Don't go to the flower

Chapter 146 Section 1

"Go to Kyoto to see a doctor?" Yuwen frowned slightly embarrassed after thinking for a while. The two brothers did have a good carriage at the beginning, which was settled by the Linfu family as a monthly routine at that time. However, the carriage signed a contract at the beginning of their first entry into the darts bureau and was fed by the darts bureau together. At this time, it was not impossible to borrow it, but a little It's just some trouble. "Sister, it's a long road. You don't worry about going to our brother by yourself. Well, if you set a date, our brother will take it as a walk!"

"If you can't do it, you can't do it, then it's too annoying for the two big brothers. At that time, we can drive the carriage by ourselves. Anyway, now it's peaceful and prosperous... And Brother Yu, you still have something to do in the darts bureau, so I dare not bother you to go out in person!" Lu Mengji smiled generously, but her fingertips unconsciously wrapped around the corners of her clothes. If she had known so, she would have found a way to buy a carriage by herself, but now it seemed that she was very eventful.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, after running that list, Xiaowu and I are going to rest for a month or two. Sister-in-law, you can rest assured as soon as possible. The matter of the carriage is on me. If you set a date, we will pack up and set off," Yuwen said and sat back into the car with a fist.

Yuwu waved his whip and waited for the car to drive a distance before whispering dissatisfiedly, "She wants to borrow the car. You can borrow it. You will definitely regret such a hard job for no reason in the future."

"Bell your whip and talk nonsense! After so many days of walking, don't you feel anything in your heart? At that time, Vice General Huo from Kyoto came to pick up the young master in person. Later, the young master never came back. I heard from Liu's mother that the young master was not an ordinary person, and even in Kyoto, he was a prominent family!" Yuwen has always been thoughtful and always goes through more curves than Yuwu's rectum. "Just now, you heard that sister-in-law wants to take people to Kyoto to see a doctor. Do you think the young master is also in Kyoto now? She will go to Beijing now. Can't you understand why?"

"Is she going to Beijing to find a young master? Then she just said no, and she had to find an excuse, Bah!" Yuwu spit on the roadside with a mouth of weeds from nowhere, with a disdain on his face.

"Alas, I heard from Liu's mother that the young master has come to write a letter since he entered Beijing. Even the Spring Festival only brought a letter to Brother Bai. If the eldest sister-in-law is really nervous, it should be. This is also the young master's. Have you heard that General Huo's legitimate son wants to marry, which is rumored in the city now? The eldest son is the young master! Everyone has been hiding this from my sister-in-law, but the paper can't cover the fire. Maybe my sister-in-law has known it for a long time. After Yuwen's face was full of water, there was an uproar in his heart. If Lin Daimo was still affectionate, it was also a meritorious move for them to escort Lu Mengji into the city. But if they repented, would they think they were eventful...

"Well, you will believe those rumors! What kind of person is the young master? OK, I'll go back to the city to talk to Fang Yuan about this matter. That boy can see a long-term comparison with us." Yuwu spit out the weeds in his mouth and sped the whip and accelerated to run to Pulan City.

Lu Mengji carefully listed a detailed list of things that may be used on the road, but when he finally received Luo, he found that these things alone were enough to pack a carriage. Finally, he simply left only the clothes and some rations that everyone changed on weekdays. The rest was abandoned next to him and asked Uncle Qi for some herbs to treat wind, cold and bruises. One day by day, it was the fifteenth day of the first lunar month in a blink of an eye.

Youyou changed her new clothes early in the morning and provoked the puppy a lot in the yard. However, Bai resolutely did not know what bad things had been done, which made Yan Ruo almost teach her a lesson. The small yard was even more lively than New Year's Eve. Lu Mengjie had no choice but to climb into his shoes and stand in front of the window to watch the bustle. Some days ago, the heavy snow had not completely melted, leaving a pile of gray snow, which would become a leisurely toy, and the brand-new cotton-padded clothes were stained/wet after a while.

There was a knock on the door from the gate. After a while, You Ziqi's figure appeared in the small courtyard. Youyou suddenly rushed up and gave You Ziqi a big bear hug. At the same time, he wiped a pair of dirty hands on You Ziqi's clean coat.

Lu Mengjie remembered the agreement of the lantern party. She hurriedly put on her coat and put her hair together. For a long time in ancient times, she had only seen those tedious comb patterns far away and didn't even touch them, so she simply opened her hair, leaving a few bangs diagonally in front of her forehead, and the rest were obedient to the back of her head. The thick ponytail, although the hair has not been deliberately taken care of, is extremely black, bright and shiny. At this moment, it hangs straight behind the head and looks more and more naturally. Lu Mengji looks proudly at this beautiful hair. If she was born in that era, I'm afraid they are all scrambling to let her do shampoo endorsement.

After gargling his face, Lu Mengji slowly walked out of the door.

