Don't go to the flower

Chapter 274 Protect her like jade

Lu Mengji made an exception and took Zhou Qiang home. Although it was only a small courtesy, Zhou Qiang, who was full of white-eyed audiences, was frightened.

"Madam, what are you doing? It won't be... The villain really doesn't want to harm others. This can be learned from the world! Little man..."

Zhou Qiang had been in prison for a few days before. He really didn't want to suffer this feeling for the second time, and Lu Mengji walked in front of him without saying a word, which made him muttering in his heart and finally couldn't help confessing himself.

"Brother Zhou, don't worry, let's talk slowly later!" Lu Mengji interrupted Zhou Qiang's words, and this little man made Lu Mengji's brain go crazy.

Zhou Qiang obediently closed his mouth, followed Lu Mengji into the hall, and carefully sat on the red solid wood chair.

"Well, Brother Zhou, let me tell you a story first," Lu Mengjie motioned Zhou Qiang to sit still, and he also sat opposite Zhou Qiang. "Once upon a time, there was a boy who had been sensible and obedient. His parents got up early and slept outside every day. He took care of his younger siblings at home, but one year the harvest was extremely poor, the family cut off food, and his sister was sick and hungry, and finally died. When the boy saw his brother being hungry with his chest against his back, he finally couldn't help selling himself to the big landlord in the village.

Zhou Qiang listened carefully and suddenly felt a little sad. I heard that the younger daughter of my brother's family was also hungry a few days ago...

"But later the boy was beaten to death and thrown into a mass grave. Fortunately, he was found and taken in." After saying that, Lu Mengji nodded slightly at the door, and the housekeeper led Wu Yan into the door.

"Xiaoyan?" Zhou Qiang's eyes widened and looked at Wu Yan in disbelief. He got up and rushed to take Wu Yan's hand in three or two steps. "Son, why are you here? Madam, is that poor child Wu Yan?!"

Lu Mengji nodded, "Yes, it's Xiaoyan."

"So the little girl... How could she be like this? How could she become like this!" Zhou Qiang muttered to himself and took three or two steps back. He finally supported his body and did not fall down. "Xiaoyan, in this way, the younger sister... is it true?"

When Wu Yan saw the little uncle, his eyes turned red in an instant. He stepped forward, gently hugged Zhou Qiang's thighs, and nodded with tears in his eyes, "Sister, she is gone."

Zhou Qiang couldn't accept it for a moment and was stunned on the spot. He still remembered the little cute man. Although he only peeked a few times from afar, it was his niece after all. He went like this, and there was a strange pain in his heart.

"Xiaoyan, to be honest, did you really sell yourself? Is that landlord a yellow skin?

Wu Yan nodded and lowered his head in anger. Although he cut off Huang Peel's **, which was also a great revenge, the pain left in his heart was afraid that it would be difficult to heal for the rest of his life.

"Fuck yellow skin!" Zhou Qiang was so angry that he clenched his fingers and turned white between his bones.

"Brother Zhou, now Xiaoyan lives in this house, just like my own brother, just rest assured," Lu Mengjian saw that the sensationalism was almost sensational, so he interrupted at the right time to get the two people who were feeling out of grief and indignation.

"Madam, I, Zhou Qiang, will never forget the kindness of Xiaoyan in my life!"

Lu Mengjie smiled slightly and pulled Wu Yan to her side. "Brother Zhou, you don't have to call me wife. I'm just a little aunt in my family. As for saving Xiaoyan, it's my luck. This child is really sensible and heartbreaking!"

"Uncle," Wu Yan's eyes were red. For the first time, he took the initiative to call Zhou Qiang as his uncle, but Zhou Qiang's nose was sore. "Sister, she is a good person. You don't have to worry about me."

Sending Wu Yan out, Zhou Qiang couldn't help thanking Lu Mengjian again. For this nephew, who met a very limited number of times, he felt kind and relieved every time he met him. In this family, only this child was willing to call him uncle.

"Brother Zhou, since you are so reluctant to give up Xiaoyan, why don't you stay directly?" After Lu Mengjian's greeting and talking directly to Zhou Qiang, his whole nerves finally became stiff.

Zhou Qiang hesitated for a moment and asked weakly, "Auntie, you must have known what kind of person I am. Are you really relieved to let me stay?"

"Yes, but what I hear from others is you in their eyes, and what I believe is the real you." Lu Mengji was not without worries, but when she saw Wu Yan's loneliness, she still left room for Zhou Qiang to choose.

"That's the real me..." Zhou Qiang shook his head, "I'm sorry, aunt, I may not be able to do it."

Since he remembered, his life has been full of deception and exile. His parents almost never care about his life or death, but when he was beaten and scolded, he was always the first to be punished. Later, he gave up all his self-esteem and lost his only beloved woman. He began to join in stealing. Over the years, countless people have been harmed by him.

