Don't go to the flower

Chapter 119 New Members

"Why don't you call me Youyou in the future?" Lu Mengji remembered the strange pronunciation of the boy just now and couldn't help laughing again. She only hoped that from now on, he could live a leisurely and happy life like a normal child, instead of being with wolves as he is now.

The boy stopped, stood in front of Lu Mengji with his head tilted, thought about it for a long time, and nodded plausibly.

"Youyou, come home with me, okay?"

"Go home, go home!" He clapped his hands happily and lay on his limbs on the ground. He looked up and howled like a wolf for a long time. His small buttocks were raised high, and the tail behind him stood curled up at the tailbone.

Lu Mengjian took the opportunity to look at the slender tail, which was covered with a layer of thin white hair, and the white hair at the tip of the tail was particularly thick, like a small lotus bud. When the tail suddenly stood up, it was like a brush with poor workmanship, but this hair was obviously more textured than ordinary hair.

And in this gap, other old wolves suddenly gathered around. When Lu Mengji found out, he was one meter away, he was already surrounded by fierce wolf's head. Looking at this situation, he might rush to him at any time. Lu Mengji's heart suddenly felt cold. Now she is in the wolf pack, and she dares not be so relaxed. I'm afraid she is a little careless. I'm afraid that even the bones are gone!

She suddenly remembered the four masked men. No matter how good their martial arts are, I'm afraid they can't beat the siege of so many wolves, and she was directly trapped in the wolves. When she came in, she was confused. If she wanted to go out, she was afraid it would be more difficult...

The recent wolf stared at Lu Mengjie viciously, but because he was leisurely beside him, he did not dare to act rashly, and the wolves could not understand why the boy who had been with them for four years could be happy after the arrival of this human.

Youyou just stopped his voice, and the head wolf beside him also roared, but there was a hoarse sound in the voice.

The voice gradually weakened, and the wolves suddenly surrounded Lu Mengjian in the middle and turned around in a circle. The head wolf couldn't help looking at Lu Mengjian, while the rest of the old wolves also looked at the two people in the middle.

Lu Mengjie was afraid and was afraid that the wolves would suddenly come up. Although her life was picked up for nothing, after all, survival was a human instinct. However, she subconsciously protected Youyou behind her. Although Youyou grew up in the wolves, who knows whether these wolves will be wild and difficult to tame. After all, Youyou He is also an outsider.

The wolves turned more than a dozen times. Just as Lu Mengji became more and more panicked, the wolf suddenly stopped, and the wolves dispersed to both sides and gave way.

The wolf proudly raised his head and looked over Lu Mengji and fell on Youyou. Youyou grinned two steps in front of the head wolf, regardless of the dignity of the head wolf. A bear held the head wolf in his arms. The head wolf could not escape, and finally had no choice but to put his head on Youyou's shoulder.

After saying goodbye, Youyou suddenly burst forward with a grunt.

And Lu Mengji stood in fear and surrounded by the wolves. Instead of Youyou by her side, her heart became more and more uncertain, but after standing for a while, the wolves were still standing on both sides, so she slowly walked out. It was not until she walked out of the enclosure of the wolves that she had the courage to look back. The head wolf looked at her fixedly. Lu Mengji suddenly raised her right hand and waved gently to say goodbye.

Lu Mengjie turned around, and the head wolf also took the wolves to the depths of the dense forest. When he turned around, he only saw the lame white wolf, with the strange little wolf. The wolf looked back with nostalgia and finally disappeared into the bush.

In front of him is a narrow barren path. From time to time, there are weeds crawling on the road. Lu Mengji carefully walked along the path, and you don't know where you have run to.

"Oh," the special wolf howling made Lu Mengji laugh. The little guy's howling voice was so cute. She listened to the direction of the sound and continued to walk forward.

After a while, the exit of the dense forest is already in sight, but Youyou has never appeared. Lu Mengji is inevitably a little anxious. She hopes that Youyou can enjoy the fun of childhood like an ordinary child, but Youyou grew up in the wolves and has already been infected with the habits of the wolves... But in any case, since she I promised to take Youyou home, and I couldn't go back on my promise anyway.

"Youyou," Lu Mengji stood by the forest and shouted softly, but he had not seen Youyou for a long time, and the childish wolf howled always wandered by the forest.

Finally appeared on the edge of the dense forest. After testing for a while, he did not dare to take a step. In the forest, he could shuttle freely without harm, but once he came out of the dense forest, everything was exposed to others. He was afraid of the hunters' bows and arrows and traps hidden in the dark.

Lu Mengjie came forward and gently took Youyou's little hand. Youyou instinctively withdrew, but he couldn't break away. He opened his little mouth and bit Lu Mengjie's hand, but that hand always held his little hand, so warm, as if he had seen his mother in a dream. He raised his head, and Lu Mengjie's hand had left two rows of Yin Hong. Toothprints.

