Don't go to the flower

Chapter 248 Like to be with you

But when she saw the mother-in-law nodded with great affirmation, "Woman, you are really interesting. Don't you know if you are a newcomer?"

Lu Mengji's heart fell to the freezing point little by little.

"Where's the general? I'm going to see him!" Lu Mengji broke away from her mother-in-law's hand like crazy, and her arm was caught black. The woman did not dare to harden, so she had to open her arms and hold Lu Mengji directly in her arms.

"Woman, the general is busy waiting for guests outside now. Don't make any more trouble. Our big guys are waiting to drink your wedding wine." The woman in charge of making up for Lu Mengjian was a little impatient. She took out two hemp threads, rubbed them with her tongue, and rubbed the two threads together with both hands.

"You want to drink wedding wine, but I can't be married by you for no reason!" Lu Mengji suddenly felt a pain in his arm. When he looked down, he found that the woman was slowly scratching his arm with double strands of hemp thread, twisting off her hair.

"Hey, girl, how can there be a marriage like you? The general said that you should have come down earlier during this marriage. Today happens to be an auspicious day. Although it is a little hasty, there is no need to carry it in with a sedan chair, so it is not so troublesome. However, the general loves your family, so there will still be some way.

"That's right, look at the reputation of our young master, which girl doesn't want to post it, but the master chose you. How lucky you are, hey, it's a pity that my girl is not so lucky..."

It was not until this time that Lu Mengji realized that Lin Daimo had not been attacked at all. All this was just an excuse for Huo Shuangcheng to deceive himself into marriage!

Lu Mengjie became more and more angry, but she gradually gave up struggling. She didn't want to marry Lin Daimo, but Huo Shuangcheng actually cheated herself back to get married by such a despicable means. This marriage is really disgusting!

However, since the ceremony has arrived, Lu Mengji has no room to look back, unless she really doesn't want to go out of the door of the Huo family in the future, so she listened to the woman's twisted her face and rearranged her whole body, and finally walked out with the help of the mother-in-law.

Lu Mengji didn't know anything about the ancient gift of taking a concubine. Under the leadership of his mother-in-law, he stood stupidly for a long time, but he didn't even hear the voice of the master of ceremonies worshipping heaven and earth. When I was almost numb, I was suddenly pushed by my mother-in-law and heard someone next to me remind me, "What are you still doing? Go and serve tea to the young grandma!"

Lu Mengji looked up and found that he had stood in front of Qin Luofu.

"Ha ha, sister, what a coincidence, we will be a family in the future!" Qin Luofu said with a gentle smile, but there was a murder in her eyes. She couldn't wait to break the woman in front of her to solve her hatred!

Qin Luofu didn't even hear the news of Kang's return home, but was suddenly invited to attend the family banquet. Although she had doubts in her heart, she still dressed up to attend. Unexpectedly, as soon as she sat down, she saw Lu Mengzhi being rushed into the inner room by her mother-in-law, and the people around her talked about Huo Jingkang's marriage with great interest. Others envied Huo Jingkang. Good luck, the main room is dignified and virtuous, and the new concubine is also as beautiful as a flower, but in fact, it enjoys the blessings of heaven and people!

What a good marriage. Qin Luofu looked at the talkative people around him, and the jealousy in his heart became more and more. At this time, Lu Mengji appeared in front of everyone in a pink wedding dress. She also wanted to offer tea to herself. Ha ha, it's simply ironic!

After listening to Qin Luofu's words, Lu Mengqi was silent and just served tea to Qin Luofu.

"Being able to become a good sister with my sister is a blessing cultivated by Meng Jian in his last life. I hope my sister will teach me more in the future!" After Lu Mengji finished speaking, he looked at Qin Luofu's crazy appearance, and his heart was even more depressed.

Qin Luofu smiled, but the teacup in Lu Mengjie's hand symbolically took a sip, apologized to Lu Mengjie, and seemed to explain to the people around him: "I'm sorry, everyone, the little guy in my belly really doesn't like to drink tea, so I appreciate my sister's cup of tea."

People around him began to laugh, "It seems that this young master is also a very thoughtful master, and now he already knows his preferences!"

"How did you know that Fu'er was pregnant with a boy?"

"We Fur'er is a blessed woman at first glance. If you don't believe it, you can see..."

Lu Mengji retreated silently and was pushed by the woman beside him to the door of the room with the word Dahong.

"Is this the end? Don't you still want to worship heaven and earth?" Lu Mengjian turned his head and asked in a low voice, but when the ancients got married, which one did not cross the brazier to worship his parents, but her wedding was too simple!

