Mot in the alien world

Chapter 17 I miss you

These tens of thousands of people stand here, not only in gratitude for Guo Mo's past, but also in an expectation for the future. Everyone wants to see this young lord who gives everyone a high-quality life, and the next step will take everyone to move in that direction.

Looking at the tens of thousands of villagers below, Guo Mo can clearly see any of their movements and expressions. This high feeling makes Guo Mo like it very much.

calmed down the excitement a little and said, "Have you slept enough?"

This question suddenly silenced the whole square.

For a while, people don't know how to answer. If they say they have slept enough, they will know at a glance that they are telling lies at this time. If they don't sleep enough, won't they give the lord face?

Looking at the people in embarrassment, Guo Mo said, "Haha, whether you have slept enough or not, I haven't slept enough anyway. I haven't closed my eyes for three days. You may wonder why I don't sleep?

That's because I can't sleep. Three days ago, I was still fighting with people on the snowy mountain. In three days, I got closer and closer to the town, and the more I couldn't sleep, because there were too many things that I couldn't give up, and there were too many things that I cherish.

If it hadn't taken me in, I would have died under the snowy mountains. If the blacksmith hadn't helped me, I don't know how many times I would have died, so everything I have given to me today by you kind people. I'm not a white-eyed wolf, and naturally won't let you down!"

Guo Mo's words were very plain, but they made everyone feel close, and most of the people present had the excitement of leaving home for a long time.

Listening to the lord's words, everyone can't help but be moved by a faint care and happiness. It's really a great blessing in life to have such a lord.

I don't know who started, and there was a shocking roar in the crowd again:

"Thank you for your hard work, Lord!"

Guo Mo looked at the people under the stage and waved his hand to stop the boiling voice.

"I just asked if you have slept enough. You don't talk, but I know that you haven't slept well. Look at the children and the elderly around you. You may be able to stand it, but they really didn't sleep well. So, I order you all go back to sleep now. In the afternoon, gather them all together for me. I I have something to discuss with everyone!"

Hearing Guo Mo's words, the villagers looked at the old people and confused children around them. They were all ashamed. The lord returned to the territory without closing his eyes for three days, but we rewarded him with a confused attitude. For a moment, everyone lowered their heads in shame.

The blacksmith in the crowd looked at the energetic Guo Mo and was very relieved.

" folks, go back and have a good sleep. Let's get together in the afternoon!" I don't know who said that, so everyone turned around and walked home.

Guo Mo watched these simple people scattered around, and then turned to walk towards the blacksmith. "Uncle, I said why I didn't see you. It turned out that you opened the blacksmith's shop again!" Go, go, go back with me. I have something else to ask you!"

After saying that, Guo Mo took the hand of the blacksmith and walked towards the house. As soon as he arrived at the door, he stopped, could no longer move, and stood straight in place.

Uncle blacksmith looked at Guo Mo standing still and grinned, "Haha, boy, I'm going to have tea with your grandfather!"

Guo Mo was unmoved, as if he hadn't heard it, and his whole body gathered on the shadow in front of him.

This figure is beautiful, intelligent, cute and sentimental. It seems that all the beautiful words are not enough to describe her.

"Brother, I miss you!"

After muttering, the shadow quickly rushed into Guo Mo's arms, as if she couldn't hold it if it was slow.

Feeling the softness in his arms, Guo Mo subconsciously hugged the delicate body, "Brother, why didn't you think of you!"

What a deep affection it contains to think of you. A simple sentence of thinking about you means that someone is paying attention to your dynamics all the time, paying attention to everything about you, feeling sorry for you when you are sad, cheering for you when you are happy, and sharing any of your emotions.

Neither of them spoke and hugged each other quietly.

A kind of incomparable warmth and romance comes from the two, making them look like a couple born at the beginning of heaven and earth, chasing and playing wantonly in a wide world.

It is also like when the universe is destroyed, the last pair of lovers in the world still snuggle up to each other and help each other when the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten.

The two women, Yusi and Yuli, looked at the two people holding each other, and felt their lingering feelings and incomparable romance. For a moment, there was an impulse to replace them.

Two sentences coincidentally looked up at a man who was still hugging, with a wry smile.

Guo Mo held Julie tightly and greedily breathed the fragrance of Julie's bun, "This taste is so fragrant!"

Julie couldn't help blushing and whispering, "Keep it for you alone!" Just let you smell it alone!" After saying that, the real person is about to get into Guo Mo's arms.

Julie's behavior made Guo Mo feel itchy and felt the softness of the two balls on his chest. Guo Mo actually had a feeling of blood spurting, and he couldn't help kissing Julie's cherry lips.

Unexpectedly, Guo Mo was so bold that she kissed herself in broad daylight. Julie quickly turned her face, but was broken back by Guo Mo with her powerful hand.

"Don't move!"

After being drunk, Julie stood still obediently. The next moment, she saw Guo Mo's face with a smile of conspiracy.

With a "bang", Julie shouted coquettishly and just wanted to push it away, but she felt a silky little fragrant fish swimming into her mouth, and the next moment she made a sound again.

Seeing Julie no longer resisting, Guo Mo was even more wanton. His big mouth greedily sucked Julie's sweetness, and his tongue kept wrapping around Julie's fragrant tongue, which was infinitely lingering for a moment.

In this scene, the two women were red and eager to find a seam to get in, but they didn't want to leave. They looked at Guo Mo and Julie's lingering long kiss in this contradictory way.

After a long time, Guo Mo reluctantly withdrew from Julie's mouth, scraped Julie's little Qiong's nose, and said badly, "I really want to eat you now!"

Listening to Guo Mo's words, Julie didn't know how to answer. Her whole body softened and hung on Guo Mo.

Guo Mo laughed and said, "Don't worry, you are indispensable when you are in the bridal chamber!"