You Ziqi was holding a piece of cowhide candy in his hand and led Youyou to say something. He heard the sound of someone lifting the curtain. He suddenly turned around, but suddenly he was stunned. Youyou took the opportunity to grab the cowhide candy in his hand and rushed to Lu Mengjie like a treasure, "Sister, eat it."

"Good boy, my sister doesn't eat this. Didn't we agree that we could only eat a piece of sugar a day, otherwise we would have worm teeth? How many pieces have you eaten today?" Lu Mengjian deliberately bent down and looked flat at Youyou. Youyou was holding two or three fingers clearly. Lu Mengjian smiled, pinched Youyou's little nose, and stuffed the sugar in Youyou's hand into his small pocket. "This piece will be eaten tomorrow, so that you can eat sweet every day, okay?"

The black hair slowly slipped down, and the neck of Lu Mengjian drooped straight down, making the slender and white neck more and more attractive like a pearl. You Ziqi stood in place in a daze, staring at the fat jade/skin between his neck, and moving up and down the throat knot. It was not until Lu Mengjian straightened up that he realized that Fang Cai's gaffe turned aside awkwardly and said in a low voice, "Let's clean up and go to the city!" Go straight to the city for breakfast later.

"What do you eat for breakfast in the city? I haven't eaten bean flowers, crab buns, and..." Lu Mengjian became energetic as soon as she heard that she went to the city to eat. Since she came to this place, those delicious foods seemed to have left her. She went to the city many times. Except for the big pancakes, they were steaming meat buns, and she had never seen those famous snacks. , it's really greedy.

"It turns out that you like to eat this. Go clean it up quickly. Let's go and eat it later. I know several restaurants. The breakfast is exquisite and delicious, but you can't eat it later." You Ziqi swept away the little embarrassment and happily urged Lu Mengji. If you want to eat and play, he is really a connoyan!

You Ziqi looked back at Youyou, who twisted around in the car with a bitter face, and Liu's mother dressed in new clothes. He couldn't wait to hit the horse. He just invited Lu Mengzhu, but she took the whole family out. Except for Hu Bo who took the initiative to stay at home to look after the house, he I can't even sit in the car!

Yanruo and Bai Yiran had an awkward relationship early in the morning. One sat in the car and the other sat on the car. You and I didn't give in to each other. If it hadn't been for Lu Mengji's death in the carriage, I'm afraid that the two would have been fighting at this time. You Ziqi hoped that it would be better for the two of them to fight in the dark, so that at least he would have a chance to guard Lu Meng Jian and the naughty child at the door of the carriage, but he was disappointed all the way, and the carriage entered the city in a blink of an eye.

Because of the Shangyuan Lantern Festival, early this morning, the soldiers guarding the city got a notice. The gate was opened, and even the curfew was postponed for three hours. The girls and boys in each village wore new clothes and entered the city happily.

As soon as he entered the city, You Ziqi directed the carriage to drive to an alley. The people in the alley had long been sweeping the door and preparing for the Shangyuan Lantern Festival. The bright couplets decorated these ancient houses to be brand-new and festive. The carriage went to the middle of the alley and stopped. You Ziqi stretched out his hand to help Liu's mother get out of the car. Lu Mengji looked out and looked carefully. Except for the old walls on both sides, there were happy pedestrians coming and going, and there was no shadow of those snack stalls.

"Well, it smells good. It seems that we came at the right time, quickly, otherwise we won't be able to catch up!" You Ziqi smelled the smell in the air contented and pulled Lu Mengjian and ran to the alley next door. Without waiting for You Ziqi's greeting, he had already run to the alley. He had been in the forest for a long time, and his sense of smell was much more than ordinary people. As soon as You Ziqi smelled the fragrance, he had already smelled the source of the fragrance. There is no shadow.

"Youyou!" Lu Mengji was afraid that Youyou would run into others again. He was so scared that he pulled You Ziqi and ran into the alley, leaving Liu's mother running with small steps behind.

Fortunately, not far away, I saw countless people surrounding a small stall, and the leisure monkey could only jump left and right to look in. The more he walked in, the fragrance became stronger and stronger. Lu Mengji suddenly swallowed a few mouthfuls of water, but the root of his tongue was still unconsciously flowing out, and he couldn't help speeding his pace and running to the booth.

The closer you Ziqi got, the less he was. He looked at Lu Mengji's faster and faster footsteps with a smile, and couldn't help slapping his hand with the folding fan.

"How about it? Isn't the donkey meat burning in this house suitable for you?" You Ziqi's voice sounded low in Lu Mengji's ear, which made Lu Mengji tremble all over. When he was so close to him, he didn't notice it at all! Lu Mengji moved her body quietly and nodded with a smile. As a result, she accidentally met a fat aunt next to her. The aunt had been anxious for fear that she would be robbed by the fire she had been waiting for in the morning. She was holding a few cents and waving her thick arm forward, and this arm just swung Lu Mengji. Push it straight.