That girl is so handsome

Chapter 52 It doesn't matter


"Let's not talk about it. They are calling me."

"I know, go ahead."

"Bingbing, take care of your body."

"You too."

Then, I hung up like this. She looked out of the window again.

She has not received such a phone call twice, and she has never seen it before.

Chu Xin followed them in a low voice and said, "Is it possible that she is in love?"

"No, Bingbing never believes in men or love."

"But don't you think she has never been like this? If it's not love, what is it?

This is where they are very puzzled, and who is the person who makes that call every time? Will it be Mu Dianye? But he hasn't been here for many days. What happened between them?

After school, I came to the Youth Club first. It's quite awesome here during her absence. Nothing happened, but it seems to be a little different today.

As soon as she walked in, she saw Shu Yeyue, who was very popular on the skateboard, but she didn't care about anything. She went straight to the staff and the two began to talk.

"It seems that you haven't been here for a long time."

"I'm sorry, I went to Paris recently and came here as soon as I came back."

"Have you gone to Paris?"


The staff wanted to say something else, but I could see that the cold appearance did not want to tell him. He also knew that they were just a relationship between colleagues, and their cold identity was more special.

"How are you these days?"

"It's okay. In fact, there are not many people who dare to come here to be arrogant."

She made a rare joke: "Isn't it a little difficult for me to make money?"

Although the other party knew very little about her, when he heard her say this, a drop of sweat as big as grapes suddenly fell on his forehead. The person who said this really doesn't look cold.

However, what Leng Bingbing said is the truth. It cost her a lot of money to go to Paris this time. Although she knows that all this is worth it, she still hopes to make more money.

From time to time, there were high cheers. When Shu Yeyue was posing as she thought was cool in the air, there was one more person in her sight. The corners of his mouth raised, which was really good. Even if she hid in the corner, she could still be seen by others at a glance.

After Shu Yeyue fell to the ground perfectly, everyone next to him cheered for him. He waved gently, took down the skateboard, and then he had already walked there.

"Cold and beautiful girl, we haven't seen each other for a long time. How are you doing? How have you been recently?"

"Blessing you, I'm doing well."

"Yo, it really surprised me that a cold and beautiful girl would say such a thing!"

Leng Bingbing just looked at him faintly and didn't have any reaction at all.

Since he saw it, he couldn't let her slip away easily. He said with a smile, "Since we have all met, it means that we are predestined. How about gambling with me?"

is a bet again. Every time he has to bet, and the loser will always be him.

The expression on his cold face did not change a little and asked, "If I lose the bet, will I still go with you?"

"Smart, cold and beautiful girl, you should know," his head rested in her ear and whispered, "I'm very interesting to you. I've always wanted to get you. If I don't get it, I will always think of all kinds of ways to get you."

The corners of her mouth also floated gently and said, "Since I could beat you before, it's the same this time."

"Hahaha, beautiful girl, you are so confident. I just like your self-confidence. It seems that you agree?"

"Yes, but if you lose, don't make such a request to me in the future."

Shu Yeyue still said with a loud smile, "Of course, no problem, of course, no problem, the premise is that you can beat me."

It seems that Shu Yeyue is really confident today, but Leng Bingbing is not afraid of anyone at all.

"Say, what do you want to bet on?"

"Actually, it's very simple. Let's bet whether the number of people in this whole youth club is odd or even."

He smiled coldly and said, "It turns out that people like you also know odd and even numbers."

Of course, Shu Yeyue is very unhappy. After all, he is a boy. It's not good to lose face to a girl again and again. Today, he must get her and let her understand what a mistake she had done to him before.

How's it going? Are you afraid?"

"Of course, I'm not afraid. Do you guess first or I guess first?"

"Of course, you guess first. I, Shu Yeyue, have a gentlemanly demeanor."

It hasn't been long since Leng Bingbing came here, and no one will be bored to count how many people there are in this room, so it's just luck now.

