Don't go to the flower

Chapter 198 Resentment

It was hard to survive until dawn when the bell rang.

After the morning class, all the disciples stayed outside the lecture hall and whispered about what happened yesterday. Seeing the situation, the abbot had no choice but to invite Murong Yanyan and Lu Mengjian to the front of the hall.

Huineng looked at the abbot with an upright face and asked angrily, "Master, please tell me what happened last night. If you tolerate this matter, I'm afraid those who have bad intentions will take the opportunity to enter. At that time, the temple will definitely be smoky, so please make it clear!"

"What Huineng said is that the temple is originally a Buddhist place, and naturally no one is allowed to be wild here! Last night, the teacher has already found out that someone deliberately used Lao Na's name to disturb the purity of Buddhism. The monk's family is compassionate. This time, Lao Na gave him a chance to become a new man and will not investigate for the time being, but if there is a next time, Lao Na will definitely not let it go. Please take care of yourself!"

After saying that, the abbot deliberately glanced at the crowd and saw that everyone was silent for a moment and talked in a low voice, but Huineng looked unconvinced. He once cultivated Huineng as the successor of the abbot, but now it seems that Huineng's measurement is obviously unable to bear the heavy responsibility of the abbot.

"Master, I'm afraid that such condoning and nuisive adultery will give more opportunities to the evil people. Please think twice!" Huineng has determined that he is the only abbot in the future, so every time he sees that someone in the temple is lazy and unruly, he is very disgusted. He has long wanted to find an opportunity to have a whole temple atmosphere. When he is an abbot in the future, he can rest assured. Therefore, this is obviously a good opportunity. He wants to establish prestige, but ignores it. The impact of this move on myself.

"Huineng, the monk is compassionate. Have you forgotten the teachings of being a teacher?" The abbot frowned.

Huineng was so aggressive that the monks around him naturally couldn't help supporting his brothers, which made the abbot a little unable to get off the stage.

"Huitong," the abbot called Huitong to his side. As a last resort, he really didn't want Huitong to repeat the facts told in front of him last night in front of the monks, but Huitong was so unreasonable that it really surprised him.

"Brothers," Huitong whispered in front of everyone, "Yesterday, because I secretly took a nap at noon, I was punished by my master to kneel in the sutra-listening hall..."

"He lied! Master has never been punished to kneel in the scriptures hall!" Huitong hasn't finished speaking yet, and there is already a lot of discussion under the stage.

"Silit, listen to Huitong's words."

Huitong looked at the abbot, saw the abbot nodded, and then continued to say, "I went to the scriptures last night and saw that there was no one, so I became selfish and wanted to be lazy in the middle of the night, so I quietly closed the door. Unexpectedly, the female benefactor was also told that the master had something to talk about in the sutra hall, so the female benefactor also went to the sutra hall.

"But it is well known that Master never goes out at night, and how can he make people listen to the scriptures and talk at night!" The fat monk, who was close to Huineng, had no intention to finish speaking, and Huineng's face had long turned into a pig liver.

"Later, the female benefactor waited for a long time and did not see the shadow of the master, so she sat on the futon to rest, and then the brothers found the listening hall, but it was not what the brothers saw. The female benefactor did not do anything deviant. What the little monk said is true, and the Buddha can witness!" Huitong put his hands together and meditated on Amitabha Buddha.

"Master, don't you think Brother Huitong's words are very strange! If there is nothing deviant, why do we find these two people, their faces are close together, and their clothes are messy!" Hui can try his best to create momentum for himself, and even make up lies. He is bound to kill chickens and monkeys this time.

"This is Master Huineng, right? The monks don't talk nonsense. Which eye do you see that our clothes are untidy? How dare you swear that if everything you say today is not true, you will be punished by God?" Lu Mengjian can't see this kind of person who gives people the crime of chaos. Although Lu Mengjian is not allowed to cause trouble, it does not mean that she can be bullied at will!

"A few females, there is no place for you to speak here!" Huitong didn't even look at Lu Mengji.

"Huitong, don't be rude!" The abbot was finally angry. He rarely scolded people face to face, but today's Huitong's behavior is really intolerable.

"Brother, you really misunderstood. I and this female donor were both framed by traitors. The master did not punish me at all, nor did he let the female donor go to the sutra hall. These are all me and the female donor, and they were all deceived into the sutra hall." Huitong tried his best to explain, but there was a buzz in front of him.

"Who believes this? Obviously, he deliberately said that he was cheated to get rid of the crime. Who believes it!"

"Maybe Brother Huitong has always been honest and loyal, and I believe he can't do such a disgrace..."

"It sounds really strange. Is it possible that someone deliberately framed it? Why is it Brother Huitong?"

