Don't go to the flower

Chapter 291 humble love

The bustle of the teahouse dispersed. Lao Bai took out a few copper plates from his arms and placed them on the table. He shook a leaky broken feather fan and wanted to go out.

"Please take your time!"

Lao Bai was stopped and half invited upstairs.

"Are you the Pepsi of what they say?" A man in the box sat behind the screen with a lazy voice.

"Yes, it's all the villagers who raise their love. In fact, the villain is not..." Lao Bai responded respectfully and secretly speculated about the origin of the other party. Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted impatiently.

"I just want to ask you, what you said today is true?"

"This... I don't know what you mean?" Lao Bai suddenly felt a little uneasy.

"Well, how did you know that the young master of the Huo family was inhumane?"

The old white body trebled, "Master, the villain is just hearsay, hearsay, and the villain no longer dares to talk nonsense..."

The little man who took Lao Bai upstairs suddenly patted Lao Bai on the shoulder. Lao Bai was so scared that he lost half of his life and fell to the ground with a plop.

" Stop it!" After the screen, a voice came again, "What if I tell you that this is true? Do you think this is not a hearsay?

"It doesn't count! Not counting! How can what I said be fake!" Lao Bai's face turned pale.

"Okay, do you know what to do?"

Lao Bai nodded repeatedly, "What do you want the villain to say?"

It was night. Lu Mengji waited until late at night, but he still didn't see Lin Daimo's figure. Thinking that she was still urging Lin Daimo to go to Qin Luofu in the morning, but now she began to be jealous, but the person she loved deeply stayed in someone else's **, saying that she didn't mind how could it be possible!

"Will the young master encounter something on the road..." As soon as the green ring finished speaking, he even said a few times, "Bah, look at my crow's mouth, the young master is so busy..."

Lu Mengji frowned and said nothing. In this era, there is no mobile phone or phone. It is so difficult to get a letter from a person.

At the same time, Lin Daimo, who was in Huo's house, was also anxious.

I don't know where the rumor came from, and he suddenly became the focus of the house. Huo Shuangcheng issued a ban on footing. After sunset, Huo Jingkang must stay with a hangover He Xuan! For Lin Daimo, there is no doubt that it is a bolt from the blue!

A bowl after bowl of ginseng soup tortoise soup tonic soup was placed in front of Lin Daimo, and the old man was at the top of the town, staring at Lin Daimo, making Lin Daimo's head two big.

"Father, Lin'er has just been born. I'm afraid it's not good to drink these now..."

"Cough," Huo Shuangcheng coughed twice, motioned all the servants in the room to retreat and meditate for a long time. Then he said leisurely, "You are not at home these days, and I'm afraid you are tired."

Lin Daimo didn't understand the meaning of Huo Shuangcheng for a moment and shook his head repeatedly, "I'm not tired. I'm used to marching in a hurry during the expedition. This path out of the city is nothing."

"I mean, you are still young and can't be greedy for pleasure and overdraw your body, which is not for you to make up for it." Although he has been a father for decades, Huo Shuangcheng is still a little difficult to say in the face of his son.

"How can it be overdrawn? Don't worry. You don't need to make up. You really don't need to make up. I'm fine." Lin Daimo laughed awkwardly, but confirmed the doubts in Huo Shuangcheng's heart.

"You and Fuer, I mean, those things in your room are still harmonious?"

When Lin Daimo heard this, he completely stared. He only said that Huo Shuangcheng felt sorry for him for running around all day long, but he didn't think it was for this matter...

Lin Daimo hesitated for a long time, and Huo Shuangcheng finally sighed disappointedly and said nothing more.

About those rumors, Huo Shuangcheng has never wanted to hear more, but this time it was as if he had implicated his grandson, which was related to the bloodline of the Huo family. Huo Shuangcheng had to be a little vigilant. He wanted to ask about Lin'er several times, but he held back his words back.

"Father, if there is nothing else, I'll go first. Meng Jian is still waiting for me..."

"No! You must stay in the house tonight!" Huo Shuangcheng's words showed a trace of pressure. Even if he had been away from the battlefield for many years, there was still a kind of majesty without anger.

There was no room for negotiation, so Lin Daimo was directly escorted to Drunken Hexuan.

Qin Luofu was stunned by this sudden happiness. He picked up the child and stuffed it into Lin Daimo's arms, but the baby in his baby was extremely soft. Lin Daimo carefully dragged Lin'er's head and felt the extremely soft body, and his heart suddenly melted.

What if this is the child of him and the dream? Lin Daimo thought about it and smiled unconsciously.

"Famor, are you tired these days? Give me the child. Please take a rest first." Qin Luofu's voice was extremely gentle, soft enough to melt human bones, but unfortunately, Lin Daimo turned a deaf ear, but his mind was full of fantasy holding Lin'er.

Maybe the holding posture was too uncomfortable, and Lin'er suddenly cried. Lin Daimo was at a loss and opened his hands to let Qin Luofu take the child away from his arms. Qin Luofu untied his shirt in front of Lin Daimo and stuffed the rations into Lin'er's mouth.

