Don't go to the flower

Chapter 302 "Dragon's Son-in-law"

Lu Yu pretended to beg for mercy, "Sister, you don't remember the villain. Besides, this time, I'm here to inform you!"

Lu Mengji is skeptical.

"This time I heard that my father has looked for another son-in-law riding the dragon' for you! Are you interested in going to see it?

Seeing Lu Yu's narrow expression, Lu Mengji couldn't even raise any interest. The last time he punished Guo Jing'an, but the boy couldn't get out of bed for more than half a month. She didn't want to do such an immoral thing. Besides, she has already got married. Although the two are in two different countries now, they don't even know that they are Where...

"Don't do these messy gossip all day long, okay? Have you finished reading the art of war, practiced swords, and written calligraphy?

Sure enough, Lu Yu's originally excited face collapsed in an instant. "Sister, can you stop always mentioning these frustrating things and be a good sister and brother!"

Lu Mengji held her forehead. Is this guy a parrot? But whatever she said, he would always find a chance to say it again.

"Do you still think I'm your sister? Is my sister used to be betrayed?

"Heaven and earth can be seen. I, Lu Yu, have never sold my sister!" Lu Yu's heart pounded with a small calculation. No matter who the son-in-law is, the country will belong to him in the future, and sooner or later it will be used to assist him. It's better to make a good counsel now, so as not to find an elm in the future and add to himself a lot of trouble in vain.

"I don't know you yet? Only when you make a stump, you will be so serious. Don't think I don't know!"


"Tell me, who is so unlucky this time?"

Lu Yu finally heard this sentence, so the blood tank was instantly full, trying to hide his inner excitement, "Sister, this time my father is the second son of the Marquis of Qingguo. It is said that the man is dignified, not to take a thesis or martial arts, he is excellent! Why don't we go and have a look?"

"I won't go!" Lu Mengjie's eyes slanted. Who on earth is choosing a son-in-law? How can this guy care more than himself?

"Alas, it's a pity if you don't go to see him. It is said that this Zuo Songsheng is excellent. The woman in the whole capital has not been moved to see him!"

Lu Mengjian was a little moved after listening to it. As the president of the Appearance Association, she couldn't help but blush when she heard the word handsome. Although she didn't plan to choose any son-in-law for herself, it was not impossible to see the handsome man's face.

So after two seconds of reserved, Lu Mengzhi nodded.

"I knew you couldn't help it!" Lu Yu smiled proudly, with an expression that I had known for a long time.

Lu Mengji resisted the impulse to complain, "Your purpose has been achieved. Why are you still here!"

"Well, here's a little news about your husband in the State of Lei. Would you like to listen to it?"

Lu Mengji was stunned and looked at Lu Yu in disbelief, "How can you have his news!"

"My sister wants to know that it is natural to be a little self-aware of being a younger brother," Lu Yu suddenly put away the smile on his face. "The news came from the people who stayed there that Lin Daimo disappeared."

"Missing?" Lu Mengji's legs were weak and he sat on the ground.

"Sister, don't worry. He is not dead, but after a war, there was no trace. The army of the State of Lei sent people to search the battlefield several times, but did not see his body." Lu Yu paused, "That's a war that determines victory or defeat. As long as he wins this game, he will be promoted to the title when he goes back..."

"Is it because you lost?"

"No, on the contrary, he fought with the army until the final defeat of the enemy, but when the whole army celebrated, he disappeared."

Lu Mengji was silent for a long time, and the news was like a bolt from the blue, smashing her remaining hope to pieces.

"There is another piece of news, would you like to listen to it?"

"How many messages do you have? Can't you finish it all at once?"

Lu Yu was shocked by Lu Mengji's anger, "It's good news, so do you still want to listen to it?"

"If you have something to say, say it quickly, and fart!"

"Sister, you are so rude! This shouldn't be what our royals should say," Lu Yu said with a smile, "Then I will start to fart. Someone saw your husband coming in the direction of our rear beam."

Lu Mengji was surprised again, "Really?"

Lu Yu was proud, "Will my news be fake?"

"So where is he now? Is the border guard of the rear beam strict? Will he be in danger? ......”

A series of question marks fell into Lu Yu's ears one by one. "Sister, don't ask, okay? It seems that there are 10,000 flies buzzing in my ear. That's my brother-in-law. I will naturally tell you as soon as I hear from him. OK, I guess my father will come in a moment. I'll withdraw first!"

After saying that, Lu Yu was afraid that Lu Mengjian would regret it and ran away. The little eunuch who followed him did not react for a moment. His left foot was mixed with his right foot and almost fell to the ground. He stumbled several steps before he finally returned to normal. Lu Mengjian, who was embarrassed, finally couldn't help laughing.

