Invert the universe

Chapter 246 Inversion

At this time, Li Chuan was in extreme danger. A large number of flames appeared on his body, emitting purple, gold, black and gray spiritual fires. His clothes had been burned into ashes by the terrible high temperature. Li Chuan's skin also began to rupture, and the purple-gold blood was evaporated into fog by the terrible high temperature in Li Chuan. Surrounded by.

"Hide Road! This is a sign that we are going to turn the way!" King Qin Guang said in surprise and loudly, his eyes were full of shock and panic.

At this time, when everyone heard Qin Guangwang's words, they were also shocked. They were quite clear that no one could stop the power of the Tao. Only when all the energy was burned out would they stop. This power could not be resolved even by the heavenly way.

"This boy is finished!" Everyone was shocked at the same time, and this idea filled everyone's hearts.

In just a few breaths, Li Chuan's muscles and bones were exposed, and his skin had disappeared, revealing his body's muscles, bones, etc. The red and white looked quite horrible. Li Chuan's eyes were closed, and his eye sockets were about to be burned by this horrible inexplicable flame.

At this time, Li Chuan's mind was still confused. The picture he saw before, coupled with what the skeleton monk said, made him fall into this dangerous situation, but he himself did not feel anything, as if he was sleeping, and there was no pain at all, as if the burning was not himself.

The energy in the body is slowly flowing. At Li Chuan's left arm, there is a green node, which is no longer as bright as before, and the green light is a little dim. It can be clearly seen that there is a small space in Dantian. Li Chuan's Yuanying sits cross-legged and his eyes are closed, his mouth keeps reading the formula, and the purple-gold little hands are also constantly knotting.

In Li Chuan's whole body, a stream of energy flowed out of his bones and veins, converging into a chaotic qi, slowly flowing into Dantian and being absorbed into the mouth by Yuanying. The node at the position of the left arm bone also slowly separated from the bone and came around Yuanying in the direction of the airflow. After rotating for several weeks, it slowly fell on Li Chuan Yuanying's eyebrows, forming a new green light spot.

After that, Li Chuan's body could no longer stand the terrible high temperature and was burned into ashes. Only a watermelon-sized ball wrapped Yuanying. No matter how the terrible high temperature around him was calcinized, it could not be damaged at all, just quietly suspended there.

"His body has been burned down by the power of Taoism!" King Equality looked at all the movements on the evil mirror platform with a complicated look. He was a little unhappy that Li Chuan could be favored, but when he saw the state at this time, he felt a little sorry for Li Chuan. This complex mood filled the hearts of everyone of the Ten Halls of the King of Heian, and even Zhao Wuji was a little sad.

Like Li Chuan, they were all selected as inheritors by three mysterious old men. Unfortunately, they were all failures and were eliminated! They were lucky enough to survive. They had seen too many inheritors for thousands of years, but they all died tragically. Nothing left was left and dissipated in this world.

Everyone envies that they have high-level skills secrets, strong cultivation and strength, but in the end, they are also sad after all. They can't break through the trials and finally die, which is their greatest sadness. For so long, they have also looked down on these and have been a little numb, but Li Chuan has been able to get to this point, but now he is also changing, which makes them a pity.

At this time, Li Chuan's consciousness was a little vague, and there was only that sentence in his consciousness: "The sea of suffering is boundless, and turning back is the shore!" This sound has been echoing in his consciousness like the sound of heaven for a long time, as if there is no sound between heaven and earth, and there is only one between heaven and earth, wandering quietly in this empty and lonely world.

"No! I don't want this feeling of emptiness and loneliness. Who are you? What right do you have to make me look back? Who said that the sea of suffering is boundless? So what's behind you?" Li Chuan shouted loudly, but his voice was only heard by himself, and the voice around him was still full of ** words, 'The sea of bitterness is boundless, and turning back is the shore'.

Li Chuan's voice fought against this empty voice. At this time, he didn't know where he was. The void around him seemed to be in the void, without any sound, only the damn voice echoing.

Gradually, a strong pressure appeared around, trying to crush Li Chuan. The pressure above gradually bent Li Chuan's legs. Li Chuan bowed his face with sweat and pain, trying to keep him from kneeling to the ground.

"My fate is controlled by myself, and I don't need anyone to arrange all this for me! It doesn't need to be at the mercy of anyone, and no one can do it!" Thinking about this in his heart, Li Chuan suddenly felt that his whole body was full of strength again. He straightened his waist, raised his head, and roared again, "I won't give in to you, absolutely!"

Suddenly, the lightning and thunder around, and the terrible thunder and lightning hit Li Chuan. The originally quiet and windless space instantly blew a strong wind, which immediately hung Li Chuan's skin and became a skeleton, but Li Chuan still straightened his waist and raised his head up, and the mouth that became a skeleton was opened up.

"Boom!" Suddenly, everything around changed, the terrible thunder and lightning disappeared, the wind stopped, the confused sound disappeared, and the surroundings returned to silence again. There was no light, and the surroundings were dark.

At this time, a strong light suddenly burst out over the ghost world, and there was a huge wave in the calm ghost world like death. The whole ghost world began to shake, and all the evil soldiers were frightened. The lethality brought by this strong light was like a nuclear bomb. The shadow soldiers and ghosts swept away by this strong light were all The department disappeared.

From a distance, the strong light is not very strong, but it shines down from the sky without warning. It looks even pleasing to the eyes. A bright light suddenly fell from the dim yellow sky, as if the cloud after the rain did not dissipate. The charming sunlight penetrated through the gap of the cloud, full of hope.

At this time, Li Chuan's position is just within the range of strong light, and the fires of several colors around him have also disappeared. Only Li Chuan's Yuanying hovering in the air is a little psyched by the strong light.

The skeleton monk in the distance also found this strong light. His mouth was wide open and he said in surprise, "Impossible, how could this happen!" It seems that the arrival of this strong light surprised him. After saying this, his figure disappeared, and the wave behind him also returned to tranquility, in sharp contrast to the sea of suffering in front of him, half yellow and half blue transparent. Obviously, this is a dividing line.

The strong light made Li Chuan's Yuanying wake up and look at everything around him with some doubts, but he understood a lot at this time.

Just as his Yuanying woke up, a colorful light in the sky also fell down, surrounded by petals and fragrance around him. Li Chuan**'s nose smelled this lovely fragrance of flowers and was immediately intoxicated.

The colorful light landed on Li Chuan's Yuanying, and suddenly the strong five-color light was so great that the people in the Qin Guang Hall could no longer see the situation clearly, because the strong light made their eyes very painful.

"No!" Just as the five-color light landed on Li Chuan Yuanying, a roar of sadness, indignation and anger came. It was the skeleton monk who had disappeared before. His skull-like hand reached into the strong light, and suddenly the strong light emitted pungent white smoke, but he couldn't stop anything. The colorful light has After landing on Li Chuan.

"Wow!" The skeleton monk also wanted to chase Li Chuan's side, trying to separate Li Chuan from this colorful light, but unfortunately, a transparent barrier suddenly appeared and shot him away, which could not be disturbed any more.

"Hmm!" The skeleton monk who was ejected suddenly stopped in the air. At this time, he began to become another person, a half-white and half-black old man, whose eyes were full of hatred and hummed coldly, looking at Li Chuan below.