Don't go to the flower

F 52 Lying drunk on the spot

Lin Daimo narrowed his eyes and looked at the two people who were drenched in front of him. Although the two brothers had been with him for many years, they had long been the good protector of the Lin family. Even if they left the Lin family, they were also popular in the Lin family, and even valued by Mrs. Lin. According to Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan can survive because of these two people, which is memorable.

At present, the two suddenly appeared in front of him. How could Lin Daimo not be suspicious?

"Oh, young master, you're back!" Fang Yuan came out of the courtyard with a smile and said, "The young lady has asked us to move to the carriage. Young master, what else do you want to move away?"

"Well, thank you for your hard work. Let's go to the room and wait until the rain stops." Lin Daimo said and walked to the courtyard. Yuwen Yuwu got up and saw Lin Dai's cold appearance. Although it was not much different from before, there was obvious indifference in his eyes, and he couldn't help feeling a burst of sadness.

"Young master, excuse Fang Yuan bluntly, we really can't delay any more," Fang Yuan followed Lin Daimo and explained anxiously. "This time, the Lin family sent someone to completely cut off the young master's way of life. Fortunately, the two brothers Yuwen and Yuwu missed the young master's friendship and got the news early, so we came early in the rain. In order to escort you safely before them. Moreover, Yuwen and others can't leave Lin's house for too long. If Mrs. Lin is suspicious of them, the implementation of our plan..."

Speaking of this, Fang Yuan suddenly silenced and asked, "I don't know why the young master went out so early. The young lady still thinks you went to the school again!"

"Well, I'm leaving soon. I told someone something before I left. Since it can't be delayed any longer, let's go!" Lin Daimo returned to the room and inspected it. After he found that his wooden box had been removed, he turned around and walked out.

But Lu Mengji's figure was not seen alone. Fang Yuan and the three also felt curious. They were still there, but in a blink of an eye, there was no trace. Is it possible that this woman could fly...

Wait left and right, and it took a long time for Lu Mengji to come out of the door from next door.

Aunt Li stood by the roadside and watched Lu Mengjian walk towards the two carriages, her eyes full of reluctance, "Don't worry, I will take good care of these seedlings. I will settle down in two days, but remember to come back and have a look."

"I know, go back quickly," Lu Mengji waved the veil in his hand and looked back at the flowers and plants in the yard that had no time to move away. He was very reluctant, but he still stepped on the carriage cruelly. The carriage was full of potted plants, and there was almost no place to land.

Lin Daimo looked at Lu Mengyu's curled legs in the corner, afraid of hurting a leaf. He wanted to sit directly in the sedan, but he was afraid of being noticed halfway, so he had to carefully get into the car.

On the contrary, there is no place to settle in the large space. In contrast, people are not as expensive as flowers and trees. Lin Daimo bent down to the side and was very wronged. As soon as it rained, it was easy to slip on the road. An careless carriage sank into the puddle and shook Lin Daimo's head several bags.

The long legs curled up together and soon became numb, but it was inevitable to touch the branches and leaves as soon as they moved, which attracted Lu Meng's knife-like eyes.

"You are too domineering, but just a few seedlings. As for such a big fight," Lin Daimo finally couldn't help stepping on the edge of the flower pot provocatively.

"Take your foot down, do you hear me!" Lu Mengji's face changed and his voice was gloomy, "Don't you understand? Do you want me to say it for the second time?"

Lin Daimo stared at Lu Mengzhi. This was the first time he had seen such a vicious and harsh expression of a woman. Even if he had never seen Lu Mengji do so before, he had to close his legs awkwardly and continued to sit on one side twistedly, but his heart muttered, "It's just some seedlings, but it looks more than people. Importantly, this woman is really abnormal!"

"Well, this is almost the same," Lu Mengjian saw this and his face eased. How could Lin Daimo understand that for her, these flowers are the most important things in her life now. As for the rest, she can only stand aside.

The dialogue between the two in the carriage fell clearly in Fang Yuan's ears. Fang Yuan looked back puzzledly, but could not see the scene inside at all. "It's strange that no one dares to yell at the young master. This woman is really bold, but when did the young master become a strict wife? This is true. It's rare!"

The rain outside the car gradually stopped, but the dirt road passing by the carriage became more and more muddy. When walking on the narrow road, it was even more thrilling. If you were not careful, one wheel would fall into the shallow ditch beside the road.

Lu Meng Jian sat in the car and staggered. If he didn't pay attention, he touched the seedlings. Looking at the newly rubbed buds, Lu Meng Jian bit his lips with heartache. The car fell into the mud from time to time. Fortunately, the two brothers Yuwen and Yuwu were able to move forward smoothly.

After walking for more than half an hour, the carriage finally stopped. Fang Yuan lifted the curtain and excitedly pointed to the courtyard not far away for Lin Daimo. That was what he had been busy with for a long time and specially repaired for Lin Daimo. But Lin Daimo's mind was obviously not here. He just glanced at it and still looked at the woman opposite the carriage.

