Don't go to the flower

Chapter 213 I am innocent

After saying that, she suddenly laughed, and the cold feeling made Lu Mengji feel the horror of the prison for the first time.

"But he was so kind to you at the beginning, and he always had feelings. Do you really have the heart to kill him?"

"How can you bear it, but if you kill him, he can only belong to me," Liu Yiru raised the corners of his mouth, but the charming red lips seemed to shine with demonic, which was extremely unreal.

"Men in the world, when he treats you well, even if you want the stars in the sky, he will pick them off for you, but once he changes his heart, ha, you will become a drop of mosquito blood on the wall. Instead of your kindness, he will always resent your feelings for him!" As Liu Yiru spoke, the resentment on his face became heavier and heavier, and his smile became cold.

Lu Mengji suddenly felt a chill. She was a woman who had been loved by someone, but now she turned into this. I don't know what the man did to make her look like now...

As soon as she wanted to comfort her, she heard the door creak. The jailer knocked on the chain that locked the door and rushed to Lu Mengjie and shouted, "The one who just came in, come out. You are so lucky. Our adjutant Yu personally asked you about your case. Ha ha, you are worshipping Gao Xiang today."

Lu Mengjie got up, nodded to the jailer, turned his head and said to Liu Yiru, "Sister Liu, please calm down first. Let's talk about it when you come back."

Liu Yiru did not respond, but tilted his body to look at Lu Mengji. It took a long time to respond in a low voice, "Good luck."

"Ha ha, you two do have a chat!" The jailer's words were strange and uncomfortable to hear. Lu Mengzhi went straight out. Without waiting for the jailer to speak, he turned around and walked directly to the exit.

"I said, this lady, you won't really talk to that crazy woman. Tut, she is a murderer. She doesn't blink when she sees the dead face. You stay with her, but you must be careful. Maybe one day she will itch again! It turned out that the people who were locked up with her couldn't stand her and cried to be transferred, but our prison is really limited in space. Fortunately, those prisoners are all death row and have not been tortured by her for a few more days. The jailer scared Lu Mengjian half-jokingly. Seeing that Lu Mengjian just walked silently, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Seeing the shackles next to him, he had a plan.

"Hight, who let you go so fast!" The jailer shouted to stop Lu Mengji, grabbed the shackles, and shouted at Lu Mengzhen, "Well, you're in such a hurry to be reincarnated!" Come here and put on this shackle. After all, it has committed a murder case. What if you are disrespectful to the adjutant!"

"Brother jailer, although I don't know much about the rules in this prison, it's too much to wear this. What's more, I've been wronged, and you don't need it." Lu Mengji instinctively rejected the rough wooden shelf. If he wore it, wouldn't he directly plead guilty!

Regardless of 3721, the jailer directly pulled Lu Mengji and put the shackles on her head. Although Lu Mengji struggled desperately, he still clamped her hand in two wooden holes. Looking at Lu Mengji's embarrassed appearance, the jailer laughed, "What's the matter, do you still want to plead guilty? How can there be something wrong with the person arrested by Adjutant Yu? I advise you to stop struggling and plead guilty to avoid suffering for a while.

Lu Mengjie stared angrily, which was obviously threatening her. The adjutant was already selfish with Huo Jingping, and now she has heard those slanders. She is afraid that the impression that she wants to poison people has taken shape. She can't compromise with him. Once she compromises, she really can't be accused. Get rid of it.

"I'm innocent, how can I plead guilty!" Lu Mengji stared straight at the jailer and said word by word. Such determination stunned the jailer.

"Damn, are you guilty of having nothing to do with me? I'm just kindly reminding you. Since you don't drink a drink, don't blame me for not saying hello to you earlier!" The jailer lengthen his face and raised his hand to push Lu Mengzhi.

Lu Mengji's body's center of gravity could not be balanced because of the shackles. He suddenly fell to the ground, and his hands were scratched red by the rough wood stubble, and the wooden thorns pierced into the meat, with pain in his heart.

"Get up and pretend to be a daughter. Don't think that I don't know your origin. Humph, you are just a righteous daughter. If you have committed such a thing, don't expect your so-called adoptive father to come to save you. This is a matter of smearing facade. Don't be delusional!" After saying that, the jailer suddenly pulled up Lu Mengzhi and pushed it out.

The prisoners in the next prison looked at Lu Mengjian with empty eyes. They are still used to such things. There are so many people arrested every day, and which one is not treated as a grandson by the jailers!

Lu Mengji clenched his teeth and resolutely refused to hum even if it hurt. The jailer led her through a dark corridor and finally saw a glimmer of light.

But when he walked to that bright place, Lu Mengji realized that this was obviously not a big government office for the people on TV, but a room full of various objects.

