Invert the universe

Chapter 203 In the Fierce Battle

Compared with the rising momentum of Li Chuan and Moyang Laozu, the battle outside is more fierce and fierce. The battle had just begun, and several beast kings also sent signals to the team members outside the city.

Seeing the signal, Xiaobao and others also rushed towards the holy city at the first time. At the same time, they were quite anxious. After all, only a few people rushed to the holy city and saw a large number of guards gathered towards the elders one after another. The sound of killing shocked the sky, and several people could not rise into the air, because the pressure of the holy city was really strong. As long as they were about a meter away from the ground, they would be under very terrible pressure.

I can't see the situation clearly. Only Ye Zi stood on the roof of a building under pressure and reported the specific details of it to everyone.

In this way, the team members also opened fire with all their strength, and no one left their hands. They echoed the five beast kings in the inner circle, and also temporarily delayed the speed and flow of a large number of guards rushing towards the elder house. The fire-fired team is definitely a terrible meat grinder. Several beast kings fighting in it suddenly felt that the number of guards was significantly reduced. Although they were not afraid of these guards, the so-called two fists were difficult to fight against death. What's more, these guards were not mortals, but also those who were more than the third level.

If these guards are taken out, they are not weak, but they are not enough to see in front of several beast kings and team members. Even if the holy city is not all above the sixth level, now the team members are also wondering where the masters have gone?

It's not to blame them, because those that Wujin found before were the main force of the Moyang Sect, and their strength was above the fifth level one after another, but they were really unlucky. As soon as they were defeated, they met several beast kings, so they were directly killed by several beast kings early. The headquarters of Moyang Sect is not in the holy city, but the ancestor of Moyang is hidden in the holy city, so most of the fifth-level masters are not in the holy city, which caused such a situation.

Now all the people are fighting fiercely, and the battle is still like one-sided. The four beast kings and Wujin here are like cutting wheat. The fallen guards are piece by pieces. The bodies on the ground are incomplete. They are burned by the magic flame of the flame and become ashes again, and even the blood is burned by this high temperature.

The battle continued, and the ten elders also led all the guards to attack several beast kings and Ujin. Their strength was not weak, and they were all masters of the sixth-level. Unfortunately, it was not enough to see the seven-level beast king. Although there were many small fish and shrimps disturbed, they still could not stop the four strong None of the ten elders of the beast kings left, and all died at the hands of the four beast kings.

Now the arrival of the team members, they are responding outside, commanded by Ye Zi, and cooperating with several beast kings to attack the guards who rushed in, and these guards are not afraid of death. Although the team members have also experienced the test of blood and fire, they are still a little soft to kill people until now.

While everyone was fighting fiercely and fighting, a very strong airflow suddenly came from the elder's, which rushed everyone away and headed out. Almost the fourth-level people were scattered by this violent airflow. Only a few people could still stand still, but they stood there. It is also very difficult.

"Go and take your brothers out of here first! Come back to help Brother Li Chuan!" The Taurus King roared at the other three beast kings. The four beast kings are the most relaxed in this storm. They can now move in the storm and wrap the team members and monsters away from here.

This storm was not caused by others. It was a collision between Li Chuan and Moyang Laozu that caused such a big storm.

Moyang ancestor condensed into a huge monster with black silk thread. At first glance, it looks like a huge skull, but this skull has two mouths and three eyes, which are extremely ugly, and its body is piled up by the magic flames spit out from Moyang's mouth. It is an annoying roar and The shouts of fear filled it and disturbed other people's minds, but Li Chuan was not among them.

Li Chuan's regrettable seal is also quite strong. This time, he could not be careless and no longer reserved it. He tried his best to use all his strength to successfully print the regretful seal. It was the first time to exert all his strength. Even if Li Chuan is now at the peak of the sixth level, he still can't stand it. This regret is really strong, and all six successes have been sucked away, which makes Li Chuan really speechless.