"Let's go home." Lu Mengji's words, like magic, led Youyou to slowly leave the dense forest and walk in the direction of Shita Village.

Youyou has never walked half a step out of the dense forest, but today he was pulled on a very flat path by Lu Mengji. Except for the green crops, it was an empty wilderness. He was very uneasy without the protection of shrubs, but his hands were tightly squeezed by Lu Mengji.

When we arrived at Shita Village, the moon had already reached its head.

After Lin Daimo was knocked unconscious and taken home by several soldiers, Huo Qing was afraid of any more mischi, so he sent more than half of the people to continue searching for Lu Mengji, and he himself stood beside Lin Daimo, almost inseparable.

Even the whole Huo army stationed on the edge of Pulan City camped directly next to Shita Village. The villagers had never seen the real barracks, so they stood far away on the edge of the village and watched until the evening, several people took the opportunity to walk to the village.

When Lu Mengji led Youyou to the entrance of the village, he happened to meet several villagers who walked out of the village. The man who had always been friends with Hu Bo couldn't help but be stunned when he saw Lu Mengji and unconsciously blurted out, "Hey, Mrs. Lin, you're back. Mr. Lin has been ill for a day in **. Go back and have a look!"

As soon as he heard that Lin Daimo fell ill, Lu Mengji was suddenly excited at the bottom of his heart. He was not well when he left. How could he fall ill in just one day! There was no time to say goodbye. After hurriedly saying goodbye, Lu Mengyu pulled Youyou and ran home.

Liu Qian, who was in the west of the village behind him, saw the child dragged behind Lu Mengji, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face.

When Lu Mengji returned home, he undoubtedly gave Huo Qing a reassurance. In order not to let Lin Daimo run out like crazy, he could only knock him unconscious. Later, he really couldn't help but ask for a calming soup for him, and then he lay down safely until now.

"Fortunately, fortunately, you came back," Huo Qing greeted Lu Mengji all the way to the door and directly threw the previous power behind his head. At present, I'm afraid that no one can calm down Lin Dai except this woman.

Lu Mengjianqiang squeezed out a smile and rushed directly to Lin Daimo's side. Seeing that he looked peaceful, he was finally relieved. Along the way, Lin Daimo was very ill and minor disasters. Except for those fragile seedlings, what she was most worried about was the poor man, so that as long as she heard people say that Lin Daimo was sick, she was anxious. Ming.

And Youyou has been following Lu Mengzhi, and the leaves used to cover his body have already fallen to a handful. When he saw a strange man, he was very afraid, so he took Lu Mengji's hand tightly and whispered, "Mother, I'm afraid!"

Lu Mengjia hugged Youyou, patted him on the back, and said with pity, "Youyou is not afraid. Shall we change clothes and wear them?" Youyou looked confused, and let Lu Mengji pull him to a big box and take out a navy blue wide and short coat from the box. This is the dress she asked someone to make for Lin Daimo, but now Youyou is the only one she can wear.

Huo Qing opened her mouth in surprise. Looking at the little girl's appearance, she was just past her age, but why did the child she led look like seven or eight years old... After she went out for a day, she actually brought a son back. This advantage was really too much!

But Lu Mengji ignored his exploratory eyes, took the new clothes he found in his hand, led Youyou to Huo Qing, and stuffed the clothes into Huo Qing's hand.

General Huo, could you please give Youyou a bath? He has been in the forest for a long time, and may have some strangeness, and some habits may also be a little different." Lu Mengjie tried his best to make him understand the abnormality of Youyou, but he was afraid that he would discriminate after knowing that Youyou was a wolf child, so he was entangled for a long time and did not come up with a reasonable explanation.

Huo Qing has never bathed people since he was a child, or even served others. Today, he suddenly took over the clothes abnormally and willingly walked to the room with a bathtub.

After cleaning, Youyou is much less wild than in the dense forest. On the contrary, the beautiful little face looks much more elegant, but from time to time, he still makes Lu Mengjian feel a headache. This is a habit he has developed in the wolves for several years. He can be among the wolf children as he is now. Yi, but if you want to gradually correct it, I'm afraid you need to work harder. It's just that he can hardly understand human language now. It's not easy to talk about it from the beginning!

Lu Mengji looked at Lin Daimo, who was still in a coma, and then looked at the ignorant little Youyou, and suddenly became full of sadness.

After Huo Qing took a bath and changed clothes for Youyou in person, his face was more gloomy than in the daytime. From Youyou's action, he obviously felt Youyou's abnormality, and the tail behind Youyou shocked him even more.

He looked at Lu Mengji and affectionately hugged Youyou in front of him. Although his face did not show anything, his heart was full of waves.