Don't go to the flower

Chapter 298 Go home!

Lu Yu waved gently, and the two women quickly stepped forward, took over the gorgeous clothes, and went to serve Lu Mengji into the room to change clothes.

"Stop! Wait a minute, what the hell is going on?

Seeing Lu Mengjie's reaction, Lu Yu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "Why, don't you want to be my sister?" You should know that if others know his background, they can't wait to stick to him immediately, let alone be his noble sister.

"I haven't experienced it in the past two days. I'm not your sister. Have you forgotten?"

"That time was not accurate! It turns out that you are my sister. What are you two still doing? Go and serve the lady!" Lu Yu always said the best. When the two women heard the words, they quickly picked up Lu Meng Jian and walked to the room.

Lu Mengjian struggled and was forced to change her clothes, and was pressed in front of the bronze mirror to bun her hair and gently red lips.

After a moment, Lu Mengji couldn't help but be stunned when she saw herself in the mirror.

That elegant and exquisite woman turned out to be herself! She knew that this body was good-looking, but she didn't expect it to be so dusty. It's true that people rely on clothes and gold.

However, although the costume has changed, Lu Mengji still does not recognize the new identity given to him by Lu Yu. Even if she is a daughter, she is not interested.

"Wow, sister, you are so beautiful!" Youyou saw Lu Mengji and saw that her eyes almost fell out.

Lu Yu nodded slightly, "Well, this is my sister!"

However, this beauty lasted only a few seconds, and ended with Lu Mengji's heavy fall.

It's sad. Although the gorgeous dress is beautiful, the long skirt really tests people's ability to walk.

"Oh..." Facing the sound of everyone breathing, Lu Mengji couldn't wait to lie directly on the ground and never get up.

"Sister, although we have been apart for several years, there is no need to make such a big gift as soon as we meet!" Lu Yu smiled narrowly. In Lu Mengjie's eyes that could kill people, Lu Yu returned to his cold young master's appearance again, "My sister hasn't worn this kind of clothes for a long time. I'm afraid she is already strange. Help Miss up quickly!"

Lu Mengji looked at the still immature little face speechlessly. Obviously, he was still a child, but he was already like an adult. Thinking about it, he couldn't help but feel a little lonely.

"Xiaoyu, let's take a step to talk," Lu Mengjie pulled Lu Yu and asked seriously, "We have proved before that I don't have the mark you want on my back. As for your sister, she may also be waiting to meet you again, but you can't just pull me as your sister."

"Didn't Youyou tell you that he sneaked into your room two days ago?"

"What about you?"

"Cough, I'm going too! Guess what I sent?

Lu Mengjie looked at him scrutinfully, "Did you find that I am your sister in the dark light? Child, your ability to make up lies is taught by your English teacher!"

"It turns out that you already know that although the mark on your back is covered with a lot of scars, you can still see that it is exactly the same as mine!" Lu Yu was very excited. After looking for so long, he finally found it.

"The imprint really doesn't mean anything, maybe others have it..."

Lu Yu stared at Lu Mengji dissatisfiedly, "I don't know if there are others. Anyway, you have. Don't say more. Come home with me!"

Lu Mengji's black line, the young master of a rich family, is really capricious!

"It's dirty! Young master, please come back if you have had enough. It's really not fun to recognize your relatives.

"Come on! Bring her back to me!" Lu Yu's patience was finally exhausted, and the group quietly pressed Lu Mengqi out of the door, turned around and disappeared.

Poor Yuwen Yuwu hasn't been able to catch up with him, and there is no trace of anyone.

"Write to me quickly! It's not a trivial matter that my wife was arrested!" After writing the letter, Yuwen turned over and ran out.

Although the letter was urgently sent to Lin Daimo, after all, it has been nearly a day, and it is obviously impractical to send troops to search. In the face of the crisis of the battlefield and the disappearance of his wife, Lin Daimo is in a dilemma.

In the competition between state affairs and family affairs, Lin Daimo made the most difficult choice...

Lu Mengji was trapped in the carriage and walked dizzy for many days. Finally, one day, Lu Yu suddenly rushed to Lu Mengji's car.

"We'll be home soon, sister, are you happy?"

Happy big-headed ghost, Lu Mengji scolded in his heart, "Where is this?"

"Oh, yes, you have forgotten that this is Jian'an, the national capital of our Later Liang. After passing by your favorite Daoxiangju, you like to eat their snacks the most. Shall we buy some more?"

"back beam! What the hell is this place!" Lu Mengjie covered her head with a swell. She had just fallen off her feet in Gexi Town, and even the house was not hot yet!

"It doesn't matter if you know you won't accept it for a while. Let's take our time. One day you will remember it all!" After Lu Yu said too confidently, there was already a loud shout outside.

The accent is completely different from the Lei dialect she is used to. Strangely, Lu Mengji can understand the conversation of outsiders, as if this language has already existed in her body.

The car drove for another half a day before stopping in front of a quiet mansion.

Several guards guarded at the door of the mansion. When they saw Lu Yu's car, they immediately opened the door of the house.

Transferred to the sedan chair carried by people in the house. For the first time, Lu Mengji has had the opportunity to look up at the scenery around him. The solemn scene has impacted Lu Mengji's vision again and again.

"Where is Lu Yu?"

"Princess, I don't know the humble position!"

The reply of the guard beside him made Lu Mengji stunned.

"Is this the palace?" Lu Mengji looked at the buildings that looked like palaces around her. The roof of the glazed tiles shone in the sun, and the mascots on the four corners of the eaves showed the noble status of people living here. Except for the palace, she couldn't think of anyone who could have such a great skill.

"Princess, this is the palace."

Lu Mengji's brain buzzed and was stunned again.

It's also the palace and the princess. Lu Mengji really picked up the treasure this time. It's too fantastic to mention occupying her body and such a high identity!

When the sedan chair arrived at the door of Shuyuzhai, several maids were waiting at the door. When the leading maid saw Lu Mengji, her face turned pale in an instant, "Princess! It's really you!"

Lu Mengji looked numbly at all kinds of kneeling scenes in front of her and regretted it. If she had known that she was going to come to such a place, she would have tried to escape halfway anyway, but now, she was afraid that it would be difficult to fly.

"Sister, let's go home. Take a closer look here. Do you feel very familiar?" Lu Yu rushed from nowhere and excitedly pulled Lu Mengji to go in.

"Bear by the way, my father is very happy to hear that you are back. He will come to see you later."