Don't go to the flower

Chapter 296 Lost Sister

The wind swept over the treetops, and the remaining leaves sounded.

"Come out, I know you're nearby!" Mu Bai held the hilt in one hand and looked around coldly.

After a while, another gust of wind blew, and the surrounding was full of the sound of leaves falling to the ground. It calmed down again, and there was no longer the breath of the man. Mu Bai looked around warily and made sure that there was no danger, and then he did not enter the land temple.

Qing Shuang snorted coldly and turned his head aside. Xuanze sat next to Qingshuang and looked up at Mu Bai with a smile.

"Brother, what does Master mean? Why do we have to follow this desolate place from Kyoto, Lei? We have a lot of opportunities to catch her back!"

Mu Bai looked back at Xuanze and said, "What Master asked us to do? Let's do it. Don't talk too much."

"Oh," Xuanze was a little unconvinced, but Mu Bai was the eldest brother, and his meaning was the master's intention and could not be disobeyed.

"Stay here for another day today. We have to change to another place tomorrow morning. I'm afraid it's not safe to stay here for a long time." Mu Bai looked around seriously. Although the new brothers are not disciples of the master, after all, they are all from the same family. As the oldest one, he has to consider everyone's safety.

"Brother, we don't have two silver. Why do we have to squeeze into such a broken temple? How nice it is to find an inn to live in." It was Shang Yu, a famous disciple under his uncle, who spoke, and his famousness stemmed from the huge power of his family and countless family property, and the annual expenditure on the mountain is also thanks to his existence.

"Those people are living in the inn now. We must try our best to avoid direct contact with them. If they find out that we are also here, things will be troublesome!"

"Why don't we just buy a house to live in?" Shang Yu's words made Mu Bai laugh and cry. The children of rich families are always like this. They always think that money can solve all problems. Although this is a truth, there is always a time when the truth succumbs to reality.

"No need to say more. Let's find a new place to live tomorrow. Anyway, remember to hide yourself and don't be found by them. I'll go out for a while. You should pay attention to the movement around here."

After saying that, Mu Bai raised his legs and walked out. Qingshuang pouted and wanted to say something, but he swallowed it again.

Then through the forest wind, Yuwen quickly ran back from the land temple and saw the half-covered door from afar. Then he was a little relieved. Although he could not figure out the specific intentions of these people, he could also feel that the other party's purpose was by no means simple, but whether the other party was aimed at Lin Daimo or Lu Mengjian, he still needed It takes time to verify.

Lin Daimo is obviously not as optimistic as Yuwen. If it is aimed at him, he is not worried at all, but if it is aimed at Lu Mengji, he is afraid that as soon as he leaves, these people will have no scruples. At that time, even if he has the intention to protect him, he will not help.

"Young master, in fact, I'm a little puzzled," the more Yuwen thought about it, the more strange it became. "The Mr. Fang and his party who came this morning are not locals, but why did he come here to inform us, and I think they are less than 20 people at all."

"Have you ever thought that maybe two groups of people came here? They must have come for the same purpose, but what is it for..."

Two days later, Lin Daimo had to return to the camp again. Once he left, the road would be blocked in winter in a few days. I'm afraid that he might not come back until the beginning of spring the following year, so it is even more difficult to part.

Lu Mengjian looked at Lin Daimo drifting away, and then looked back at the slightly dilapidated small house behind him, which rekindled his fighting spirit.

With the experience of moving and raising flowers in the first two times, Lu Mengji has also been good at growing vegetables. After planting, it is a long wait to set up a miniature greenhouse to protect against the cold. But for Lu Mengji, life is about tossing. As soon as the vegetables were planted, she had the idea of repairing the house.

It's a pity that the weather is getting colder and it can't be repaired too much. It can only be improved indoors and window paper, and the ground dragon for heating is an indispensable tool for winter. So after a few days of planning, the small house finally ushered in the first start of construction.

Because he wanted to throw away the ground and dig a dragon road, Yuwen recruited several short workers from outside to help Master Dilong.

Lu Mengji wandered around and saw the boy who stole pancakes that day in a group of short-term workers.

"Lu Yu, why are you here?" Lu Mengjian's tone showed a trace of surprise, and he looked at Lu Yu carefully a few times. He saw that the little face was white and gray, and his bright big eyes were very lovely.

"Well," Lu Yu grabbed a bucket in a muffled voice, "How do you remember me this time?"

"Little guy, look at what you said. Didn't we just meet two days ago! Sister, I have a good memory!"

Lu Mengji has nothing to do. Naturally, he is unwilling to let go easily when he grabs this little fresh meat, and simply follows Lu Yu directly.

"Xiaoyu, do you have any brothers or sisters? If not, my sister also has a little brother here. Why don't you two just become brothers?

Lu Yu rolled his eyes speechlessly, "No."

"How many children do you have?"

"What's your business?"

"Hey, don't be so cold. My sister feels kind when she sees you and wants to know more about you!"

"I, I still have a sister," Lu Yu said and lowered his head slightly. "But she was separated from us..."

Lu Mengji was squinted and gently stroked Lu Yu's little head, "I'm sorry, I touched your sadness."

"No, my father said that she will go home sooner or later, as long as she still remembers the way home!" Lu Yu looked at Lu Mengji expectantly, but did not get the expected response, and finally turned around again lost.

The man beside him and the sand looked at this scene. He stared at Lu Mengji carefully for a long time, and his eyes were finally covered with a thick layer of doubt.

Before working in the evening, Lu Yu suddenly found Lu Mengjian, "Sister, didn't you say you wanted to introduce a little brother to me? Can you take me to see him now?"

Lu Mengji was entangled by Youyou for several days, and finally found a friend for him. When he happily led Lu Yu to Youyou's room.

Youyou wrote big characters for two days, and his heart was almost stuffy. Seeing a child of his age, he immediately put aside his complaints and pulled Lu Yu into his room.

Seeing a few pages of big words written by Youyou, Lu Yu's mouth almost curled away, "Who taught you this word?"

"I used to teach it by my husband, but now it's taught by my sister. My sister said that as long as I can write and recognize it. My sister is awesome. She knows more than our husband!" Youyou always looks admiring when talking about Lu Mengji.

Lu Yu curled his lips again. Now he increasingly doubts whether he has recognized the wrong person, but the woman is exactly the same as his sister, but her personality is very different from before. If he hadn't been so similar, he began to suspect that Lu Mengjie and his sister were two completely different people.