All kinds of voices continued, and the more the abbot listened, the more he frowned. Obviously, this was not the result he wanted. It seemed that Huitong had to talk about it... But before the abbot opened his mouth, Huitong suddenly blushed and cleared his throat.

"Brothers, Huitong is willing to guarantee his life. Last night's incident was indeed framed, and the brothers all said that the female benefactor Hu Mei Huitong, but Huitong can say responsibly that this is absolutely impossible, because Huitong is already a clean person."

Since Huitong entered the temple, his skin has been clean and his voice is not like that of men's rudeness. He was often mistaken for a woman. Later, after the monks got acquainted with each other, people believed that he was just a boy and a woman, and they didn't think much else. However, only Huitong knew that he would never have those signs of a man again. When he was a child, his life had been cut off by his father.

At that time, Huitong's father was addicted to gambling and often did not go home for ten days and a half months. At that time, his father lost the property of the family, and even put Huitong's mother in. His mother couldn't stand such insults and committed suicide. The debt collector kept chasing home and threatened to chop off his father's two hands if he did not pay back the money in time. Huitong was so scared that he trembled in the corner. The father, who was shrouded in fear, finally noticed Huitong's existence, remembered the eunuchs in the palace, and became crazy about his son's idea.

He cut down Huitong's ** while Huitong was asleep. But later, the people in the palace still disliked Huitong's young age and eliminated Huitong. Huitong watched his father's hand be chopped off, and he was stunned at that time. When he grew up, he left his father and found him in the temple. Thanks to the love of the abbot, he finally ran into the empty door, but he was purified by him until yesterday.

Lu Mengji was so shocked that she couldn't say a word when she heard Huitong's background. Her throat seemed to be pinched, and she couldn't say a word. She never thought that someone would be so crazy about her son. If she had known this, she would rather bear it all than let it. He uncovered his scars and showed them layer by layer.

After listening to it, the monks had nothing to say. Hui Neng opened his mouth and didn't say anything after all.

This is the case, but for Lu Mengji, everything is no longer the original appearance.

She saw Qin Luofu from the crowd. She watched Qin Luofu's smile at the corners of her mouth cool down a little, until she finally turned away unwillingly and left.

Lu Mengji has always avoided Qin Luofu. Even most of the time, she advised herself that the woman was also a poor person in feudal society, which could make her feel a little better. However, after so much, she found that the more she tolerated, the more Qin Luofu pressed her step by step!

This time, it was obvious that Qin Luofu wanted to take advantage of her fornication with the monk. She could even take care of the fetus in her womb and openly frame her in front of the Buddha, causing her in this situation! Predictably, after destroying Lu Mengji's reputation, it is definitely impossible for Huo to tolerate the existence of Lu Mengji.

"Since you are not kind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!" Lu Mengji gritted his teeth and looked at the fading back, and his heart became more and more angry.

It was not easy to end this farce. Murong Yanyan didn't want to stay in the temple for a moment. She pulled Lu Mengjie and left this place. As for the affairs in the temple, the abbot dealt with it, but poor Huitong. Everyone in the temple knew his background and didn't know how to think about it...

Lu Mengzhen was panicked by the carriage. She got off the mountain and lay in ** and slept for a whole night. She even saw Qin Luofu's cold smile in her dream. Lu Mengzhen couldn't wait to slap her away, but she was there, cold.

Lu Mengji broke out in a cold sweat and woke up in disgust with Qin Luofu.

"Mom, you finally woke up. Youyou is so worried!" Youyou didn't know how long she had been in front of Lu Mengji's bed. When she saw Lu Mengji wake up, she immediately threw herself into Lu Mengji's arms, "Mom, you must be fine, or no one will hurt you anymore."

This sentence pulled Lu Mengjian down from the peak of hatred and anger. Even for Youyou, she could not immediately go to Qin Luofu to settle accounts, otherwise she would really fall into Qin Luofu's treachery. It was not too late for the gentleman to revenge for ten years. Lu Mengjian secretly celebrated that she finally woke up.

"Don't worry, my mother won't leave Youyou alone," Lu Mengji hugged Youyou, but for a few days, it seemed that she had been separated for several months.

Although Youyou has long adapted to Lu Mengji's way of expressing love, she still struggled a few times in Lu Mengji's arms, retreated two steps with a red face, and unconsciously touched her tail.

"Youyou, do you have something to hide from your mother?" Every time Youyou touches her tail, she must have something to hide in her heart. Lu Mengzhi knows Youyou's habit like the palm of her hand.

"No, mother," Youyou stepped back two steps and tightly protected her tail, but she was afraid that Lu Mengzhen would be angry, so she slowly moved forward, "Mother, Youyou knew that she was wrong. Youyou should not play truant to find Uncle You. Uncle You didn't let You tell her mother, afraid that she would worry..."