Such a short time, Lu Yi entered Shuyuzhai with dignity.

Since being reprimanded by Lu Yi for opposing the election of the emperor's son-in-law, Lu Mengjie has been inexplicably afraid of the country, as if their relationship is not between father and daughter, but between monarchs and ministers.

"Yinger, come here and sit next to your father," Lu Yi pointed to the seat beside him slightly tiredly. Seeing Lu Mengjian sitting down, he couldn't help sighing.

"When your mother was alive, she loved you the most and was not even willing to touch you. If she knew that I treated you like that day, she would hate me to death. Yinger, I'm sorry, I had no choice but to do it that day. At that time, I was domestic and diplomatic difficulties... Well, it was all over, but your injury was still like a stone pressing on me. My chest makes me breathless. Fortunately, you are back now."

Lu Mengjie listened silently. Since she went home, Lu Yi has always shown guilt towards her, but every time she felt guilty, it was followed by the trick of refusing to withdraw from the ring to choose her son-in-law again and again. This time, I don't know what he was calculating.

"Before your mother left, she took my hand and said that you must have a happy home. For the sake of your mother's last wish, I thought for a long time and decided to use the way of ring, which was also out of helplessness. After all, the civil strife two years ago caused the rear beam to lose a large number of capable generals, so I hope to borrow this time for my father. Opportunity, be able to choose a few truly effective stop and stabilize the country behind.

After hesitating for so many days, Lu Yi finally decided to tell the truth to Lu Mengji. Although in this way, their father-daughter relationship may become more estranged, but Lu Yi felt deeply ashamed when he thought of Qianqian's last wish before his death, and now he tells the truth, and his heart is much easier.

is just a painful blow to Lu Mengji.

Sacrificing the happiness of her life for the stability of the country, it turns out that in the eyes of the "father", he is just a pawn. Wherever he needs it, he will move anywhere. Does he care about her feelings?

"So, do you think that using me as bait can attract more capable ministers and generals? Ha ha, you overestimated your daughter's ability. She is just a rude little girl. You raised her to a political height in one sentence. Didn't you think about whether she would fall down or bleed?

Lu Yi's face gradually darkened. The purpose of his showdown today was to ask Lu Mengjian to follow his plan honestly, but obviously this little girl still refused to cooperate obediently!

"Father, even if the generals can appear in the competition, will they be willing to submit to serve the rear beam? As far as I know, those who are willing to participate in the martial arts competition are either for true love or for their own interests, such as beauty, money, power, etc. Ordinary people are still like this, not to mention the battle between emperor's son-in-law.

"So you mean that the purpose of anyone who comes to participate in the competition is not pure?"

"It can be said."

"The best, capable and ambitious person is the person needed by the back beam."

Lu Mengji was stunned. For the sake of power, father and son can turn against each other, and brothers can kill each other. She is just a princess, which is indeed a good political bargaining chip for those who want to consolidate power as soon as possible.

Lu Yi's arrival left again, which made Lu Mengzhi finally realize what kind of environment she was in. Every step she took would only follow the road arranged by others. She was afraid that she would still be crushed if she was careful.

"Since it is useless to oppose, it is better to do it first than to sit back and wait for death," Lu Mengji secretly clenched her fists. She has wasted too much time...

In the study of Qingguo Houfu, Zuo Song stood in front of Zuo Rong with a blank face.

"Anyway, you must marry Princess Changying. You must also participate in the competition and win!" There was a trace of coldness in Zuo Rong's deep eyes.

"I won't participate."

"You must participate. The future fate of our Zuo family is on you. If you can get the crown of the emperor's son-in-law, our Qingguo Houfu still has the possibility of a comeback. If you fail, our family will have no hope."

"Then live a good life for ordinary people."

"You! You're going to make me angry!" Zuo Rong was so angry that he couldn't wait to take up the inkstone at hand and smash it, but when he thought that everything was a treasure, he was reluctant to give up.

There was a little man knocking on the door outside the door, "Your Majesty, please come over."

Zuo Rongying took a fierce look at Zuo Song again, "You should also go back and think about what I said to you. Remember, this is not a discussion with you, but an order!"

Zuo Song shook his head indifferentally and raised his feet out of the study.

The little man beside him did not leave. He looked left and left and left. He quietly walked to Zuo Song, stuffed a piece of paper into Zuo Song's hand, and ran back with relief.

"See you in the Moon Hall of Shuiyin Building at noon tomorrow." The handwriting is beautiful, but it seems to be written with charcoal.