If you do it again, it is estimated that Li Chuan can't stand it and can only be maintained by elixir. At this time, Li Chuan is a little depressed. It seems that he has to speed up his cultivation. While improving his strength, he also needs to increase his true element. Otherwise, such an attack like regret can only be used as an attack, and the second level is estimated to be terrible. , can only be suppressed and even die.

When Li Chuan finished the regretful seal, he suddenly looked up, with a smile on his mouth, and there was a little expectation in his eyes. Obviously, he was full of confidence in his regretful seal. After all, he had seen the power of this seal. Even if he did not use all his strength, the destructive power was not bearable by anyone, even Li Chuan I am very confident in my body and dare not resist.

After the printing was completed, the strong momentum emitted by Li Chuan's body disappeared in an instant. In the center of Li Chuan's hands, a small earthy brown fist-sized sphere slowly rotated, and there was nothing surprising. There was a strange place, that was a slight light.

How powerful and destructive can this regretful seal be? Li Chuan pushed gently full of expectation, and then the spiritual consciousness locked the Moyang ancestor in front of him. The small earthy-brown fist in his hand seemed to be slow but quickly towards the Moyang ancestor, leaving only a trace of taillight along the way to prove its terrible speed.

When Li Chuan launched the regretful seal in his hand, Moyang Laozu also bit his finger and threw a drop of dark black blood like a pearl from his finger, which hit the ugly ghost head. Suddenly, the ghost head was full of fierce light, and two big eyes like lanterns suddenly The strange blood-red light suddenly locked Li Chuan.

Li Chuan was locked, but he was quite calm and did not move at all. Instead, he easily let himself lock himself and looked at the bright ribbon with an expectant face.



The ghost locked Li Chuan and opened his huge mouth, revealing extremely sharp fangs to attack Li Chuan, but when it just left, it collided with the small earth ball in Li Chuan's hand.

When he saw the small ball in Li Chuan's hand before, Moyang Laozu felt that this son's attack would not be that simple, but when he thought of the defense and resilience of his two-mouthed ghost, Moyang Laozu did not pay attention to Li Chuan's attack at all. He thought that at best, he would hinder the speed of the two-mouthed demon. If you can't control to let this little thing over and deal with it yourself, if you let the two-mouthed devil get close, hey hey...

But the proud smile solidified on the face of Moyang's ancestor in an instant and turned into panic. After the two-mouthed ghost collided with this inconspicuous small earth ball, the two-mouthed demon, which made the founder of Moyang's self-confident, was instantly detonated, making a loud noise, and also formed an air wave visible to the naked eye, rippling in all directions.

No matter how strong and tough the surrounding buildings are, they will be instantly flattened by this wave and become a ruin. And those his men also suddenly fell down like cutting wheat, which was unexpected by Moyang Laozu. Li Chuan was also satisfied with this effect, and the expectation on his face became stronger. At the same time, he saw that the ancestor of Moyang retreated quickly and retreated to the rear. He was also Jin and could not let him escape. The five stone tripod collected by Moyangzong must be on the ancestor of Moyang. If he was allowed to escape, I don't know how much he needed. It takes a long time to gather the nine stone tripods. Only by collecting the nine stone tripods can you open the mysterious transmission array and leave here. Even without Shi Ding, Li Chuan will not let go of this Moyang ancestor. His enemy, Li Chuan, has never let go of the habit of killing.

Neither of them expected this result. Li Chuan followed up and locked Moyang's ancestor and controlled the rapid approach of the regrettable seal. Moyang Laozu couldn't believe what he saw, but he can't think about it now, because a big trouble has come. He doesn't have time to think about it. Let's avoid this disaster first.

While retreating, Moyang's ancestor's face first showed a look of hesitation, and then turned into a grim color, as if he had made a decision.

Li Chuan chased Moyang Laozu and followed him all the way. He had been staring at Moyang Laozu. When he saw Moyang Laozu's expression, he knew that things were not good. There must be a big move.