She glanced around and said, "Since it's a bet, you can't count it. That doesn't count."

He smiled coldly and said, "You look down on me too much. Since I dare to bet with you, I can afford to play."

Is that so? That's the best.

I thought for a moment and then said, "I'm the even number."

Shu Yeyue said with a smile, "Then I should guess the odd number, right?"

"You asked me to guess first, and you can also go back on your word."

"Hahaha, it's really funny. Shu Yeyue won't be so tasteless. Odd numbers are odd numbers. Let's reveal the answer.

He frowned coldly and asked, "How to reveal the answer?"

"Of course, it's the beginning of counting. If not, how do we know whether this is an odd number or an even number?"

said coldly, "Since that's the case, find another person to count it, which is more fair."

"No problem, just the person around you."

He took a cold look at the staff around him, and nodded and said, "Well, I also want to know whether this is odd or even."

Because many people paid attention to this side at the beginning, everyone also began to count with the staff here at this time.

"One, two, three..."

Shu Yeyue looked at the cold expression. It was really rare. Other girls had been scared at this time, but she still stood there calmly without any change in her face. It's so funny. His father said he couldn't touch the girl, and he wanted to know why he couldn't touch the girl.

"13, 1415..."

The person next to him also guessed, is it odd or even?

The more she got to the last area, the more she thought she would be nervous, but she still couldn't see any expression change on her face.

When the staff counted to the last one, everyone looked nervously at the cold ice.

Yes, the last number is actually singular, that is, the odd number learned in mathematics. That is to say, this time I lost coldly!

"Hahaha!" Shu Yeyue was really happy and crazy. He was already confident, but when the result came out, he was even happier. Tonight, this girl with personality will belong to him.

How's it going? Cold, did you lose?"

"Well, I lost."

Everyone looked at her in disbelief. Is she so willing to leave with Shu Yeyue?

In fact, everyone knows that he doesn't give him face several times in a row, but he doesn't want to go with him, but what's going on this time?

Shu Yeyue looked at her and said, "You won't go back on your word, will you!"

"I didn't say anything."

The corners of his mouth raised. Well, it's good that she didn't regret it, but what on earth was she thinking?

"Hey, beautiful girl, do you want to choose somewhere? For your cold face, Shu Yeyue will allow you to choose any place in Suxing City today, even if it's a presidential suite.

Everyone knows that Shu Yeyue is rich, but he rarely spends a lot of money on girls. When he said this, some people actually looked at the cold with envy.

"I'm not choosing anything."

"Then what on earth are you thinking? It can't be that what you said before doesn't count!"

"I'm thinking..."

Everyone looked at her nervously.

"If someone comes in at this time, will it also be included in our bet?"

At this time, I saw a lot of people coming in at the door, almost a dozen. Everyone was surprised.

It's Mu Dianye!

Shu Yeyue's expression changed.

"It doesn't count!"

"But you didn't say before that the people who came here don't count, not to mention that they didn't come late."

"Cold ice, you are being unreasonable."

"It's you who didn't make the rules clear."


She looked at the other side with a smile, and Mu Dianye on this side also looked over, but at the moment when they looked at each other, he unexpectedly moved his expression coldly. For a moment, the cold ice was stunned there.

The happiest thing is Che Taixiang. He hasn't seen cold ice for many days, and Mu Dianye became a little strange after returning from abroad. Today, he finally saw her. He really wanted to know what happened to the two of them abroad.

Unexpectedly, before his words came out, Shu Yeyue here shouted at Mu Dianye, "You came here on purpose at this time, right? You know I'm betting with Leng Bingbing, so you brought so many people here at this time? Let me tell you, you used to come to disturb my actions, but this time I didn't allow you to do anything.

However, Mu Dianye just glanced at him and said, "That's your business. It has nothing to do with me. Whatever you are playing."

Shu Yeyue was stunned.

I was stunned.

Che Taixiang was stunned.

Even the brothers who came with Mu Dianye were stunned.