When he looked carefully, Lu Mengzhi couldn't help taking a breath. On the stove not far away, there was obviously a big soldering iron that had burned red, and the iron chain on the wall hung straight down, rusty, perhaps more bloody stains of persecuted people.

This is obviously a dark room for torture to extract confessions!

When the adjutant saw Lu Mengjian enter the door, he greeted him with a smile.

"Oh, Miss San, I'm really sorry to let you come to such a place," seeing that Lu Mengjian was grinding in great pain by the shackles, he hurriedly scolded the jailer: "How can you bring such a bad thing to Miss Third Miss? Hurry up, remove it for Miss Third and send a chair to Miss Third."

The jailer Nuo nodded and gently removed the shackles on Lu Mengjian's body. When he looked at Lu Mengjian, he couldn't help but be a little scared. He trot to get the chair. He was panicked, but was vigorously slapped by the adjutant, "You bastard, what are you looking for? That's a ready-made one!"

"But that chair is..." The jailer stammered and was slapped back by the adjutant. "How can there be so much nonsense!"

When he saw the chair, Lu Mengjian's heart, which had just been relieved, hung up again. This was obviously a sadistic chair. The blood stains on it had already dried up and solidified into a dark and strange color. I don't know how many people have lost their precious lives for this.

"Miss San, please sit down!" Adjutant Yu looked at Lu Mengjie, who had been afraid to sit down for a long time, and the smile in his eyes was even stronger. Obviously, this move had begun to take effect.

"Thank you, adjutant. You can sit down. I'm not tired." Lu Mengjie walked around without a trace and made an invitation to the adjutant.

Adeputy Yu's smile stiffened on his face, "The subordinate is not tired. Thank you for your kindness." It's dead, so he doesn't want to touch such an unlucky thing.

Lu Meng Jian could not be allowed to continue to refuse, and the two jailers next to him directly pushed Lu Meng Jian to the chair and sat down.

"Miss Yu respects you or the third lady of Huo, so he has been giving you face. You'd better cooperate honestly!" After saying that, the adjutant's face was no longer smiling.

"Adeputy Yu, I also respect you as an adjutant, and you are upright and clear, so I believe that Adjutant Yu can enforce the law impartially." Lu Mengjie sat down and looked up at Adjutant Yu.

"That's a must. We are as fair as adjutants, and there is no case that we can't solve!" After saying that, the jailer looked up at Adjutant Yu and saw a smile on the corners of his mouth, and he knew that the flattery was just right.

"Since everything is fair, why did you take me to such a place? Shouldn't both the plaintiff and the defendant be present to solve the case?" Lu Mengjie raised his finger and pointed to the soldering iron not far away. "The justice and strictness of the adjutant can't be judged by these obscene things. If so, even if the case is solved, it is nothing more than some wrong cases."

Adjutant Yu smiled after listening to it, but his face gradually turned into a pig liver.

The jailer also immediately looked cold and scolded softly, "Miss San is better to be more sensive. This is our adjutant to give face to Miss San!"

Lu Mengjie didn't say anything, just staring at the adjutant's eyes. Yu's adjutant was stared at by her and simply turned his back and waved his hand. The jailer immediately tied Lu Mengjie's wrists and ankles with a thin chain.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" Lu Mengjie struggled to escape, but his hands and feet were tied tightly and could not escape at all.

"Ha ha, Miss San, oh, no, I should call you Miss Lu now. Think, if Third Master Huo knew how he would recognize you as his goddaughter, hehe, these are all unfortunate!" Adjutant Yu came to Lu Mengjie and raised Lu Mengjie's chin with a smile. His spotted face became ferocious. "I tell you, you must honestly confess to me today's matter, otherwise you can't blame someone's ruthlessness!"

"Dare to ask the adjutant, what does today's matter?" Lu Mengjian gave up the struggle, but his expression became more and more resolute. He had already made up his mind to make a move!

"Miss Lu naturally knows what's going on. Tut, she is really cruel. She actually ran to the big kitchen and wanted to poison people. Fortunately, thanks to those two big dogs, otherwise once these poisons flow into the food in the kitchen, I'm afraid that the whole house will not escape bad luck! General Huo has killed countless enemies in his life, which is the meritorious official of our Great Thunder Kingdom. I didn't expect you to have such a thought and waste General's painstaking efforts towards you!" As the adjutant said, his eyes turned red with emotion.

Lu Mengji trembled with anger. She had known that Huo Jing was looking at Lin Daimo's arrival as a thorn in her eyes, and had long wanted to expel him from Huo's house, but what she didn't understand was why Huo Jingping took action at her instead!

"You, you are with him. What benefits has he given you!"