"Oh, my second aunt, this is enough for you, and you don't have to look at it. Compared with you, the concubine of others in Kyoto, it's good to be able to enter through the side door. You have such a big gift. The Huo family has come to your wedding banquet, and you are not satisfied yet!" After saying that, the woman opened the door and led Lu Mengzhu across the threshold. Although the room was also very popular, it was obviously several levels lower than her imagination.

"Bright, where's the young master? Why didn't he come?" Lu Mengji sat down by the bed and watched the woman throw the longan peanuts to **. Suddenly, it occurred to him that he had not seen Lin Dai until now.

"Oh, Master Kang is still drinking outside. He will be back in a minute. Please sit here and wait for a while!" After saying that, the woman also hurried out of the door.

Lu Mengji sat alone with a red quilt. Thinking of the scene when he saw Lin Daimo for the first time, the corners of his mouth couldn't help raising slightly. At that time, he was full of pride, but she was beaten so that she couldn't move and fell out of bed.

In a blink of an eye, she has been his bride for the second time.

Lu Mengji didn't wait long, so he heard the sound of footsteps outside the door. Then, the door was pushed open, and the cool air at night poured in, making Lu Mengji, who was a little sleepy, suddenly wake up.

"You're back." Lu Mengji's words were extremely calm, but he didn't know how many times he had walked the roller coaster.

"Well, I'm back." Lin Daimo stood at the door with an extremely calm expression, but his deep eyes didn't know what was hidden.

Lin Daimo turned around and slid the door, slowly walked to the bedside and sat next to Lu Mengjie.

The two sat quietly for a while. Lu Mengji turned to look at Lin Daimo, but found that Lin Daimo was also staring at him. Lu Mengji looked carefully at himself in Lin Daimo's eyes and suddenly smiled happily.

"After such a long time, I can finally see you laughing." Lin Daimo sighed a little. Every time he left, every time he closed his eyes, Lu Meng Jian sat in the corridor with a sad face. Sometimes he would particularly regret why he left Shita Village and why he wanted to leave Lu Mengji selfishly by his side... But when he saw Lu Mengji's smile Rong Shi, these regrets disappeared in an instant.

"I finally saw you after such a long time," Lu Mengji took Lin Daimo's words playfully.

"In fact, I don't know it will be a happy event for you and me today," Lin Daimo shyly took Lu Mengji's hand and held it in his hand. "When I came back yesterday, I was really tired. I slept until this afternoon, but my father said that he had arranged a family gathering, so I came."

Lu Mengji grabbed Lin Daimo's hand with his backhand, and sweat appeared in their hearts.

"It's great to be with you." After Lin Daimo finished speaking, his cheeks were as red as apples.

"Me too, I like to be with you," Lu Mengji stroked the fine cocoon of Lin Daimo's palm. She remembered that a long time ago, although his palm was very hard, it felt smooth, like a scholar's palm, but now his hand is still very hard, but it adds a lot of vicissitudes.



Lu Mengji looked at Lin Daimo with a smile. After so long, the two would still have such a small tacit understanding.

"You say it first," Lin Daimo looked at Lu Mengzhi. The girl who was once exposed to wheat color by the sun has now returned to her whiteness, and her small palm-like face looks more mature and stable.

"Well, I'll tell you first. You're not hurt, are you?" Lu Mengjian looked at Lin Daimo's face worriedly. When he came in, she could obviously feel Lin Daimo's slight hiss, but Lin Daimo never said anything, and she finally couldn't help asking.

"In the battlefield, injury is common, but don't worry, I'm fine. How can that little injury hurt me!"

"Come on, show me where the injury is? Is it serious? Have you taken the medicine yet?

Lin Daimo smiled and heard Lu Mengji's concern, just like eating a piece of sweet candy to the bottom of his heart, and his whole body was a little erratic.

"Don't worry, I will stay with you for the rest of my life. This minor injury is nothing."

"You're really hurt..." Lu Mengji held Lin Daimo's hand sadly, "Show me where the injury is. Alas, why are you so careless!"

Lin Daimo suddenly hugged Lu Mengji in his arms and put his chin on Lu Mengji's head. Lu Mengji smelled the good smell of Lin Daimo and suddenly felt at ease. For so long, she always felt that she was just a passer-by in the world, but every time she saw Lin Daimo, she had a sense of security of dependence.

"Stupid girl, even for you, I will try my best to protect myself. I didn't promise you that as long as you are still waiting for me, I will come back anyway. Lin Daimo dotingly rubbed Lu Mengzhi's head and saw the other hairpin on Lu Mengzhi's bun.

"You still keep this hairpin..."

"Well, this is the first gift you gave me, and of course I will wear it on time!" Lu Mengji rubbed into Lin Daimo's arms again and found a more comfortable posture to hug Lin Daimo tightly.

Who knew that Lin Daimo suddenly took a deep breath and bowed his whole body slightly!