Don't go to the flower

Chapter 216 Two-sided thoughts

"Miss San was robbed, and now you also know that she is the third lady of Huo's mansion?" Huo Qing sneered, grabbed Yu Qian's neck, and the blue veins in her hand burst out. "If she has three or two short stories, you can wait to die!"

Yu Qian was so scared that he was paralyzed and his face was pale. "Vice General Huo, spare my life! The lower official is also bewitched..."

"Shut up and say one more word. I pulled out your tongue!" Huo Qing knew that this matter had nothing to do with Huo Jingping, but even so, this was also the housework of the Huo family, and it was not the turn of others to intervene.

Before Huo Qing came, Huo Shuangcheng specially told him that since Huo Jingkang's expedition to Xiliao, it happened that the emperor was sick and the princes were ready to move. Now too many eyes in the outside world are secretly staring at Huo's mansion, hoping to find an opportunity to control Huo's mansion, but Huo Shuangcheng is unwilling to get into the battle for the throne. It's best if it can be solved quietly.

Yu Qian was so scared that he did not move.

"I ask you, who robbed Miss San?"

"This, the subordinate didn't know. As soon as they came to this room, the lights went out, and then the subordinate didn't know anything." Yu Qian's voice trembled. If he really provoked the vice general, he knew what would happen to him.

"It's useless! What's the use of a person like you living in the world? It's better to kill you with a knife!" Huo Qing said viciously, and the strength in his hand was slightly heavier.

"Vice General, spare your life!" Yu Qian was stimulated in the morning, and his gastrointestinal peristalsis intensified. At this time, his abdomen was turning upside down. This would be scared by Huo Qing, and his asshole was out of control. "Puff" a few times, and the room was suddenly shrouded in a stench.

"Come on, put this disgusting thing in prison. No one is allowed to visit without my permission." Huo Qing's dislikable will be left aside, and the two guards hurried forward. One left and one right will drag Qian into the cell impartially, which happened to be locked in the place where Lu Mengji stayed in the morning.

Huo Qing checked the execution room, and all kinds of torture tools made Huo Qing's eyebrows not loosen.

"The three of you, guard this room. No one is allowed to go in and out. The resentment here is too heavy. I'm afraid that Yu Qian used these things to force too many unjust and false cases, which is really abominable!" Huo Qing became more and more angry. He rolled his sleeves and was ready to leave. As soon as he turned around, a touch of blue next to his body attracted his attention.

This is an extremely smooth green jade bead. The lines on it are very strange. Huo Qing pinched the beads in his hand, and his eyes are more suspicious. He carefully put away the beads and strode out of the execution room. The air inside is always filled with disgusting blood, and he doesn't know how Lu Mengzhi is doing...

Huo Qing handed over the green jade beads to Huo Shuangcheng. Seeing that Huo Shuangcheng looked also dignified, he became more and more worried.

"General, this bead..."

Huo Shuangcheng's hand holding the beads trembled gently. He turned around, took out a sandalwood box, and opened it with the key. In the box was a string of sheep and white jade bracelets, and the most central position was dotted with the same green jade beads.

Huo Shuangcheng held the bracelet in the palm of his hand and carefully compared the two green jade beads. Both the lines and colors were amazingly similar.

"This! General, where did you get this bracelet? Huo Qing couldn't help speaking.

"This bracelet is a token of love sent to me by Qinqin. Alas, I didn't expect this to be my last thought of her..." Huo Shuangcheng's eyes were moist. At that time, when he met Qinqin for the first time, her smile was so beautiful that he was fascinated. At that time, every time I thought of it, it made He is happy but sad. In a blink of an eye, so many years have passed.

Huo Qing didn't say anything, just standing quietly in place, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Have you inquired about the whereabouts of that girl?" Only then did Huo Shuangcheng realize the purpose of Huo Qing's trip. When he is old, he is not only easy to hurt spring and autumn, but also can't remember the business.

"No, the only clue is this bead." Huo Qing stared at the jade pearl as if to see through it.

"Take it and go to Mr. Qin to have a look. Mr. Qin is an experts in jade. It's just that he has always lived a simple house over the years, and even I can't invite him. You'd better go there in person. Huo Shuangcheng carefully handed over the green jade beads to Huo Qing, and carefully put the bracelets back into the sandalwood box.

"Anyway, you must find that girl. Kang'er is out now. If she learns the news of this girl's disappearance, she must be confused. If he is in chaos, how can he stabilize the military!" Huo Shuangcheng fought outside for many years when he was young. He knew the seriousness of the matter. He didn't want his son to lose his fighter plane because of this, so he had to find Lu Mengji anyway.