The crying stopped, and Lin Daimo's fantasy finally stopped.

Lin Daimo turned his back and did not look at the tender white skin in front of him. He suddenly felt sorry for Lu Mengji. This feeling was so strong that it made him sit on pins.

"Well, Mrs. Qin, I'm only bothering here for one night. I'll leave tomorrow and clean up a guest room for me and come out. You don't have to bother too much." Lin Daimo waited for Lin'er to finish eating before turning around. Such a strange and alienated tone made Qin Luofu, who had been in a state of excitement, suddenly cool down.

"Your husband, you live in this room. Lin'er sleeps very well at night, never cries and won't disturb you," Qin Luofu almost begged, hoping that Lin Daimo could stay, but even so, Lin Daimo still had a cold expression.

"Will you stay? Even for Lin'er, he has rarely seen his father since he was born. He misses you very much!" Qin Luofu turned her back and tears flowed down the corners of her eyes. The once arrogant daughter became the most humble existence in the dust for a person who did not love her. Even so, people who don't love her still turn a blind eye to her.

Lin Daimo finally went to the guest room, leaving Qin Luofu alone in the room to cry until late at night.

He opened his eyes and listened to the sobbing sound stop. Suddenly, she ruined his marriage, but he was not. From the beginning, this marriage was a mistake, but after all, he failed to stop the tragedy with the words of his parents' life matchmaker and the woman who wanted to marry him.

Lu Mengji was worried. It was not until the middle of the night that he still didn't wait for the news of Lin Daimo. He was tired to the limit before he fell asleep.

But the next morning, Huo's house blew up.

Qin Luofu didn't know where she found a white silk, but she hung herself while the night was heavy!

The sound of the stool falling to the ground woke up Cailing sleeping outside, but when she rushed into the room, Qin Luofu was already hanging in mid-air.

After a heartbreaking call for help, Lin Daimo rushed into the door and picked up Qin Luofu and put him back**.

Cai Ling put her finger under Qin Luofu's nose, and the unspeakable sadness rushed to her face in an instant. "Young grandma, she... has lost her breath..."

Lin'er suddenly cried, and everyone in the room burst into tears. Lin Daimo sat on the ground with his buttocks.

"Help the young master get up and invite the imperial doctor. Maybe the young grandmother can still be saved! Mingyan, go and inform the master and aunt. Don't say anything, hurry up!" Caishan seemed to have changed into a different person, ordering everyone neatly and decisively, and her fingers kept pinching Qin Luofu's people. Seeing that there was no response, she pressed Qin Luofu's chest hard.

In the midst of everyone's panic and sadness, Huo Jingping suddenly broke into the door, and his face was full of panic and sadness. He rushed to Qin Luofu's bed in three steps, and the handsome face had lost its color.

"Where's the doctor! Where are the people! What do you useless people eat? Get out of here!" Huo Jingping pushed Caishan aside and kept gently pressing Qin Luofu's chest. Seeing that there was no color, he actually breathed Qin Luofu mouth to mouth.

I don't know whether Huo Jingping's persistence moved God or his illusion, Qin Luofu's fingers gently held his hand.

"Luofu," Huo Jingping was surprised and happy, and held her in his arms.

"Shh," Qin Luofu leaned weakly against Huo Jingping's ear and whispered, "Bring me away."

Huo Jingping dried the tears on his face and held Qin Luofu in his arms. Qin Luofu's arms hung weakly on both sides, and his head of green silk fell down along Huo Jingping's arm, like a March willow.

Qin Luofu opened his eyes slightly, and the afterglow glanced at Lin Daimo, who was sitting as if he had lost his soul, and burst into tears.

"Young master, the second young master will be the young grandmother..." The young man whispered to Lin Daimo that Lin Daimo seemed to be numb. After a long time, he heard him whisper: "Let her go, go."

When Huo Shuangcheng arrived, Huo Jingping had left Huo's house with Qin Luofu and disappeared.

The originally noisy drunken Hexuan also became silent because of this sudden change.

The doctor came, but was sent out again.

At dawn, the news that the young lady of the Huo family had died of an acute epidemic was sent to Qin Yiwen's house. And Huo's house was also dressed in white hemp and hung white mantles around, setting up a mourning hall for the young lady who died young.

For Qin Luofu, Huo Shuangcheng inevitably felt guilty. If it hadn't been for him, things would never have been as they are now. However, now that the family is not like family, and his son is not like his son. Even the remains of his eldest daughter-in-law have been taken away by Ping'er. He has no face the people of the Qin family, so he can only do it well for Qin Luofu. The funeral was to comfort the shame in my heart.

Qin Yiwen was extremely dissatisfied with Huo Shuangcheng. He didn't even see his daughter's last meeting, and when he saw Huo's urgent funeral, he inevitably had some doubts about Qin Luofu's death.

However, the Huo family was deeply taboo about Qin Luofu's death, but when it came to this matter, everyone shut up. Finally, seven days later, the Huo family left Qin Luofu's clothes and tombs in the Huo family's forest.