bold. Seeing that Lu Mengjian's face was afraid, she couldn't help laughing a few words, but accelerated the pace of going back.

Suddenly, Lu Mengjian grabbed Aunt Li's arm and pointed to the dark shadow in the field not far away, and her voice trembled slightly, "Aunt Li, look, is it a person over there..."

"Silly girl, this is the time of spring planting, and it is naturally normal for someone in the field," Aunt Li glanced carelessly and turned her head to comfort her, but when she looked back, the dark shadow disappeared. She couldn't help but be shocked, but her face still tried her best to keep calm.

However, Lu Mengjian still had a lingering fear. Seeing that the shadow suddenly appeared again, he was so scared that he hugged Aunt Li's arm and pulled Aunt Li to run away. I tried my best not to look, but my eyes did not leave the black shadow for a moment.

The sudden dark shadow was getting closer and closer to the path. Lu Mengjian's heart was almost tuned to her throat. Naturally, Aunt Li had already noticed the abnormality of the dark shadow, and she couldn't help but be afraid at the bottom of her heart. Her arm was scratched by Lu Mengjian.

"Aunuch Li, what should I do? He, he will come to the road immediately. I..." Lu Mengjian ran out sweat, but he only felt extremely cold.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we haven't done anything wrong," Aunt Li said, but she was still scared to death. The palms of her hands kept sweating and wetting all the baggage she was carrying.

The two ran forward with full strength. After a while, they were out of breath, coupled with fear, the soles of their feet had already weakened, and their legs slowed down unobediently.

Although the shadow is still a long distance away from the two, every time it disappears, it seems to be closer to the roadside. In this way, I'm afraid it will be too late to stop Lu Mengjian and Aunt Li on the road.

The sky was getting darker and darker. Lu Mengji looked back, and the path behind him was buried in the dark. The empty night was like the mouth of a trapped beast, waiting for the prey to be thrown into his arms.

If you move forward, you are destined to encounter the strange shadow, but if you retreat, you will be even more far away.

"I'll be home soon. Hold on for a while before it's getting dark," Aunt Li sensed Lu Mengjian's hesitation, gasped slightly, and kept cheering. However, as the dark shadow approached, I felt more and more confident.

"Aunuch Li, look, there is another dark shadow!"

There are endless fields on both sides of the road, and the green wheat is spread on the surface, and it is even more fluffy in this dim light. Lu Mengji's feet softened and fell directly into the wheat field beside the road.

As far as I could see, a dark shadow was galloping in their direction. Aunt Li also panicked and bent down to pull Lu Mengjian hard, but she couldn't pull it up. She simply risked it and sat directly in the wheat field.

Unexpectedly, the dark shadow walked halfway, but suddenly turned the corner and walked towards the shadow in the field. Then the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. It didn't take long for the shadow to walk back to the road again, and its figure was half a circle larger than just now.

I vaguely heard Li Dazhuang's voice, "Zhonger's mother, Mrs. Lin!"

Aunt Li was surprised and wanted to open her mouth to agree, but Lu Mengjian covered her mouth with one hand. "Don't agree. You will be taken away as soon as you agree!"

After saying this, Lu Mengji felt puzzled. She has always been an atheist. Although she often reads some strange and chaotic forum novels, she has never been as feared as today.

The sound is getting closer and closer, and you can even hear the heavy footsteps. After a while, the shadow is approaching in front of you.

"Zhong's father, it's really you..." After this shock, Aunt Li got up and threw herself into Li Dazhuang's arms, and couldn't help snuggled in that warm and strong embrace.

"Why are you so late and why don't you go home? How dangerous two women are in this wilderness!" Li Dazhuang, who had never said a heavy word to Aunt Li, was distressed and angry when he saw their appearance, and his tone inevitably weighed a lot.

"Quickly, Mr. Lin is still waiting on the road ahead," Li Dazhuang took the burden in the hands of the two women, and the two, who were frightened, came down in vain and followed Li Dazhuang.

"Ms. Lin? Didn't he go home? How could he be here?" Aunt Li took a few steps to react, but her husband only cared about moving forward and ignored it.

There was a figure lying next to the canal in front of him. Li Dazhuang stepped forward and helped him up. Lu Mengjian fixed his eyes. It was true that Lin Dai was true. Although he had doubts in his heart, he also took a step forward to support Lin Dai's weak appearance.

After a day of hard work, when he returned home, Lu Mengjian was already exhausted. Seeing that Lin Daimo's face was extremely bad, they stopped talking. They only told Lu Mengjian to return home after a few words.

Seeing the big bed, Lu Mengji only wanted to sleep, but the pungent smell on Lin Daimo's body was really intolerable. He had to boil a large basin of water and wipe the dirt off his face before reluctantly giving up.

When he saw the bleeding bruise on his ankle, Lu Mengji was obviously stunned and couldn't help wiping much less.

Lin Daimo was still wearing Li Dazhuang's clothes, but it was stained with a lot of disgusting smell. Lu Mengji had to cover her nose and throw her clothes out of the room.