Don't go to the flower

Chapter 305 is like destiny

Lu Mengji looked nervously at the two people in the ring, and his palms were quickly wet with sweat.

"Sister, why are you nervous? Haven't you made it clear to Zuo Song? Don't worry!" Lu Yu saw Lin Daimo playing, and the string that had collapsed for a day finally loosened.

"Is Zuo Song reliable or not?"

Lu Yu was happy when he heard this, "Sister, you are not afraid that he will win, are you? Stop kidding, will he like you? Ah no, I mean, he doesn't look like an ambitious man to be a son-in-law..."

Lu Yu became darker and darker, so he simply closed his mouth and focused on the martial arts competition in the stands.

Lin Daimo has consumed too much physical strength these days on the road, and he is obviously a little powerless after more than a dozen moves.

"Just like this, I advise you to get off the stage early, or you will be beaten all over, and I'm afraid you can't even afford the medical expenses!" Zuo Song slanted at Lin Daimo, and his tone was very disdainful.

Lin Daimo did not answer, jumped up from the ground and rushed to Zuo Song again.

"Sister, why doesn't this situation look right!" Lu Yu finally saw some famous things. He thought it was Zuo Song who was afraid that Lu Yi would see the flaws, so he waved his moves. But now that it has been so long, Zuo Song seems to have done real kung fu instead.

Lu Mengji bit his lips tightly for fear that Lin Daimo would be knocked off the stage.

"Wan!" Under the ring, there was another cheer. Zuo Song turned around and kicked Lin Daimo. Lin Daimo fell heavily on the ring and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Zuo Song is too much!" After all, Lu Mengji still couldn't stand it. He wanted to run down with his skirt and was quickly caught by Lu Yu's eyes and hands beside him.

"Sister, you are crazy! Then you will kill him!" Lu Yu whispered, and his eyes peeked at Lu Yi from time to time.

"What are you two muttering about?" Lu Yi had already found that something was wrong with the two of them. Seeing Lu Mengjian's gaffe, his face was already unhappy.

"No, it's okay, father, my sister said that after sitting for so long, my legs were numb and I wanted to go for a walk, and my son happened to want to go out."

"Go ahead, young man, you just can't sit still!" Lu Yi only cares about the things on the stage. As for these children, there are guards around them, and there will never be any chaos.

Lu Mengji walked down the tower, and there were dense onlookers outside the door. If she went out like this, I'm afraid that everyone would not care about the competition, but would surround her.

In a dilemma, she suddenly saw a plainly dressed woman walking to the woodshed with a kettle. She narrowed her eyes and smiled and had an idea.

Lu Mengjian, who changed his clothes, sneaked out of the small gate on the side of the tower, accompanied by Lu Yu. When he saw the seams, he drilled in. With all his efforts, he finally saw the edge of the ring.

At this moment, Lin Daimo had been beaten by Zuo Song and fell on the stage again.

Although Zuo Song had a slight upper hand, he was also beaten very much. He stood aside and gasped loudly without any style.

"Do you admit defeat?"

"I don't recognize it! For my wife, even if I die, I will die in this ring!"

Because of the noise, people outside the ring did not hear the conversation between the two, but Zuo Song could hear it clearly on the stage.

"Ha ha, since you have married a wife, why do you have to fight for the position of son-in-law?"

"Because my wife is the princess sitting on it!"

"Nonsense!" Zuo Panxia looked up consciously, but except for today's Holy Mother, there is no shadow of Lu Mengji next to him.

"I promised her that I would never be separated from her in this life. I have defeated her once. This time, even if I die, I will fulfill my promise!"

Zuo Song was in a trance for a moment. At this moment, Lin Daimo suddenly swept and threw Zuo Song on the ring.

"You are cheating!" Zuo Song reacted very quickly and climbed hard to jump, but he was thrown into the air by Lin Daimo.

Lu Mengji happened to see this scene and immediately jumped up with joy.

"Mo, come on!"

The voice drowned in the crowd, but Lu Mengji shouted more and more happily.

Lin Daimo rushed in the direction of Zuo Song very fast, and suddenly heard a familiar voice and couldn't help but pause.

And in this empty space, Zuo Song stabilized his body, turned sideways, and rushed in the direction of Lin Daimo.

"Be careful!"

People around couldn't help taking a breath. Zuo Song, who was already at a disadvantage, turned defeat into victory!

Zuo Song followed Lin Daimo's eyes and glanced at Lu Mengjian, with a strange smile on his face.

"The lady you mentioned is right here, right?"

Lin Daimo tried his best to catch Zuo Song's sudden palm, and his whole body was shocked to retreat a few steps.

"How do you know?"

"Because she asked me to play the ring." Zuo Song said very plainly, but it fell into Lin Daimo's ears like thunder.

"What did you say!"

"You heard it, she asked me to come, and I must win!"

After listening to this, Lin Daimo regained the strength of his hand and punched Zuo Song back repeatedly.

"I don't believe it!"

