Don't go to the flower

Chapter 66 Buying and Selling

The Lin family is greedy for stones and want to get some benefits from Linfu. Now, although the biggest entry of the family has closed down, after all, the thin camel is bigger than the horse. The inheritance inherited by Lin Daiyue alone must be enough to worry about eating and drinking for a lifetime, so they still look at Lin Daiyue's fat meat, but it happens to be today. If you catch this opportunity, how can you let it go easily?

However, one of them wanted to get justice for Lin Daimo. He never paid attention to the property of the Lin family. That was the third master who was so angry that he almost vomited blood by Lin Daimo's few words that day. He had already vowed not to ask about the Lin family on his sickbed, but after hearing folk rumors, he felt more and more strange. Taking advantage of today's questioning, he wants to take the opportunity to knock out Lin Daimo's whereabouts.

Who knew that Mrs. Lin fainted directly like this, and several elders fell uncomfortable all over. They couldn't wait to immediately call Lin Daiyue to deal with him severely to relieve their anger. For a while, the servants were in a mess, and the man in the house happened to go out, and the doctor invited outside arrived in a hurry. When he entered the door, he shouted secretly, but he was afraid that the old men around him would be held accountable, so he had to claim that he was not good at medical skills and picked up a few symptoms, and hurriedly retreated away after the prescription.

And the three elders were originally unkind to Mrs. Lin, so they were not confused. They sent someone to find Lin Daiyue. After a long time, a young man ran in in a panic, saying that the young master was beaten to the street.

Now everyone panicked. They originally came to ask for guilt, but they didn't think that anyone would do it earlier than them, so they hurriedly took the young master home and took out a hundred taels of silver bills to send out the three big men who followed. Only then did they find that Lin Daiyue's breath was weak. At this moment, don't blame Stone for bankruptcy and redemption. There are two things about whether the descendants of the Lin family can save their lives.

When the old man saw that the situation was not good, he had already found an excuse to sneak out. Seeing this, the second master also took advantage of the chaos and slipped out.

The wife in the family is still in a coma, and the young master of the Lin family is dying. The maids in the house have already spread rumors and they all opened their eyes and looked up at the room. Although the third master has never liked Mrs. Lin, after all, he broke the bones and connected the tendons. Now that the people of the same clan are suffering from this disaster, they naturally can't sit idly by, so they stayed in Lin's mansion and began to preside over the overall situation, and the house gradually calmed down.

Things seemed to stop like this, but a few days later, a group of domineering strong men appeared at the door of the house, who asked Lin Daiyue to repay the arrears of 5,000 taels. The news spread to the house, and Mrs. Lin, whose condition was getting any more dizzy.

"Yue'er, what on earth did you do outside? Why did others collect debts to our door? 5,000 taels? Where is there so much silver in our house!" Mrs. Lin pointed to Lin Daiyue, who was still inconvenient in her legs and feet in front of her, and was angry and annoyed, while Lin Daiyue bowed his head like a mute and refused to say a word.

The more noisy outside the door, the more fierce it became, and finally smashed it and rushed into the house. Mrs. Lin had never seen this situation, and her face turned pale with fear, but when she saw Lin Daiyue kneeling on the ground and almost paralyzed, she had to walk to the hall to discuss with the people.

led by a calm-looking middle-aged man, dressed in rough cloth and blue clothes, but spoke very steadily. Seeing that Mrs. Lin came forward in person, he quickly stopped all the people around him who were about to smash. He nodded his head and smiled as a courtesy to Mrs. Lin and directly told the reason for the trip directly.

It's just 5,000 taels of silver. Even if Mrs. Lin wants to break her head, she can't get so many taels of silver. Although it was not impossible to take out 5,000 taels of silver when the master was alive, but after all, how could she be so much in a woman in a short time? Two silver.

Although the middle-aged man did not hate each other, he refused to give in. He also said that if he didn't pay back the money within two days, he would face him, which really scared Mrs. Lin to sweat coldly. Unexpectedly, after making a repayment promise and dismissing the group of people, Lin Daiyue insisted that he had never borrowed these money from anyone, and made Mrs. Lin so angry that he couldn't wait to get through her.

However, at this point, Lin Daiyue always denied it with white teeth, but it was true that the group of people killed people without receiving silver. Mrs. Lin was worried about her son's safety and stayed up all night. The next morning, she called the steward Zhang and wanted to transfer the stone record auction. Although the stone record had closed down, it still belonged to the Lin family. Although she was reluctant to auction it, after all, human life was at stake, and she could not take into account the face of her ancestors.

As soon as the news was released, several smart-looking shopkeepers came to inquire about the news, but Mrs. Lin's price was ridiculously high, and they all shook their heads and sighed.

Although Stone Records itself has long closed down, its store location is excellent, living in the downtown area, and very conspicuous, so the source of customers is excellent. Many shopkeepers around are staring at this place. Today, when they hear that the Lin family wants to sell this place, they naturally do not want to let go of this excellent opportunity.

