Mot in the alien world

Chapter 2 Reach the first layer

Of course, Guo Mo can't hear the words in Lie Ao's heart, and even if he hears it, Guo Mo will still ask like that. How did the good thing become like this? Isn't it just a night's rest? Why is there still *? Why is that?

Is it a conspiracy? Is it a trick? Or is it a last resort? If you don't figure this out, you will feel at ease!

It's like going shopping. Suddenly, a tall and beautiful beauty has to take you to a room, and you don't know this person yet. Do you think there is a problem and worry that she will be bad for you?

Man is such an animal. He has a certain purpose and motivation for every action, and Guo Mo now wants to know the motives of these people!

Listening to Guo Mo's words, the four elf beauties couldn't help blushing. It felt like they couldn't be seduced and scolded, but in fact it was like this!

Finally, after pondering for a moment, one of the female elves said, "These are all arranged by the elders. You are about to enter the channel of gods and demons, and I don't know if you can come back alive!" But those who can break through the ancient killing array are all elites, and he wants us to leave offspring for you! In this way, even if you die, your blood will continue!"

After listening to the explanation of this elf beauty, Guo Mo made it clear that it was so. It had been a while since he came to this continent, but now it is indeed the beginning. If he really died in the channel of gods and demons, there would be no successor!

Is it from them? No, I have been guarding myself like jade for so long. How can I give it? Even if I want to give it, it has to be Julie or Qin Shishi. I can't be sent to my door. I'll do it by myself. Then he can do whatever he wants. I'm not a casual person!

Besides, if you go to the God and Demon Channel, you may not die. When you come back, how can you face Julie and Qin Shishi? They have waited for themselves for so long, and you can't be sorry for them after all!

Thinking of this, Guo Mo's whole body woke up, and the evil fire in his heart suddenly extinguished. He coughed gently and rushed to the three people behind him and said, "You should think about it. If you do it, you will have to marry them at that time. My Guo Mo's brother can't do it!"

Hearing Guo Mo's words, Chu Nan first stood out and shook his head. He is a man with a wife. If he brings back the elf beauty again, Avril will not quarrel with her. Just think about it!

Hardy had some intention, but when he saw that his two brothers did not move, he was embarrassed, so he had to bow his head and keep silent.

And Lie Ao has an arrogant face. These women are okay to play. If they are allowed to marry them, it is impossible to kill them. What is their identity? How can the prince of the demon clan marry a lowly elf woman?

So almost all four beautiful women were rejected, which made the four people even more ashamed and eager to bury their heads in the earth!

Looking at the embarrassment of the four women, Guo Mo couldn't help coughing again and said, "Chu Nan and I already have a family, forget it! Hardy will stay and chat with you, find a wife, and let him marry you when we come back!"

With that, he took Chu Nan and Lie Ao to the second floor and left Hardy alone in the beauty's nest. Guo Mo knew Hardy's character. Although the boy was usually careless, once he became serious, he was still more reliable! So Guo Mo was not worried at all that the boy would harm the four elf women!

The night passed quickly. When Guo Mo and the other two went downstairs, there were only Hardy and an elf woman left downstairs, and now they had returned to normal clothes.

Watching the three people come down, Hardy stood up and said to Guo Mo, " boss, it's her! I will marry her when we come back! At that time, the boss will match me!"

Guo Mo nodded, "As long as you like it. Now that you have decided, treat others well!" Don't let down the heart of others!

Well, after a night's rest, it's time to go. Let's go now!"

Hardy reluctantly put down the female elf's hand and said gently, "Alice, wait for me! I will definitely marry you!"

There have been people waiting outside the door for a long time. They watched Guo Mo come out and salute: "Six adults, the elders are already waiting in front. Please go this way!"

With that, he walked forward with four people!

Everyone circled around and finally came to a superstar corridor. When they walked here, the elf who led the way retreated.

Looking at the mountain-like mountains and giants on both sides of the corridor, everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath, and Lie Ao looked even more fright, "Oh my God, I didn't have suffered a lot of this food at the beginning!" I was hit by that guy's big fist in the casserole. If it hadn't been for the artifact to protect himself, it would have been unknown whether I could stand here!"

Judging from the breath, Guo Mo found that the strength of these mountain giants was no less than that of the primary law. Coupled with that talent, it was even more powerful and messy! Looking at these giants, Guo Mo couldn't help admiring Lie and didn't know how the boy survived!

At the end of the corridor, a dark figure stands, like ancient, the indescribable vicissitudes and long distance, like a mysterious ancient book, revealing the scratches of the years!

"Here you are! Good, call out the seeds of life, and I'll send you into the channel!"

The old voice sounded in everyone's ears again, and Guo Mo couldn't help wondering, "Why do you have to hand over the seeds of life?"