At this time, Zuo Song stopped attacking and just raised his hand to resist Lin Daimo's fist. This scene made the people under the ring keep sighing. Obviously, the victory had been decided, but now the most promising party fell into today's deadlock.

"Lin Daimo, you must win!" Lu Mengji's words passed through the crowd and reached Lin Daimo's ears.

also reached Zuo Song's ear.

Zuo Song's face suddenly changed, but at this time, he had been forced to the edge of the ring by Lin Daimo.

"Do you think that if you win this son-in-law, the emperor will let you marry her?" Zuo Song sneered and left this sentence, and was finally slapped off the stage by Lin Daimo.

For a while, the surroundings were quiet.

Until the arbitration was counted ten times, no one jumped to the stage.

"Next, the Holy King will announce the final result of this competition!"

At the end of this sentence, Lu Yu pulled Lu Mengzhi hard and ran to the tower. When he changed his clothes and stood on the tower, the result had been announced.

And Lin Daimo also came to the tower at the invitation of the bodyguard.

Lu Mengjian turned around and watched Lin Daimo approach him step by step, and his eyes were gradually stained with a circle of blush.

With the cheers downstairs, the huge competition finally came to an end.

Lin Daimo finally entered the palace as Lu Mengji wished and came to Lu Mengji's side.

Some people, no matter thousands of mountains and rivers apart, will still be together after all, just like fate.

Although the banquet at night is boring, it can look at Lin Daimo from afar. Lu Mengjian's heart is like a honeypot, and his eyes are always like a powerful electric current flowing between their hearts.

"Sister, congratulations, your wish has been fulfilled!" Lu Yu came to Lu Mengji with a smile when he was not paying attention.

"Thanks to you, my brother!" Lu Mengji's doting point of Lu Yu's nose.

Lu Yu kicked his nose and said, "Sister, how can such a festive thing be done without wine? Come on, sister, I'll fill it for you. Let's have a drink."

Lu Meng couldn't stop him, so he had to let Lu Yu fill up the wine.

"She can't drink. She will cry when she is drunk. Your Highness, why don't I drink for the princess?" Lin Daimo didn't know when he also came over with a glass.

Lu Yu looked at Lu Mengjie with a smile and grabbed the glass, "Brother-in-law, why don't we go there for a good drink? Today is a good day. Let's not get drunk!"

Lin Daimo looked at the little prince speechlessly. Obviously, he was still a child, but he already had an adult style. "Your Highness, drinking too much wine is not good for your health."

"What, you look down on me?"

"No, it's just that I heard your sister say that drinking too much is not conducive to intellectual development..."

"What is intelligence?"

Lu Yu glanced at Lu Mengji strangely and saw Lu Mengji pointing to his head. Lu Yu's eyes slanted, "I'm so smart that even if I drink, I'm smarter than you!"


Lu Yi was very satisfied to see that the son-in-law selected through the competition and his son and daughter could be happy together. He simply left the banquet early and did not add some uncomfortableness to the children.

What's more, there are so many men who have performed well in the ring today. Those are excellent generals. He needs to think about it as soon as possible and declare them to enter the palace.

As for Lu Mengji's marriage, it can be held at any time after the national teacher chooses a good date.

Lu Yu prepared a two-entry house for Lin Daimo outside the palace. Although the decoration is not comparable to the palace, it is also comparable to the original general's mansion. Lin Daimo lives in it, and it is inevitable that he is a little worried.

"Master Son-in-law, Master Zuo Song of the Marquis of Qingguo asked to see you!" On the fourth day after the competition, Lin Daimo finally welcomed his first distinguished guest in Houliang.

The house is not big, and Zuo Song strode for a while to the door of the living room.

"It's you!" Lin Daimo looked at the person in front of him in surprise and didn't expect that this person was the strong opponent in the ring.

"Yes, I didn't expect you to be so lucky!" Zuo Song looked at the decorations around him with deep meaning, and the smile in his eyes was stronger.

"Thank you for giving up that day. If the prince didn't intend to give up the position of emperor's son-in-law, Lin would definitely have no chance!" Lin Daimo knew that Zuo Song deliberately retreated to the edge of the ring and won the position of son-in-law, but it was inevitable that he had some regret. After all, he did not rely on his real ability to fight down. When facing Lu Yi, he would inevitably feel ashamed.

Zuo Song smiled and waved his hand, "Actually, I don't plan to take this position as a son-in-law. I'm just helpless to go up. It just so happens that the princess is also begging me. It's better to push the boat along the water as a personal favor."

"Is it the public who lost to me?"

Zuo Song nodded, but Lin Daimo became more and more embarrassed. Although he jumped to the ring with the intention of winning, it was inevitable that he was released like this.

Zuo Song saw his swing and said solemnly, "Actually, I can feel that your strength is above me, not to mention that the power of love can overcome everything. The power you burst out on that day has already shown that you deserve this position.

"Look, my injury hasn't healed yet!" Zuo Song exposed the bruises on his chest.

Lin Daimo bowed and apologized, and the pimples in his heart finally slowly untied. After all, he came for Lu Mengjie. Even if the process was a little flawed, the result was happy, which was enough.