Don't go to the flower

Chapter 259 But the moon shines on the ditch

"Don't talk nonsense. Master has never married in his life. How can he have children! If you talk like this again, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

After being trained, Xuanze looked at Qingshuang aggrievedly. He just said casually, but Qingshuang was obviously dissatisfied. Everyone knew that Qingshuang had always been close to his master and never allowed others to talk to him behind his back.

"Xuanze is just guessing, sister, calm down," Mu Bai spoke for Xuanze, but his eyes always stared at Qingshuang, but with a little gentleness.

"Big brother, I'm just... Master, he is very kind to us. He will never be the kind of villain behind Mingli. Xuanze is simply smearing Master by saying this!" Qingshuang said, took a look at Xuanze again, and lowered his head with a blush on his face.

Mu Bai suddenly stretched out his hand and rubbed the hair of the blue frost, "You girl, no wonder Master loves you so much!"

For the first time to be treated so gently by Mu Bai, Qingshuang was so shocked that he almost dislocated his chin and kept staring at Mu Bai with wide eyes.

"Big brother, you are too biased," Xuanze muttered in a low voice. The moment he raised his head, he saw the ambiguous action of the two people in front of him. The alarm bell that had been ringing in his heart was completely broken and he stood up. "Sister, what are you doing!"

The atmosphere created was broken by this voice, and Qingshuang's face suddenly turned into a red apple. She shyly moved her eyes away. When she glanced across Xuanze's face, she couldn't help glancing at him fiercely. This was the first time that the eldest brother was so gentle to her, and such a rare opportunity was destroyed by this ignorant little brother. It's a terrible scenery!

Mu Bai was stunned. What he had just done seemed to be a little out of the ordinary, but in the face of his involuntarily move, he was a little unexpected.

"Cough, Qingshuang's hair is messy. I and I will sort it out for her," Mu Bai looked at the two rice papers with handprints in front of him and deliberately opened the topic. "Since we have got her fingerprints now, let's send them to the master this morning and let the master confirm first. If it's really what the master is looking for. People, let's continue to stay here. If not, we will act according to the master's opinion.

"Well, I think it's okay. We've been with her for so long. If it's really not the person we're looking for, wouldn't it be a waste of time? And I think the Huo family is not a fuel-efficient lamp." Qingshuang deliberately pressed the embarrassment below, and then Mu Bai's words continued, but Xuanze obviously had not recovered from the blow just now and sat aside in a low mood.

"Indeed, the more princes and nobles are, the more complicated life is, and the more they need to be guarded. Miss Lu was born lowly, but now she has suddenly jumped to her current status, and her experience in dealing with it is inevitable. If she is really the person we are looking for, she really can't be careless in the future. After saying that, Mu Bai deliberately took a look at Xuanze.

It's not that he is dissatisfied with Xuanze, but every time Xuanze is on duty, Lu Mengji will have some strange phenomena. Of course, the last time Huo Jingpu fell into the water, thanks to Xuanze's timely discovery, otherwise, Lu Mengji would not be better than now if Youyou was involved in the murder case.

Mu Bai drew up a short letter and tied it to the leg of the carrier pigeon with the contract, but he could not wait for the carrier pigeon to fly up. His body had been tilted aside by the sudden increase of weight.

"This letter is too heavy, I'm afraid the carrier pigeon will be exhausted without waiting to be delivered. Why don't we send someone directly to the master and report something that has happened recently to him? Mu Bai took the letter from the pigeon and thought thoughtfully, "Listen to the tone of Master's last letter, it seems that there have been some changes on the mountain during this period. If we can know the situation on the mountain as soon as possible, we may be able to better help Master achieve his wish."

"Brother, who do you think will be sent back?" Qingshuang did not hesitate.

Mu Bai looked at the two people in front of him. Qingshuang had always been serious and responsible and could leave her to see Gu Lu Mengji. Mu Bai was not worried. However, Xuanze, sometimes he is so reckless that he does bad things with good intentions. If he is responsible for sending his fingerprints back, Mu Bai is really a little worried.

When he was in a dilemma, Xuanze raised his head angrily and reached out to take the letter from Mu Bai's hand. "Big brother, I'll go. Sister, she is a girl. I'm alone. I'm worried."

"It doesn't matter, I..." Qingshuang deeply doubted Xuanze's ability.

"There's no need to say, that's the decision." Xuanze rudely interrupted Qingshuang's words for the first time. He knew that his brother and sister were suspicious of his ability, but even so, he still wanted to show his strength to Qingshuang.

Qing Shuang raised his hand to grab the letter in Xuanze's hand. Xuanze flashed flexibly, and the two almost handed over.