"Of course, you have to hand it over, otherwise in case you fall into it and get the seeds of life by the powerful gods and demons in it, won't it be a disaster for the whole continent!"

Only then did Guo Mo understand how far the elves thought. It seemed that only the elves in the whole continent sincerely considered the mainland. Otherwise, the force seen by Guo Mo alone could laugh at the mainland and be invincible!

The four people took off the seed of life on their necks, handed it to the black man, and put it away. The black robe pulled out a yellowed booklet from his sleeves and handed it to Guo Mo, "This is a map in the magic channel, marked with the entrance and exit of each layer. Good luck!"

After saying that, the black figure disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Guo Mo has a hunch in his heart for this haunted black man. It seems that this man's cultivation is not only as simple as the perfection of the law, but also a lower god, even a middle god! What kind of secrets are contained in this continent? Guo Mo became more and more curious, but he also understood that the more he knew without strength, the more dangerous it would be!

Expand the map and want to exist in your mind, but at this time, a strange scene appeared. Even if Guo Mo uses his spiritual power, he can't put these things into his mind. There seems to be a strange power in this yellowed book to block the movement of his spiritual power. !

Guo Mo knew that there were some special secrets like this in ancient times. They could only rely on book inheritance, not through memory. In this way, the leakage of secrets was eliminated, and how many inheritances were cut off like this!

Looking at the layout of the first floor, Guo Mo put away the map and put it into the space ring, and then took everyone to the entrance.

Walking on the transmission array, a light wrapped the crowd, and then disappeared.

Just after Guo Mo and others disappeared, the black man in black robe appeared again. He looked at Guo Mo's disappeared figure and muttered, "Is the teacher really not dead?"

The four only felt that the scenery in front of them changed, and then appeared in an extremely wide space. No, it should not be said to be a space, but a continent. This is a continent that is almost the same as the Mafa continent. There is still a sun on its head, a land under its feet, mountains, trees and air.

However, the magic elements here are much stronger than the Mafa mainland, which is three times as much. Guo Mo couldn't help looking at it carefully, and his spiritual power instantly spread out, and he knew his location. Opening the map, as soon as he checked, Guo Mo knew that everyone was now in the north of the first floor, and the second floor The entrance is in the center of the first floor!

Guo Mo installed the map and wanted to take the crowd to fly to the center. At this time, Lie Ao said, " boss, since we have come, why don't we search for it? You know, these guys from the world of gods and demons are still very rich!"

Hearing this, Guo Mo couldn't help but be stunned, "Yes, these guys are invaders. What else do you need to say about them? Big fists are the truth. Don't grab it for nothing!"

At this moment, a team of white-clad practitioners flew over the air and fell towards everyone!

A leading young man asked arrogantly, "Which school are you from? Why are you here?"

As early as they flew by, Guo Mo sensed them, so he wanted to take everyone directly to the second floor and was stopped by Lie Ao. Then he had the intention to earn extra money. He wanted to wait for these people to come down to ask about the situation, but he didn't think that these people were so arrogant! It was simply too much than Lie Ao at that time!

Guo Mo was immediately indun's heart and laughed, "Who are you? Dare to care about me again!"

Listening to Guo Mo's words, the leader's face was incredible and scolded, "Who are we?" I'm the eldest disciple of Lingjian Sect! I have never seen anyone dare to talk to me like this. You must be a spy from the second floor! Call me!"

With that, he commanded the ten people behind him to surround Guo Mo and the four of them!

Guo Mo did not do anything, but looked at it with great interest. He saw these God of War-level white-robed people drinking their swords and killing everyone with the light of swords!

Seeing this scene, Guo Mo couldn't help but be stunned. This is obviously a true practicer. It seems that he is still that kind of true practice in the Jindan period!

Looking at the crowd's attack, Lie Ao was the most excited. He jumped up and grabbed a man in white, "hissing" to split the man in white in half, grabbed Dantian's Jindan in his hand, and laughed crazily, "Haha, a group of rabbit cubs How dare you be presumptuous in front of Grandpa? Let's see Grandpa take you!"

In an instant, he took out a magic knife from his body and chopped it at the man in white. I don't know whether the man in white was too brave or too fragile to split it in half with a knife!

At this time, the leading man suddenly shouted like crazy, "You are not human beings, but demons, and the demons have invaded again!"

Before Hua finished speaking, she was cut in half by Lie Ao and scolded, "Damn it, you're annoying!"

The rest of the people in white ran away as if they had seen a ghost, but how could they get the attack of the four people quickly?

Guo Mo's hell rose popped up and immediately burned one person to ashes, and Hardy and Chunan were also one. In an instant, only a man in white stood still and trembled! But Guo Mo's indifferent voice came to his ear:

"Come here and answer me some questions. I won't kill you!"