Don't go to the flower

Chapter 41 There is no danger

The green calyx smiled gently and still put the silver back in Lu Mengji's hands. "Girl, you can rest assured to keep it. It's rare to have the spices that our wife likes. Naturally, it's worth these prices."

After saying that, she retreated to the side, and Mrs. You still looked at the porcelain bottle in her hand. From time to time, she came to the mouth of the bottle and smelled it. Seeing the green calyx expression, she looked at Lu Mengjian again, "This fragrance is really wonderful. The faint fragrance is no different from the fragrance of flowers. I just dare to ask my sister, I don't know what this spice is called?"

"To be honest, this spice is extracted from flowers, so the fragrance of flowers is pure. The bottle in my wife's hand is extracted from locust flowers, so it is called locust essential oil." Lu Mengji replied respectfully. Although the other party has a sister, Lu Mengjian does not know that his identity is different. Although he extremely rejects this hierarchical title in his heart, he is still not humble and arrogant to draw a clear line for himself.

"The locust essential oil is worthy of its name. In fact, the fragrance of this flower is the most rare to be preserved so pure." Mrs. You opened the bottle cap again and smelled the fragrance in the air, with an extremely happy expression.

"Madam, this essential oil itself is very volatile, so it's better to close the lid tightly when you don't use it," Lu Mengji reminded. "When using it, you can take a little and gently touch the back of your ears and wrists with your fingers, so that the aroma is light but not too strong."

Although the essential oil still has other effects, the time is not yet ripe. Lu Mengji has to use this essential oil as a perfume first. In this way, it seems that the carefully extracted essential oil has lost its original value.

However, Mrs. You nodded with satisfaction, "Everyone says that the fragrance of flowers is precious, but I can't smell those strong smells. I just feel very choked. Even those incenses are rarely used, but today's sister's essential oil is very suitable for my heart. Thank you very much today!"

Lu Mengjian received the silver and was already sorry. She saw that Mrs. You was so polite. Although she knew that the other party was only polite, she was still inevitably sorry, so she took out the porcelain bottle left in her arms and handed it to Mrs. You. "Since Madam likes it, then give this bottle to Madam. If you use it in the future, I have to get used to it. Meng Jian did other things and sent it to my wife for trial.

"Well, it's not easy for my sister to make these spices. Take them back quickly. I really can't take this," Mrs. You hurriedly handed over the porcelain bottle to the green calyx and signaled her to return it to Lu Mengji.

"Madam, this is also a gift from Meng Jian's acquaintance to his wife. If she refuses to accept it, isn't it because she dislikes the gift? On the contrary, Meng Jian has a ruthless invitation. If the wife uses it, please recommend it to the wife in the same city. "Lu Meng Jian is very grateful." Lu Meng Jian deliberately smiled. In this way, Mrs. You finally stopped insisting and asked the green calyx to put away the two porcelain bottles carefully.

In this moment, two bottles of essential oil were "sold", and Lu Mengji felt much more relaxed in an instant. Mrs. You seemed to have a lot to say, but in front of the two maids, it was always difficult to say. Lu Mengjian probably understood what she meant when she wanted to stop talking.

So, after thinking about it, he said goodbye, "Madam, I'm afraid you are tired today. Go home early and rest. You must pay more attention to walking in the future, but don't accidentally cut your foot again, otherwise these two sisters will be heartbroken."

"Thank you for your kindness. I will pay more attention in the future. When my sister goes to the city in the future, she must come to You's house to have a look." Mrs. You's eyebrows finally unfolded. Who doesn't like a reasonable woman?

"When he is free, he will definitely visit, and the dream will leave first." Lu Mengji said goodbye, then turned around and walked far away. When he looked back, he saw two women helping You step into the incomparable door, and on the forehead plaque at the door, there were powerfully written two big words "Youfu".

"It's a rich and noble family, which looks so bright on the surface, but the undercurrent is unknown to outsiders." Lu Mengzhi thought of Mrs. You's concealed expression, but prefers today's peaceful rural life. He touched the purse bulging in his arms and walked to the market when he walked back and forth.

Lu Mengji inquired for a long time before he found the iron shop in the city. In the shop, two blacksmiths were burning around the red charcoal stove. When the blacksmith saw someone coming, he didn't get up. He glanced at Lu Mengji coldly, put the calored iron block on a board, swounded the hammer and smashed it heavily, and then threw it into the cold sink beside him. With a "c" sound, a burst of hot air came out, and the originally red iron became black.

The man who swung the hammer picked up his towel to dry his sweat and turned to Lu Mengji impatiently, "What does the little lady want to buy in our iron shop?"

"I want to ask the master to make a stove," Lu Mengji took out the previously drawn drawings and laid them on the square table aside. "This is the drawings. Please ask the master to have a look. What's wrong?"