But today, when he suddenly received an invitation from Lu Mengji, Zhou Qiang suddenly realized that maybe his future life would really become different, but he had no confidence in himself at all.

"It doesn't matter. If you don't agree, I won't force it. But if you think about it, just come to me. My door is always open for you. After Lu Mengji finished speaking, although there was still a little smile on his face, he was already a little reluctant.

"I'll stay, aunt, don't worry, from today on, I will be a new person." After Zhou Qiang finished speaking, he solemnly saluted Lu Mengji. He never dreamed that he would have the opportunity to come to such a large family in his lifetime.

"Good!" Lu Mengji answered, and he had a plan in his heart, but after all, Zhou Qiang did a lot of disgraceful things before. It was inevitable that it would take a period of time to run in to correct them, but fortunately, there was Wu Yan, a little guy.

What Zhou Qiang can get since he grew up is just some of people's white eyes and ridicule, as well as the embarrassment of being chased to death every day. For Zhou Qiang, it is more like a redemption.

"Are those disaster victims outside the door your fellow villagers?" Lu Mengji asked knowingly, and Zhou Qiang nodded.

"Yes, most people come from the village, but there are also from other places, but over the years, the small villages of ten miles and eight villages have been visited by me, so most people still know each other."

"Well, how about I give you a task from today?" Lu Mengji smiled and called Zhou Qiang to his side.

In Huo's house, Fengyiyuan.

Lin Daimo was worried about Lu Mengji's sudden departure. If he hadn't been blocked by Huo Shuangcheng, he would have left the general's mansion long ago.

Since he and Lu Mengji merged, Lin Daimo's feelings for Lu Mengji have become stronger, just like fermented liquor, which is more and more mellow.

"Young master, the young lady sent someone to ask, would you like to go over for dinner today?" Mingyan came to the room again. I don't know how many times she conveyed Qin Luofu's meaning. After learning that Lu Mengjie left home, Qin Luofu's mood was as if the end of the year was approaching, and every day was like a festival.

However, Lin Daimo never took a step in Fengyiyuan, which made Qin Luofu extremely crazy.

"Today, if I don't go, just say that I haven't recovered and can't move at will." Lin Daimo lay leisurely in **. Originally, he was free and leisurely. When he thought of Qin Luofu's position on it, he couldn't help feeling depressed.

"But the eldest brother who just came to send the message said that the young lady was ready, and even the wine was poured out for you. Just wait for you to go there and have dinner." After Mingyan said in embarrassment, Lin Daimo's face had turned pale.

He suffered a drunken loss last time, so he had the sudden little life. Now Qin Luofu actually set up wine and waited for him to be hooked, but this time he stopped drinking! Lu Mengji is not here, and Lin Daimo will guard himself for her anyway!

"You have refused for many days. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid the young lady will find here directly. We don't have the courage to stop our young grandma in Huo's house!" Mingyan spit out words very clearly, and her voice was clear and rapid.

Lin Daimo's face turned black, "In this family, do I have the final say, or does the young grandmother have the final say? If you say no, it's just no. You tell her that you don't have to bother making excuses. I said I won't go, but I won't go!"

Mingyan came out of the room tremblingly, and his face was entangled. On both sides, the walls of the house would tremble, and no one could be offended!

Sure enough, when those refusals reached Qin Luofu's ears, Qin Luofu endured his temper for several days and finally erupted, and his resentment spread all his resentment on Caishan.

"It's okay if he doesn't come on the fifteenth day of the first lunar new year. I can understand that he is inconvenient now, but it's really too bullying to refuse my invitation repeatedly! Cailing, come with me to Fengyiyuan. I don't believe that the environment there is 10,000 times better than here!" Qin Luofu stood up with a pregnant belly and sat on the top software and walked straight to Fengyiyuan.

The people in Fengyiyuan have already received the news that Mingyan slams the door, and there is no one gasping in the door.

"Open the door! Open the door, the young lady is here!" The little man outside knocked on the door for a long time, and then Mingyan pretended to be lazy to go to the door and asked lazily. When she heard the name of the young lady, she pretended to open the door in panic.

"Why did it take so long to open the door? Where did everyone in this yard die! It's really getting more and more useless. Hurry up and ask General Hu to drive away these wastes and replace them with a group of subordinates!" Cailing, the representative of Qin Luofu, kept complaining at the door.

"It turned out to be the young grandmother, and I said good to the young grandmother!" Mingyan bowed and saluted, but he continued to stop at the door, preventing anyone from going in and out.

"The young lady is coming, why don't you get out of the way!" Cailing shouted at Mingyan arrogantly, but Mingyan didn't even raise her eyelids.