Mu Bai stopped them with a headache. No matter who went back, he was worried, but the master had already explained that he must protect Lu Mengjie in Kyoto. Forced this, Mu Bai would stay here until Master was satisfied.

"Big brother, Xuanze is still a child. The mountains and rivers are far away, and it's very dangerous. I really don't worry about letting him go." Qingshuang looked at Xuanze worriedly.

But Xuanze wrinkled his nose with no weakness. "Senior sister, I've grown up. Don't treat me as a child anymore. If you don't believe me, wait and see. This time, I will not only send the letter to the master smoothly, but also help you find out the true identity of Lu Mengjie. You, just put 120 hearts. That's it."

The blue frost can't resist, and finally no longer insists.

On the same day, Xuanze, carrying a gloomy wooden box with two fingerprints, rode a fast horse and left the city.

With free from Xuanze's entanglement, Qingshuang was a little frustrated, especially before he left, the meaningful sentence "wait for me", so that Qingshuang could no longer look at it with his previous attitude.

The little brother who had been hurt and angry with Qingshuang finally became fuller and fuller, but Qingshuang had a strange feeling. It seemed that Xuanze's feelings for her were no longer a simple relationship between siblings. Qings sighed helplessly.

"I would have turned my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch." Her mind has been so clear, but the man still doesn't understand why!

The sheepskin alley in the evening is much more deserted than usual.

Lu Mengji came out of Mrs. Sun's original house, and the sky was dark. Compared with the original dilapidated house, today's house has been completely abandoned because it has been taken care of, and the cracks in the roof are getting bigger and bigger.

If Xiangzi hadn't happened to come to Sheepskin Lane and happen to see Lu Mengji and others wandering outside the house, I'm afraid he won't step into this house again.

Revisiting his hometown, Lu Mengji sighed with emotion.

At the beginning, Lu Mengzhen was pushed down from the upstairs by Qin Luofu and was brought back here by Xiangzi. At that time, Xiangzi didn't expect so many things to happen later, and even had such a deep relationship with Lu Mengzhen.

But as soon as Mrs. Sun left, Xiangzi's outlook on life completely collapsed. In the previous 20 years, although he lived in poverty, his life was down-to-earth. Moreover, Mrs. Sun let him live in a world of care and love, and his expectations for the future supported him to walk down. But one day, he suddenly realized that all his past beliefs were actually a lie!

So he didn't want to go back to this place where he gave him hope, but his hopes were dashed.

However, he was still surprised to see Lu Mengji.

Xiangzi opened the almost rusty door lock and opened the door. It was messy. The weeds in the yard gradually turned yellow in the autumn wind. Spider webs covered every large and small corner. A thick layer of dust had fallen on the square table in the room.

Lu Mengji took out a veil and wiped the stool clean. As soon as he could sit, several people sat around the square table with emotion.

"Alas, at the beginning, the aunt cleaned the house..." Lu Mengji's words had many regrets. Such an enthusiastic old man left inexplicably like this. Anyone who thinks of it will feel sad.

"My mother loves cleanliness in her life. She always says that although the house is broken, it is clean and at least makes people feel comfortable." Xiangzi took Lu Mengji's words and looked nostalgicly at the wooden bed where Mrs. Sun once lay, where it seemed that she could still see Mrs. Sun with a flat mouth and smiling.

"Have you found out who killed the aunt?"

Xiangzi shook his head, "No, in those days, there were always people who were stolen in the sheepskin alley, and even an uncle in the east had been cut, but no one can say what those people looked like. Now that I think about it, I'm afraid it's the same group of people who committed crimes."

"Well, Tianwang is very slow, Brother Xiangzi, you can rest assured that one day, those people will pay for their crimes!"

"Ha ha, how can it be so easy? The magistrate has clearly said that the investigation has been suspended, and I'm afraid that this case will finally come out."

Xiangzi held his head sadly. The most painful thing was that he clearly had the ability to handle the case, but he was suppressed by a word from the leader. After all, he couldn't get rid of it, and those who killed more goods were at large daily impunity!

Xiao Qian just sat aside unintentionally, but when he came to his senses and heard Xiangzi's words, he couldn't help raising his spirit, "Brother, what are you talking about? Has the case been stopped? Has the case been solved yet? How can you stop if the case has not been solved?"

"Brother Xiao, you don't understand these," You Ziqi secretly pulled Xiao Qian's clothes, afraid that he would speak improperly for a while, which would make others sad, but Xiao Qian shook You Ziqi's hand.

"What are you pulling me for? I'm asking the business. Brother, if you really have any difficulties, I can ask for you. My uncle is... Well, he is the person who can help you. If you need it, feel free to tell me, and I will definitely ask my uncle to help you retrial the case." Xiao Qian vowed, as if things would become easy in his hands.

"Who are you? How can you have such a right!"