Invert the universe

Chapter 132 City Lord Sosa

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"Kill.. Kill.. Killed! Unexpectedly, he killed people in the city!"

"Someone killed people in the city. Although the soldiers of the city owner's mansion are all cowardly, the city owner is not vegetarian and ordered to ban killing in the city. This boy is dead!"

"It was too fast just now. Can you see how he killed these people?"

When it calms down, there is a heated discussion. They have seen a lot, but it is rare to kill people in the city. Generally, there is no good end to kill people in the city. Is there any conflict or conflict that the city owner explicitly prohibits killing in the city? Yes, but you must not kill people in the city. You have to hit them outside. How much you die has nothing to do with the city.

Killing in the city is a blatant contempt for the city owner. The city owner will definitely kill the murderer in person and never tolerate it. There were also people who provoked the pressure of the city owner, but without exception, they either immediately ran away and were hunted down by the city owner or directly killed by the city owner. None of them had a high end.

Li Chuan quietly sat back in his original position without any expression, as if it had nothing to do with the death of those people just now. He said to the shopkeeper in the back hall, "Boss, is my meal ready?"

All the people were a little sluggish. At this time, Xue Tu walked to Li Chuan's table and kindly reminded Li Chuan, "Brother, you'd better leave quickly. You're new here, alas! It's too reckless. The lord of the city is going to take action in person. Now leave before the news comes out! You can't stay here anymore!"

"Thank you for this big brother's reminder, but I don't want to leave, and I also want to see the strength of the city lord! Thank you. If I don't die and will join your team in the future, I just don't know if you will accept me? Li Chuan replied politely and finally asked with a smile.

"Oh, little brother, you are still young, because these bastards are not worth it. Although your strength is very strong, the strength of the city owner is stronger. You'd better leave quickly. If you didn't kill people before, I will immediately recruit you into our team!" Xue Tu still persuaded bitterly.

At this time, the shopkeeper and the shopkeeper heard the discussion in the store, stretched out his neck from the door of the back hall and looked at the outside. He did not see the messy scene or the sound of the battle. Hearing Li Chuan's call to walk out of the back hall, he saw several bodies lying on the ground looking at Li Chuan with horror.

"Go and report to the lord of the city that someone has killed someone!" The shopkeeper first roared at the little one, and then the little one spread his legs and ran in the direction of the city lord's mansion.

"Hey, this guest officer, I think you'd better go quickly. The small shop can't afford to hold the city owner's guilt. After a while, the city owner comes and please help prove that it's not the person killed by my shop!" The shopkeeper first said to Li Chuan, and then said with a smile to the people present.

Li Chuan looked at the shopkeeper and said, "Don't worry, these people deserve to die. I won't involve you. Go and bring up the food I ordered," he said, and the magic crystals that rose directly from the group of people on the ground flew towards Li Chuan.

Then Li Chuan handed several magic crystals to the shopkeeper and stopped talking, signaling him to quickly bring all the meals he had ordered.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Listen to my advice and leave quickly, or it will be too late!" Xue Tu still persuaded bitterly.

Other people also cast pitiful eyes at Li Chuan. Although they didn't say anything, they all wondered if this boy was funny? In fact, many people die in the city every day, but in general, they can quickly escape from this place after killing, and the city owner will also chase and kill for a certain distance. As long as he can escape 1,000 kilometers, the city owner will not chase him.

It's rare to see what Li Chuan should do after killing people. Someone once did this with his own strength, but he fought with the city owner and was finally killed by the city owner of Sosa.

"Thank you for reminding me, but I really don't need it. If you don't mind us for a drink, wait for the city owner to come. If I don't die, you will take me in!" Li Chuan said with some jokes.

He has a doubled affection for this middle-aged man named Xue Tu, because he is really worried about himself. Li Chuan's spiritual knowledge and intuition are quite keen, and the bleeding Tu he can feel reveals that he is sincere and sincerely thinking about himself. Li Chuan heard their conversation clearly before. If he can stay after the battle with the city owner here, he is ready to join their team to take a try.

"Okay, brother, if you can see my blood slaughter, join my blood slaughter team. At worst, we will leave the Beast City and go somewhere else now!" Blood Tu patted his chest and looked back at several other team members.

Several other people also came to agree. Li Chuan looked at each of them. These people made him feel quite bloody. They were not the kind of others who were arrogant. It seemed that the captain of Blood Tu was quite competent and well-looking.

"Do you want to leave after killing someone in my territory? Humph, I don't take Sosa's words too seriously. Don't let me go. Other people who have nothing to do with killing will leave immediately, otherwise don't blame me Sosa for not passing by you in advance!"

At this time, a cold voice sounded from the door of the restaurant. A handsome young man was dressed in bright silver armor, and his long black hair floated behind him. A pair of sharp eyes tightly locked Li Chuan. Sosa frowned and stared at Li Chuan. He didn't know what he was thinking, as if he was a little suspicious and puzzled. , the face is not very good.

"How could this happen? It shouldn't be!" The man stood at the door of the restaurant, underestimated a sentence with some uncertainty, and the suspicion on his face was even stronger.

This person is Sosa, the owner of the Beast City. His strength cannot be underestimated. In fact, the strength of each city owner is quite strong, but the ranking does not represent the strength of the city, but depends on the overall strength of the soldiers in the city.

"Lord, this little brother was also forced to kill. It was the fire that found fault first and said wildly!" Xue Tu immediately came forward and explained to Sosa, trying to plead for Li Chuan.

"The owner of this city said that people who have nothing to do with the murderer will leave immediately, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk!" Sosa was not moved at all and kept staring at Li Chuan and said seriously.

"Brother Xue Tu, you'd better follow the words of the city owner and leave quickly. If you are lucky, we will see you again!" Li Chuan smiled and persuaded Xue Tu and others to leave immediately.

At this time, other guests in the restaurant also got up and went out of the restaurant, but they didn't go far. Of course, they were like seeing how the owner of Sosa executed the rookie and gathered around the restaurant and looked inside.

"Lord, you see...!" What else does Xue Tu want to say?

"If you don't leave, you will be guilty of the murderer!" Sosa's voice was cold at this time, and he said with some dissatisfaction with Xue Tu.

"Brother Xue Tu, listen to me and leave here first. I killed the people. I'm responsible for it myself. Don't involve the team!" Li Chuan said while wink at several other members of the blood slaughter team standing beside him.

"Captain, let's leave first and see how this little brother is. I believe he will stay!" Several other people also persuaded blood slaughter when they saw Li Chuan's look.

Xue Tu had no choice but to sigh and silently walked out of the restaurant with several people. Li Chuan still sat quietly at the dinner table, looking calmly at Sosa standing at the door.

"Why kill people? The owner of this city once announced that he killed people in the city, and those who violate it will die!"

After saying the last word 'death', the momentum began to press on Li Chuan, trying to overwhelm Li Chuan with his own momentum.

Unfortunately, Li Chuan was still quiet and peaceful, and his hair did not move. He still looked at Sosa with a smile and said nothing.