Huo Qing answered and went out. Thinking of Huo Shuangcheng holding jade beads just now, he was inexplicably sad.

In the yellow curtain, Lu Mengjian was sleeping deeply at this moment. Because of the application of medicine, the pain in his body also eased a lot. Qingshuang saw it twice and saw that she was fine, so he was relieved.

But when Qingshuang returned to his room, he found that his purse had broken a hole, and the green jade beads inside had disappeared!

Qingshuang looked around the room anxiously, but found no trace of beads, and carefully searched every corner along the corridor, but where there were the whereabouts of beads! Her eyes were red and she rushed into Mu Bai's room.

Mu Bai was changing his clothes and preparing to go out. He rushed in and hurriedly turned his back in with fear, "Little sister, why did you come in without knocking on the door!"

"My beads are missing!" Qingshuang sat down, threw the hole purse directly on the table, and covered his eyes with a veil.

"What beads?" Mu Bai quickly put on his clothes and walked to Qingshuang.

"When I was a child, Master gave me a green jade bead. Before leaving, Master specially told me to take this bead with me and take good care of it, but the bag containing the beads somehow broke, and the bead disappeared... What should I do if the master knows it!"

"Don't worry, think about where the beads may fall. This hole is very new. It should have been broken soon. Maybe it's nearby!" Mu Bai took off his indifference to the blue frost and said softly.

Qing Shuang shook his head, and the tip of his nose was red, like a small cherry bead. "I've searched all over the inn, no."

"Do you know why Master gave you this bead?" Mu Bai looked carefully at the pattern on the purse and frowned little by little. This pattern seems to have been seen somewhere...

"I don't know. When the master gave it to me at that time, he only asked me to take good care of it, saying that it was left by an old friend and asked me to keep it as a souvenir. He didn't say anything else. But if he knows that the beads have been lost, he will definitely be angry.

"Then don't tell him first. Don't worry. There are not many places we go today. If we go back the same way, maybe we will find it." Mu Bai turned around and grabbed the sword hanging by the bed. "I'll go to the prison first. You can take a good look along the way back. Ordinary people probably won't notice such a small bead. "

Qing Shuang nodded and saw Mu Bai walking out of the door. He also quickly wiped his eyes and walked to Xuanze's room. Lu Mengji is still lying **, and there must be someone to stay and guard it.

But as soon as she got to the door, she heard someone talking in Xuanze's room. She listened carefully for a while and only heard the small voice in the room, but she couldn't hear what she was saying. Qingshuang simply raised his hand and knocked on the door, and then suddenly opened the door.

"Ha ha, sister, why are you here?" Xuanze greeted him calmly, and Qingshuang looked around the room, but found no figure.

"Are you alone in the room?" Qingshuang wondered that she had just heard other people's voices, but there was only Xuanze in the room, and there were no other people's figures.

Xuan Ze's smile was the same as before, and he came to Qingshuang mischievously, "Sister, of course, I'm not the only one in this room..."

"Who else?" Qingshuang's face turned cold. Sure enough, there were other people in the room, but how could he be so agile? He could escape when he pushed the door.

"Haha, of course, there is also you, sister," Xuanze laughed. "Aren't you here now? How can I be the only one?"

"I mean, just before I came in!"

"Sister, didn't you see it when you entered the door? Who else is there besides me? Oh, by the way, there is another person who has always been with me." Xuanze answered seriously.

"Who else?" Qingshuang asked urgently, but saw Xuan Ze smile narrowly.

"Sister, it's you who has been with me all the time. When you are away, you have been with me in my heart," Xuanze pointed to his heart. Although his face was full of smiles, he was still a little nervous.

Sure enough, Qingshuang's face fell down, "Xuanze, don't go too much! I asked you something serious, but you just made a fuss with me. If you do this again in the future, don't blame me for turning against you.

Xuanze seemed to have been stabbed with a sword, but his face smiled more and more. "Sister, I'm kidding you. Why are you so angry? Sit down and drink water to vent your anger."

"Well, I'm not free. Don't always have such a hippie smile. It's because we spoiled you that you haven't been in shape until now! Today, my eldest brother and I have something to go out. You are responsible for taking good care of that woman. If there is anything wrong, we can't help you this time. Remember?" Qingshuang squintated his face, turned around and walked out after saying that.

Xuanze smiled on his face, "Are you going out with your big brother? Why don't I know!"

"You don't need to know. You only know hippie smiles all day long. You really don't know how to say you! Remember to look at good people and don't lose people again. After Qingshuang finished speaking, he didn't look back and went out.

Xuan Ze sat on the stool and looked at the door with hatred. She actually went out with the eldest brother. They actually hid it from him. Recently, Qingshuang looked at the eldest brother more and more wrong. Did she...