But the man didn't look at it and said arrogantly, "It's just a stove. I, Lao Liu, naturally know how to do it. I don't need drawings."

After listening to this, Lu Mengji was very disgusted, but still insisted on laying the drawings on the desktop. The little man in the shop came up and felt novel. He couldn't help pulling the man over. "Master, since they have brought drawings, just take a look. I really haven't seen that thing!"

"You hairy boy, how long have you been in the store? You can see everything. What else do you want me, the master?" The man's eyes were so big that he was so scared that the little guy quickly shut up and didn't dare to say more.

The man walked to him cursingly, but when he saw the drawings, there was suddenly no sound.

After a while, he raised his head and asked, "Little lady, are you sure this is a stove?"

A sketch is outlined with a fine pen on the drawing. Looking horizontally and vertically, there is no appearance of a furnace at all. The iron man didn't come out of Mingtang for a long time. He has hit the iron over the years, and he has seen a lot of the style of the stove, but it's the first time he has seen something like this.

Lu Mengji straightened the drawings and put them in front of the man. At first glance, the drawing is indeed too simple. Although Lu Mengjian's sketch foundation is not bad, he can't find a pencil at this time, so he has to briefly outline it with a brush. No wonder the blacksmith can't recognize it.

However, the distiller itself is not complicated, but combines two important parts: the steam generator and the condenser, but there are many more exquisite designs on it. However, there was no tap water or automatic ice machine in ancient times, so it was inevitably difficult to condense, so the design of the condenser and the equipment that had been used were slightly changed.

The little apprentice of the blacksmith was curious about everything and also gathered aside to watch the fun. After listening to Lu Mengji's explanation, he was still confused. While the two were not paying attention, they secretly took the drawings in their hands and looked at them again and again, as if they wanted to find some mystery from them.

The man was discussing some details with Lu Mengji. As a result, when he looked down, he found that the drawing was held in his hand by the little apprentice. He swung his big hand and hit the little guy's buttocks. The iron striker has always been strong, and this slap did not control its strength, which made the defenseless little apprentice lie forward.

But a few steps forward are the burning red carbon tank, and the little guy staggered a few steps and almost fell into the carbon tank. The man was dumbfounded and hurriedly reached out to pull, but was blocked by the table in front of him and could not reach it at all.

If it really falls on the carbon tank, I'm afraid the child will be ruined all his life!

It seemed that a smell of charred hair could be smelled in the air. Lu Mengji's whole heart raised his throat and didn't want to rush over. He reached out and quickly pulled the little guy's back and suddenly pulled back.

The little guy's center of gravity has already been unstable. With the help of Lu Mengji, he quickly opened it back. His feet slipped and directly hit Lu Mengji, and the two fell to the ground with four feet.

Lu Mengji was pressed down, and his buttocks seemed to fall into four petals. He grinned in pain, but he still looked at the little guy first. Fortunately, the little guy was pulled back in time, but his little hand first touched the edge of the carbon tank, which had been scalded with a layer of pink and bright blisters, and the little hand was so painful that it went straight in the air. Dance.

The iron man broke out in a cold sweat and quickly picked up his apprentice from Lu Mengji, but it was not easy to help him, so he could only apologize repeatedly.

There was no load on her body. Lu Mengjian struggled to sit up, and her eyes turned to the side. She couldn't help but feel numb. Just five centimeters away from her head, there was a sharp axe. The axe blade was facing up, and the white light was shining. Lu Mengji couldn't help but be afraid for a while. If he lay down a little more at that time, he was afraid that his brain would have burst and he would die.

His face turned pale with fear, and he said a few words "Amitabha" in his heart, so he stood up cautiously and moved into the open space beside him.

"Qingzi, Qingzi," Liu Blacksmith shook his apprentice vigorously, but Qingzi was still stunned and looked at the person in front of him. Obviously, he had not recovered from the shock just now, which made Liu Blacksmith anxious.

Qingzi was originally sent as an apprentice by his neighbor's family. The Liu family did not have a son, and he saw that Qingzi was smart and willing to work, so he agreed to stay as an apprentice. But he only came a few days ago and encountered this matter. If he was really scared, Liu Blacksmith really didn't know how to explain to Qingzi's parents.

"Master Liu, I'm afraid the child was scared. He hasn't recovered yet. He recovered after a while, but I saw that the injury on his hand was not light. Go and get an egg and apply the egg white to the place of the burn." Lu Mengji carried his still a little weak leg and walked to Qingzi and looked carefully at the injured hand. Fortunately, he was scalded. It is not serious, and it should not leave much scar after recovery.

Liu blacksmith hit iron all year round, and burns have become common. If he treats egg whites every time he burns, it will inevitably be a little luxurious, but now he can't care so much. He hurriedly ran to his backyard. There happened to be an egg in the kitchen. Liu blacksmith grabbed it in his hand and ran to the iron shop.