Invert the universe

Chapter 239 Golden Bridge

At this time, Li Chuan didn't know what happened on the void above his head. What he was thinking now was to borrow the magic weapons of the ten halls of Yanluo as soon as possible and then find the whereabouts of Duan Linger.

According to the mark on the map, he is not far from the area where the king of rotation is located, but he can't see the marked island, which is really a little strange. He doubts whether the map given to him by Judge Cui is accurately marked or takes a fake map to perfunctory himself.

Now Li Chuan's realm is in the early days of Yuanying. He has just felt Zhao Wuji's realm, and he can't see Zhao Wuji's reality clearly, which makes Li Chuan sigh for his terrible strength and deeply feel his shortcomings!

"No wonder the old man Guzi said that he wanted me to go out alive. There are only ten hell here. It is estimated that each of his strength is comparable to Zhao Wuji. If he really offend them all, it's hard to say that Zhao Wuji is enough to deal with it by himself. It's good to escape his life. If ten people work together, they can only die!" Li Chuan thought while flying. Looking at the world, his intuition always felt that someone was staring at all his actions.

"Grandpa, is that you?" Li Chuan stopped and looked up at the dim yellow sky. He couldn't help thinking of his grandfather. At the beginning, his grandfather told himself from the fantasy that now he also has a certain strength and will no longer intervene to guide himself in the future. So why do he still have this feeling? And I have never felt this feeling of being monitored before, but now it is getting stronger and stronger, especially now.

"According to the mark on the map, this should be the area where the rotating king is located. Although the area is relatively large, at least he should be able to see his island or palace and so on. How can it still be a vast ocean?" Li Chuan took out the map and carefully compared it again to confirm that this is the area to which the wheel king belongs. How could it not be?

"The junior Li Chuante came to visit His Royal Highness, hoping that His Royal Highness will appear and meet the younger generation!" After checking that there was no movement around, Li Chuan had to shout loudly around. His voice was loud and loud. Although the sound from here was very short, Li Chuan had no other way now.

It was not until Li Chuan shouted several times that there was a movement in the sea of suffering under him, which made Li Chuan very excited. Could it be that the palace of the rotating king could not be under the sea of suffering, elifting his body and quietly watching the movement on the sea of suffering?

A small whirlpool slowly appeared on the calm bitter sea. It was strange that it was around the whirlpool. The yellow spring water was still calm, and the ripples did not ripple around. All the movements were silent, even the ripples ripples within a fixed range.

The first to appear is a golden bridge made of gold, which slowly extends from the whirlpool. At this time, the whirlpool has also stopped, and a black hole like a hole appeared in the earth, emitting a horrible roar and scream from it, and no one appears.

Li Chuan didn't know whether this was the hall where the rotating king was located, but seeing that the style of the bridge was similar to the Naihe Bridge he had walked before. It should be a unified style, so Li Chuan no longer hesitated and slowly landed on the golden bridge.

As soon as he stepped on the golden bridge, a voice resounded into Li Chuan's heart, which shocked him, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"You can see me after stepping on the other five bridges, otherwise you will go to hell, never get out of the sea of suffering, and can't be reincarnated again!"

Hearing this, Li Chuan was relieved and knew that the bridge was not so good, and there should be some checkpoints, so he cautiously paced on the bridge made of pure gold, did not make a boldly, and walked forward slowly.

In a blink of an eye, Li Chuan marched to about half of the Golden Bridge. At this time, he had come to the sea of suffering. The dim yellow spring water around made the light in the cave a little mottled. In the center of the golden bridge, a pattern attracted Li Chuan's attention.

This is a picture of suffering, which depicts the torture of the treacherous and evil people in the region. Li Chuan faintly heard the heartbreaking screams and howls.

Just a glance, Li Chuan deeply fell into this pattern, and everything in front of him began to change. He actually put himself in the picture and watched the little ghosts excitedly torture a thief and rat-eyed man and tied him to the wooden frame. A little ghost cracked his mouth and laughed, with a front in his hand. Li's knife cut open the man's abdomen, and suddenly all the blood, intestines and other organs flowed down. The man's tragic howl was endless, and he was tied all over and unable to struggle, but the painful expression on his face did not seem to be fake.

Even with Li Chuan's indifference, he felt a little cruel, but the next moment, his vision changed again, and the scene was still the surrounding scene, but the one who was tied up became himself. Without any struggle, he quietly waited for torture.

Li Chuan wanted to struggle, but he couldn't struggle out, even if he closed his eyes. Suddenly, a heartbreaking pain came from his abdomen. He felt that his blood was losing, and his vitality was slowly being sucked away by something, and his whole body was weak.

"No!!!!" Li Chuan roared loudly, but he found that his throat was cut off. The desperate roar only accelerated the loss of blood. There was no other meaning. His roar also turned into a hoarse airflow, which only he could hear.

Slowly lowered my head and saw that my five organs were hanging under my body and my stomach was still wriggling. This scene was so bloody and exciting that even with Li Chuan's determination, I couldn't hold on any longer.

"Enough! Roar...!" Hearing a roar, Li Chuan, standing on the Golden Bridge, suddenly trembled all over. In fact, it broke out in an instant, disturbing the airflow around him.

Li Chuan has just fallen into the fantasy of this pattern, but this fantasy is much more terrible than everything he has encountered before. At this time, Li Chuan's abdomen was already bleeding. The previous scene did not seem to be fake. The tingling still came, which made Li Chuan's back feel cold. If he had a little later, it was estimated that he would really be disembowed.

Li Chuan roared, and the last point of Qingming in the spiritual platform finally broke out under the tingling pain on his body, pulling Li Chuan out of this most real fantasy. At this time, Li Chuan couldn't help but be a little afraid. He secretly said that the bridge was really strange and killed people invisibly. Even in his best field, he almost said it.

Li Chuan, who was a little cautious, was more cautious and always concentrated his spiritual knowledge to prevent a similar time from happening again, but something more painful happened to Li Chuan.

I have seen another bridge in front of me. This bridge is all silver and made of silver. Although he knows that these bridges are strange, he has nothing to do. If he wants to see the wheel king, he must step over these bridges.

The real fantasy just now also sounded the alarm for Li Chuan. It's absolutely not simple here. If you don't pay attention, you will really die. Even if you have a strong fairy demon body, you will be injured. Now there are faint waves of pain in your abdomen that wake up. At this time, the wound has begun to heal.

"This is the first bridge, which is already so powerful that people can't defend against it. The remaining bridges should be more careful!" Li Chuan looked ahead, and now he can only vaguely see the silver-white bridge, and it is dark inside. He can't see what the remaining bridges inside are like.

Only this pattern of the whole golden bridge is the most powerful, and the rest is not important. In addition, Li Chuan also paid special attention to it, so it didn't take long for the rest of time and was broken through by Li Chuan one by one.

At this time, his position is exactly at the junction of the Golden Bridge and the Silver Bridge. There is no danger here for the time being. Li Chuan can also breathe a sigh of relief and make temporary adjustments to meet the next challenges. I don't know what kind of danger this silver bridge will be waiting for him.