And the elders of the Lin family heard that the stones uploaded by the ancestors were not safe and were angry, but they were persuaded to go back in a few words. After all, they can't afford to pay so much silver. Even if they can afford it, what's Lin Daiyue's life is nothing to worry about them? Moreover, it involves money and things. It's too late to hide. How can they do? Take the initiative to hit the muzzle!

After a day like this, Mrs. Lin became more and more anxious. Seeing that the time was getting less and less, the silver couple still had no whereabouts, and her mind became heavier and heavier, and the head disease, which had never been cured, was aggravated again.

The sky was dark, and suddenly I heard a subordinate report that a man in black came to buy Stone Records's industry. After a day of running around, Mrs. Lin was already exhausted, and she had to barely cover her head to signal the future to come in.

"Mrs. Lin, I'm Liuhu, please give my peace to your wife." Liu Xu looked like water and stood straight in the hall, looking at the woman who pressed her temple tightly.

When Mrs. Lin heard the sound, she suddenly opened her eyes and looked at people a few times. Seeing that she was just a strange young man, she lowered her eyes again. After saying hello, she sat down and discussed with each other.

Liu Xu did not hide it and came straight to the point and proposed to buy a stone. His own face was extremely ordinary, and it was almost difficult to recognize him when he entered the crowd, and there was a simple and honest look in his eyebrows. Far from the smart businessmen he saw in the daytime. Mrs. Lin's heart swayed in her heart. This man was obviously not a businessman, but why was he willing to blood blood to buy the industry of Stone Records? And at the thought of Yue'er, these doubts were thrown away.

While discussing, Lin Daiyue suddenly limped and broke in, shouting, "Mom, sell the stone to Brother Liu. Brother Liu is a good man. He once helped Yue'er a lot." Liu Hu sweated a lot. He only knew that Lin Daiyue had been beaten and thrown into the street, but he had just got out of bed in a few days, and even opened his mouth to say good words for him. After all, it was proposed by Liu Hu to gamble in Hutouzhuang. If Lin Daiyue blamed himself for being beaten, not to mention buying stones, I'm afraid he would be directly killed by Mrs. Lin. Lin. Blacklisting is not necessarily necessary.

"Yue'er, why did you get out of bed and go back quickly, otherwise the wound will be infected. What can you do?" Mrs. Lin hurriedly ordered the maid to help Lin Daiyue back to the room, but she had already made a decision.

"Shopkeeper Liu, since you have a deep friendship with Yue'er, it's thanks to your help of Yue'er this time. Well, business is not easy now, and the slave family doesn't want to embarrassuch Liu, so let's go to 500 taels of silver. How about it?" The two discussed the price for a long time, and Mrs. Lin finally let go. Liu Xu was also secretly relieved. Although there was still a gap from her expectations, she still responded.

"It's just that it's too late now. It takes two elders to be present to count the handover of the land deed. How about waiting for the handover tomorrow morning?" Although Liuhu seemed to be honest, he was not unfamiliar with the business, so after making an appointment with Mrs. Lin to go through the handover formalities the next morning, he left 50 taels of silver and got up and left.

However, Mrs. Lin always felt that it was not very reliable. If the man failed to make a promise to herself tomorrow, would Lin Daiyue's life be difficult to protect. However, all the property in her hand was only 2,000 taels of silver at most. She intended that 3,000 taels of silver would never take action, but the market people shook their heads one after another. No matter how many, But the price is 2,000 taels. Although Mrs. Lin still has some dowry gold and silver jewelry in her hand that can still be worth some silver, it is really a drop in her hand. Although she took 2,500 taels, she is still a little uneasy.

At this moment, Lin Daiyue walked to the lobby with a crutch and looked at Mrs. Lin with a deep face and asked, "Then Liu Hu can bid to write down the stone?"

"Yue'er, it's important for you to take good care of your health. Why do you care about these things?" Mrs. Lin looked distressed and helped her son to the cushioned chair and sat down. Seeing that Lin Daiyue insisted on asking, she sighed and said, "Mr. Liu just paid a deposit of fifty taels first. The specific transaction will wait until tomorrow. Don't worry, my mother will never Let those people take you away!"

"Mom, I've been wondering why those people suddenly took out the IOU with my deposit for the past two days. I just figured out that my son was framed!" Lin Daiyue suddenly pulled down, "At the beginning, his son was provoked by this person to gamble with money. His son wanted to make money back with his own profits before he went to borrow money from the gamblers. Unexpectedly, the way of those people was chased back to his family. I didn't expect this man to have the face to make a deal with us today. I'd like to see. If we don't remember the stone to him, what can he do?"

"Then you said today that the man had helped you, and then your mother promised to sell Stone to him. Now how can you regret it?" Mrs. Lin raised her eyebrows, but saw her son come over with a smile and whisper in her ear.