Lu Mengjian's face was pale, his right hand was tightly covered, and his back was slightly arched, as if he was suffering great pain.

The gastric juice poured up into Lu Mengji's mouth little by little, and the disgusting feeling made Lu Mengji's hair stand upside down. Unexpectedly, Lu Mengji, who had never experienced motion sickness, would faint from the carriage at this time! If this is known, won't you laugh? You know, this is a mainland iron man who is not afraid of the pirate ship's big hammer, but he has been tortured by a long-distance carriage in this life.

Waiting for the carriage to stop, she couldn't wait to rush out immediately, but the potted plants under her feet became a roadblock and blocked her. Seeing Fang Yuan standing outside the car, she had to cast her eyes for urgent help, and her right hand covered her mouth tightly for fear that her mouth would turn upside down.

Standing by the roadside for a long time, he seemed to spit out the whole stomach. As a result, except for some acid water, Lu Mengji only felt nauseous, but could only vomit. This situation scared Fang Yuan, who was standing aside. Although the young master married this woman as a young lady, it was really a little wronged, but after all, this woman was already the young master's wife. In any case, she could not neglect herself. This would see her painful appearance and turn around anxiously. In contrast, Lin Daimo is much more stable.

Because he walked in a hurry and had time to bring some water out in the future, Lu Mengji spit out, and there was inevitably a strange smell in his mouth. He was worried that there was no mouthwash. Yuwen suddenly took out a water bag from his arms and threw it to Fang Yuan.

Lu Mengji held the water bag to his mouth, poured it into his mouth, rinsed his mouth, felt thirsty, and looked up and took a sip.

In an instant, a spicy and pungent smell in the whole mouth stimulated all the taste buds. From the mouth to the stomach, it seemed to be on fire. The whole person seemed to be ignited in an instant, and the body became hot.

Yuwen removed the flower pot from the car and suddenly patted his head, "Bad! I forgot that the water bag was replaced by Xiaowu with a newly brewed grain wine yesterday..."

Turning his head and saw, Lu Mengjian had already thrown the water bag on the ground, staggering his body and standing still, and his eyes became blurred. There were some strange words in his mouth vaguely, and his body staggered and fell to the ground.

"Young lady, what's wrong with you..." Fang Yuan couldn't help but feel confused when he saw Lu Mengji's behavior. He reached out and picked up the water bag on the ground. As a result, a smell of wine floated into his nostrils, and his face suddenly changed greatly. Before he got up, he saw Lu Meng Jian's body shaking, and he was shocked in an instant. Just as he rushed forward, he saw a figure flashed by and Lu Mengji is firmly in his arms.

"Well," Lu Mengji spewed a warm smell of wine. He only felt warm around him, so he twisted his body, found the most comfortable posture, and fell asleep peacefully.

"Don't say anything, move it quickly!" Lin Daimo's face was blue, and the muscles on his cheeks were tight, and his jawbones became more and more angular. In his arms, Lu Mengjie drilled his head into his arms like a kitten, and drilled his arms around his neck. This feeling was really unspeakably strange!

"Damn it, how can this woman fall asleep with a sip of wine!" Lin Daimo cursed fiercely in his heart, and the body temperature of the man in his arms penetrated directly through his skin, which made him have an inexplicable impulse.

There seems to be a feather constantly scratching in the bottom of my heart, itchy and crisp, and as if there is a warm current passing by, which is sad but comfortable.

especially when that little face keeps grinding in his arms...

Lin Daimo hugged Lu Mengji in this way, walked into the bedroom under the guidance of Fang Yuan, and walked out of the door knowingly.

The bedding is all new and neatly laid in **, which is dozens of times better than the previous broken bed. He only needs to take it lightly, and the burden in his arms will suddenly be relieved, but he has a feeling that he can't stop.

I suddenly want to feel this strange feeling all the time, so that the warmth stays around, penetrates, penetrates to the depths of my heart.

"Knock," Yuwen stood at the door and waited for a long time. Looking at the young master holding the woman in his arms, he couldn't bear it. Finally, he summoned up the courage to knock on the door. Lin Daimo heard the sound, and then hurriedly put Lu Meng Jian in ** and pulled over the quilt to cover it.

"Young master, all the things transported from the carriage have been put in place. Why don't you see what else is missing in this family? Our brothers can come and bring them together another day." Yuwen stood at the door in a respectful tone. Although time has passed, his attitude towards Lin Daimo is still the same as in Lin's mansion.

"Oh, no, I think it's already very good. I'm sorry to bother you." Lin Daimo turned around and walked to the door, but his expression obviously eased a lot. Yuwen breathed a slight sigh of relief and accidentally handed the wine to the young lady as water, making his heart float in mid-air. Although he knew that the young master could not punish him, But after all, it was because of my carelessness that made my wife drunk on the spot.

However, the young lady's drinking capacity was also really poor, but she fell asleep directly in just one sip. How can such a drinking capacity be worthy of our thousands of cups of young master who are not drunk? Yuwen saw Lu Mengjian sleeping well at a glance, and curled his mouth slightly contemptuously.