Invert the universe

Chapter 111 Win-Win Mutual Benefit

"Well, these are the three conditions for me. Do you have anything else to add? Oh, by the way, if I want to collect some resources, can I ask the auction house for help? Li Chuan said happily.

"Of course, if the Li Chuan brothers have any needs, you can directly tell Hongjun and me, and we will help you solve it!" Hongshan nodded and said.

"Let's talk about the distribution of benefits! How do the Li Chuan brothers want to distribute it? Elder Shan put forward the next agenda.

"I don't have any concept of this, or you decide me, and I will agree if I think it's okay!" Li Chuan leaned against the soft chair and said relaxedly.

"Look, how about five or five points? Little brother, you only refine the magic elixir, and everything else is the responsibility of the auction house. We will pay 50 points for the profit from the auction!" Hongshan rubbed his hands and smiled at Li Chuan.

"Materials are a little difficult to collect, but if I succeed in refining, I believe it will be easy to auction, and every magic elixir is sky-high. You are only responsible for a process of collecting materials..." Li Chuan was ready to open his mouth and began to ask for prices.

"In my opinion, little brother, we are four or six points, and you are six and we are four! I have seen the formula. Many materials are difficult to collect, and the price is not expensive. We paid this part of the money. In fact, with the human and material resources and the price of purchasing materials, our profit is only 30%. Do you think it's good? Elder Shan interrupted Li Chuan's words.

"Well, since it's cooperation, since the auction house is so sincere, I won't be pretentious. Let's make it! Four and me six!" Li Chuan sat up straight and said very seriously to the three people in front of him.

"I, Hongshan, swore to the demon god. Our demon god auction house cooperated with Li Chuan and made a profit of 46 points. He accounted for six and my auction house accounted for four points. Li Chuan was responsible for refining magic elixir, and we were responsible for all the collection of materials and follow-up work. Please testify that if there is any violation, you will be punished by the demon god and will never be reborn!" Hongshan came to a demon statue in the room very solemnly, knelt down respectfully and solemnly swore. When the oath was over, he bit his index finger and looked at Li Chuan.

Li Chuan also knows that this is a contract-like oath, which needs to be vowed to be drawn into an exclusive symbol after the fusion of blood, so as to get the justice and recognition of the demon god. If anyone wants to break the oath, he will be punished in the eyes of the demon god.

Bite a wound on the index finger, and a few drops of purple-gold blood flew out and merged with Hongshan's blood, and then was guided by Hongshan to form a strange symbol in the air. After Hongshan finished painting, the symbol floated and rotated in the air. After ten breaths, two illusory symbols shrouded Li Chuan and Hongshan respectively. After hovering on the top of Hongshan for a while, the symbol returned to the previous symbol to coincide with it. However, Li Chuan's symbol returned to the previous symbol position after surrounding Li Chuan and merged with it. Finally, the symbol quickly rose into the air and disappeared.

"Well, Lord Demon has recognized our oath, and our cooperation agreement has been reached!" The next moment when the symbol disappeared, Hong Shan said to Li Chuan with some ease.

Li Chuan nodded to show that he knew, and then said to Hong Shan, "Well, since the discussion has been completed, let's talk about the auction of this magic elixir, right?"

"Brother, I want to buy this magic elixir in my personal name. Don't worry, the price will definitely be according to the price after the auction!" Hongshan still misses this Moyang Dan.

"Since we cooperate, I will first show some sincerity, and this elixir will give it to you. It is the sincerity of cooperation. I will not let the Hongshan brothers suffer, but I still have the last one now. This elixir must be auctioned, and according to my conditions, no magic crystals, just star stone!" Li Chuan added another jade bottle in his hand and said to Hong Shan.

Li Chuan's words really surprised the three again. The magic elixir worth tens of millions of magic crystals was sent, and he actually had one on his body. Listening to his previous words, it seemed that he had eaten a magic yang elixir. In this way, he actually had three magic yang elixir. What is this? This is a symbol of strength.

Hongshan is not an ordinary person. He has never seen any rare treasures or experienced any scenes. He is simply a rich spokesperson, but today he knows what is really rich. Li Chuan's words are that tens of millions of more magic crystals may take action! This kind of courage can't be enjoyed by everyone, even he can't do it.

"Brother Li Chuan, I also need it urgently. Can I buy this one?" At this time, Hongjun was a little anxious and rushed to Li Chuan.

"Fang Xin, I'll give you the recipe. If you can help me make up the materials, I'll give you a Moyang elixir for free! How about it? You should know that two pieces of material are generally very good. If you are lucky, you can produce three pieces. If you are unlucky, you will fail and nothing! Anyway, if you help me collect a copy of the materials, I will give you one for free anyway, how about that? Li Chuan said to Hongjun with a smile.

"Okay, brother, please give me the recipe, and I'll collect the materials!" Hongjun was very excited. He didn't expect Li Chuan to be so talkative. He also knew that in fact, the money to collect materials is less than one-fifth of the final auction price of Moyang Dan, so he is still very cost-effective.

Hongjun rushed out of the room excitedly with the formula. Shan Lao shook his head and smiled, "It's still so reckless!" Please forgive me, little brother!"

"Mountain, you're welcome. I still prefer people with a personality like Hongjun, refreshing!" Li Chuan replied politely. He was in a very good mood. He didn't expect to have such a big harvest, and his next plan could save a lot of time.

"Well, Brother Li Chuan, let me operate the auction of Moyang Dan. We also began to collect some formula materials, and then we will discuss when to start refining Moyang Dan!" Hong Shan said to Li Chuan.

"I need a separate courtyard, and then I will start refining immediately when the materials are collected, but no one can disturb me or watch it secretly during the refining period. If I fail for these reasons, I will not bear any responsibility!" Of course, Li Chuan will also put out his own conditions.

"Don't worry about this, brother. Even if you don't say it, I will tell the people below to pay attention to it. I will arrange it immediately. So the auction is settled? I will prepare well and sell it to you at a good price!" Hong Shan looked at the two jade bottles on the table with a smile.

"Well, remember, as long as my request is exchanged for Tianxing Stone, everything else is free!" Li Chuan specially urged Hongshan again.

Hong Shan agreed. After talking for a while, Hong Shan sent someone to take Li Chuan to a separate and quiet courtyard to rest, and then went to arrange the auction of the magic elixir by himself.

The next day, a huge wave made the whole holy city boil. The demon auction house actually held a huge auction half a month later, and the final treasure turned out to be a magic elixir to strengthen the physique.

This news spread almost all over the holy world in one day. For a while, everyone rushed to tell each other, and almost no one knew that the demon auction house was going to auction a magic elixir.

This is explosive news. Everyone knows how rare a magic pill this is. It has many miraculous effects. This time it is a rare effect to strengthen their physique. Everyone wants to have such a magic elixir to strengthen their physique and want to break through another level of strength.

But there is only one magic elixir after all, so many people can only sigh and become a beautiful reverie and wish.

And several city owners of the holy city also sent people to inquire about the news and ask whether the information was reliable. After receiving a positive reply, the twelve city chief elders also became interested in Moyang Dan, and even several city owners had heard the news of Li Chuan. After all, when many people still heard Li Chuan's words, the auction house began to publicize it the next day.

The twelve city chief elders sent invitations to invite Li Chuan to a banquet they specially arranged, but they were all declined on the grounds that Li Chuan was retreating.

Of course, Hongshan knows what these elders have been thinking about to dig Li Chuan and serve their needs. Of course, such a flood can't cut off your financial path. If you can stop it, you can block it. In your heart, you are also praying that Li Chuan will not be affected by their **.